Sunday, August 29, 2004

woo hoo.. im goin zpop ltr.. tink it will be filled w fun.. haha.. will be with mei mei.. yi wei.. shawn.. and daniel.. amanda suddenly say she dun wanna go.. =c.. haiz.. tot can have fun with her.. seems like its not goin to happen la..nvm la.. will update her abt wat happened on monday or ltr.. wah.. im so excited.. gonna hear energy sing ltr.. woo hoo.. whahahahha.. lalalallallalalalalalalallalalala.. k la..gotta go get ready le.. will tell u wat happen de.. dun worri k.. buaiz..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @15:32


Friday, August 27, 2004

sighz.. wat is life man? nw im gettin more involed in council.. at least i went for 2 consecutive days. thou its nt my first time but.. haiya.. dunno hw to say la.. ltr im gonna stay up and do work and i tell u mr daniel tan will make noise again.. haiz.. i haven finish my homework.. haven finish my council stuff.. haven even do my anniversary tings.. y all of a sudden im so busy??????????? can anybody tell me?????? well.. life is really so tiring la.. dun feel like going sch tml la.. xianz.. see how la.. k la.. gotta go do work le.. dun write le.. if nt i sure die de.. kk.. cant say dat word.. darlin dun like.. k la.. write another day..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @13:39


Tuesday, August 24, 2004

sighz.. came home early from sch.. my head is spinnin.. round and round and round.. OMG!!!!!!! and its getting on my nerves.. xianz.. now can do nth but rot at have to wait for darling to end sch dan go eat with him.. last nite we quarrelled again.. so tired know.. always will get into fights w him.. really wonder wen will be the day both of us cant take it annymore.. i love him alot and he love me alot too.. but why muz such ting always happen? i dun wan i dun wan.. i wan us to be like b4.. wen everything was juz so happy.. i really love my dear alot.. i cant imagine how my life will be without him.. i really need him in my life lor.. he is really the greatest thing dat has ever happened to me.. i love my darling.. but its unavoidable dat there are quarrels here and there.. sighz~ i know he's goin thru a tough time now.. shld i juz put aside everything and always be patient to him.. haiz.. 5th mth comin le.. dunno wat to do.. so i will be folding hearts for him. since it will be the 27/08.. i shall fold 278 hearths.. only few days left.. dunno if gt enuf time not.. its ok la.. as long as its for my dearest baobeianything im also willing to do.. even if it means like last mth liddat.. not sleeping for the entire nite.. haha.. im willing to do so.. k la.. theworld is really spinnin badly la.. i go slp le.. buaiz..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @17:34


Saturday, August 21, 2004

wah... today is the worst day ever la.. was suppose to let the sch know dat im the new housecap.. but guess wat i cant go on stage.. cuz ms choong strike off my name.. she say im on probation.. wat the hell.. she even suspect tat alyssa jiam and me are in cahoots lor.. she really is nuts.. i have never seen a tch like her b4.. so vicious.. she really horrible lor.. i never had a tch dat was so bias against me.. im a nice ger.. im a nice student.. even mrs poh oso not so bad to me lor.. why do jc tchs all so horrible? they really sux lor.. ltr hav to go see her.. dunno wat crap she wanna sae again.. juz let her be la.. wanna kick me out? kick lor.. althou i will abit bu ser de housecap cuz it was my dream but.. haiz.. forget it la.. resign to fate lor..
now.. let me bitch abt tat FAT AND ROUND BIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! her character really suxs lor.. she sucks to the core!!!!!!!!!! how can she go round spreadin nonsense bout ppl!!!!!!!!!!! really never met anybody as bad as her xia... if the things she said make sense.. k.. nvm.. but its all bullshit lor.. how can she say jiam anti-social? it totally dun make any sense at all.. i tell u.. all those fats had somehow gotten into her brain and overpowered her intelligence.. opps!!!!!!!! did i just say she got her brains.. im sorri.. i actually misjudged abt it.. hmmm.. really hope dat fat round bird and the fatty poo will roll down the stairs together and die on the spot.. if spore experience an earthquake i will know wat happened.. *evil laughters*

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @18:55


Friday, August 20, 2004

sighz~ im sick.. stayed at home the whole day.. din go out except goin for doc.. sighz~ cant even go eat ice-cream w yvonne, min zhi and yee hwa.. i sad sad.. *sobz*.. imagine the topless 5 ice cream.. omg!!! its so delicious!! haha..its ok.. i ate dat yesterday.. but im still so xianz!!! nvm ltr i go sudy my chinese.. see.. im a good ger.. yucks!!!! the medicine is so bitter!!! it sucks!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! k la k la.. cant type anymore.. im so sick..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @18:32


Wednesday, August 18, 2004

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is practically terrorising me.. im really suffering from constant scare from her!!! now is the 7th lunar month lor.. do you noe how scary is it? wah!!! she always want to claim credit lor.. wat the hell!!! dan she din even do any work besides the annex.. ma ciam the annex is more impt liddat.. wah!!! i really going to be haunt by her lor.. aft tis pw i wun be able to shake off this horrible shadow in my life.. haha.. and guess wat? she juz throw her temper in front of connie and both of them were shouting in com lab.. OMG!!! tat really took me on surprise.. im real scared now.. really glad dat pw is for one yr only.. next yr i will be free from all tis.. can live in peace in ny next yr le.. haha.. seriously i cant stand her.. omg.. im so terrorise.. tink nobody pw group is as bad as mine.. haha.. its so scary.. tink will leave a permanent scar in my brain from now toll ever.. wahahha.. cant wait to get my freedom.. hahah... now we have submitted the 1st draft of wr i can at least hav some peace frm nw till we get it back.. wahahah..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @11:54


Friday, August 13, 2004

sighz~ jiam has got out of council le.. one less person who i can talk to in council.. xianz.. now there's an empty housecap position for pegasus.. and i kinda want it.. but.. pei hua is oso one of the nominnee.. xianz~ dan she is like quite keen and quite confident in gettin it lor.. haizx.. maybe im juz never fated to get housecap ba.. its my life to get rejected TWICE ba.. as thou once is not enuf.. i hate my current committee.. they dun make me feel welcome.. not even a single bit.. feel like im a big reject there.. xianz.. i would prefer to go any single committe dan the one im in now.. it totally sux!!! hate council.. hate life.. hate myself!!!! URGH!!!!!!!!!
nothing seems to go on rite for me.. life really sux.. haiz.. all i can do now is to cross my fingers and toes and hope dat i can get to be housecap.. well.. GOD look after me.. bless me.. i really desperately need it today.. need it....................................................... NOW!!!!!!!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @18:14


im still mesmerized by energy.. they can sing they can dance they can rap they have the looks they can host shows they can make me go gaga.. haha.. dun u tink they has wat it takes to be the best? at least so much better dan 5566.. wah.. feel so insulted to even write it up here.. haha.. I WILL ALWAYS BE ENERGY FAN!!! THEY ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD!!! NTH CAN EVER REPLACE THEM.. haha.. oh.. i juz LOVE them la.. no matter wat u say they are still the best to me.. haha.. so forget it la..
oh!!!! heard from jiam just now dat FIR is coming to my sch!!! dunno real or not.. haha.. so excited!!!! they are really great singers.. their songs really damn nice lor.. Faye's voice is damn good.. damn nice.. damn powerful.. damn solid lor.. haha.. really cant wait to see them.. hopefully its not juz a lie la..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @14:00


hmmm.. wat a long holiday i had.. from friday till tuesday.. er.. maybe friday is not counted as one of the holiday but its still nice to have half day off.. after buzzing myself with council stuff.. i gladly went home get changed and went off and met my eva dearest chrystebel.. it has been quite some time since i last saw her.. we dan walked ard.. chilled out.. and as usual she just sit there quietly and listen to all my nonsense.. aft meeting her i went ps and met daniel.. we watched movies.. "village" and "i robot".. not bad la.. basically my day was liddat.. but something bad happen.. i sprained my ankle.. OMG!!! it was so swollen.. cant even sleep properly.. can die ar.. haha..kk.. so dats abt it for fri.. now come my eva exciting sat.. i stayed at home almost the whole day.. hmmm.. shift my room furniture here and there.. can u believe it? i can actually still work with my swollen leg.. so poor thing hor.. haha.. did nothing more dan clearing my room.. now my room totally has a new look.. woohoo!!! so happy!!! in the nite go fetch mummy dan we went chomp chomp for my dinner cum supper.. can u believe it? im actually havin my dinner wen everybody shld be slpin.. madness xia.. haha.. dat was how fruitful i spent my sat.. hmmm.. on sunday even worse.. early in the mornin got woken up by my mother.. ask me go church with her.. wah!!!! so slpy k.. not enuf slp ma.. dan i went lor.. aft church service mummy brought me to some place to rub my leg.. and my leg turn out to be like some ku ku liddat.. all wrapped up.. in such a big bundle somemore.. scary k.. now tink of it still pain xia.. dan in the nite went cetral and bought assessment books.. see how sad my life is? wahahaha.. did nth much la.. cuz of my wrapped up swollen leg.. hahaha.. hmmm.. dan it was the day dat i was eagerly waiting for.. it was 9th of AUGUST!!! ENERGY COMING TO TOWN!!! woke up early in the mornin and crawled my way down to IMM.. haha.. basically did nth much thr.. juz walked ard.. did nonsensical stuff.. catch up w yi wei.. and dan the time comes... *drumrolls* ENERGY ARRIVED!!! with their pretty faces.. grovvy dance moves.. all the pain the sweat the tiredness the long waiting all vanished into thin air.. OMG!!! THEY ARE SO GOD DAMN GORGEOUS!!! they really mesmerized me.. went on stage got their signature and OMG!!! i will never forget the way KUNDA looked at me!!!!!! He's the best thing on earth xia.. wahahaha.. know im getting nonsensical but i just love him.. and the smile shu wei gave me.. wah!!!! practically can die xia.. haha.. aiya.. aft dat juz went ard w daniel lor.. in the nite we went to watch fireworks.. so romantic hor.. haha.. ya.. dan tuesday i was not feeling well dan i stayed home and rest lor and not forgetting to do my econs.. haha.. ya.. dat was abt how i spent my holidays.. cant wait for my next holidays.. i LOVE holidays!!!haha.. hope my broken leg can get well soon..
[amanda feels too so so!!!!!!!!!!sinks to the floor in sadness and heart ache] <--- extra one

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @13:47


Friday, August 06, 2004

guess wat.. my life is rather torn apart now.. haiz.. i hav my promo exams to worry about.. i have my council stuff to take up my time.. my love life is also taking up my time.. i oso need to do my homework.. and i also hav to think about my family.. haiz.. sch ends so late every day.. if im goin for council it will end even later.. reach home alr got no energy to do homework.. my sleep has never been sufficient.. dat explains all the dark eye rings and eye bags and the constant dozzin off in class.. ZzzZzzZ.. after sch its either bf or council.. if i end up with bf we will go for dinner.. walk ard and dan go home.. which is either 8,9 or 10.. haiz.. but now not so bad le.. go home earlier.. if im goin 4 council b4 meeting him he will complain why so late and all.. dun u tink im torn apart? hav to attend council stuff yet i wanna please my bf.. haiz.. next, my mid yrs were shit!!!! cant believe i did so badly!!! i was totally horrified!!!! urgh!!! wat is this man!! promos are comin and its totally freaking me out.. wat if i FAIL? and i will retain and i wun be a councillor anymore.. it will be such a disgrace to me and to my family..haiz.. nowadays i dun even get time with my family members lor.. reach home bathe do homework talk to bf sleep.. do you see any time where i can talk to my family members? wen im not talkin to bf.. not doin homework..i will be msgin him.. wah.. tink abt my bill.. i can only msg him now.. lost contact w quite alot of frens alr.. haiz~ i dunno is this how a ger who is in love should be.. but this is how i am now.. and i totally dun like it.. i hope to have more time.. how nice will it be if 1day has more than 24hrs.. dan i can get to hav some private time.. some time which i can be free.. free from everything and do every thing i wanna do anything i love to do.. i no longer go swimming.. i no longer hang out w my pals.. no longer read newspaper everyday.. why is my life breaking up? why is my life so torn apart??? well.. no one has answers to this.. all i ask for now is to hav a slight change in situation.. not any change but change for the better...

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @18:24


sighz~ wat is love? why am i always getting into fights over trival stuff? i know he loves me.. i loves him too.. but why is this always happenin to us? is it bcuz im abad gf? am i always the one who is picking a fight? am i always the cause of it? i often wonder.. daniel is such a great guy.. always giving in to me.. forever being so nice to me.. i really dun understand why does two person who really loves each other have to get into fights so easily!!!! sighz~ tian li he zai ar!!!! i know i shldnt lose my temper easily at him.. but sometimes im really busy and he comes and irritate me at the wrong time.. not my fault k.. but i really do feel guilty after dat.. i have been trying very hard to be a nicer gf to him but its not working.. why is this so? is it bcuz of my stupid stubborn character? or is it bcuz i hav always been taking him for granted? i dunno.. i knows i have been takin him for granted.. i hav improved in that.. bit by bit.. slowly.. haiz.. really needs lotsa patience and love and care to really be a great gf to my bao bei.. anyway i miss now.. and i mean NOW!!!!! he's workin today so will not be seeing him.. miss him xia.. feels dat im a funny ger.. wen im with him.. i feel dat everyday oso see himm.. xianz~ but wen he's not around me i miss him like crazy.. why? why?!!!! why am i alwys in such a dilemma!!!! i hate myself!!!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @17:58


wat the hell!!!! made me rush home to take dat bloody donation card.. idiot!!!!! she shld juz roll down the stairs with her fats all burst out and die!!! it will be the most beautiful death i will ever seen or heard of.. wahahah.. i hate her k... made me rush here and therre.. she tink its fun is it? NOPEX!!!!! its not fun at all k.. dat bloody fat ass!!!!!!!!! damn angry!!!! she is bias towards me!!!!!!!!! i hate her!!!!!!! she is bias against the free-LANcers... she sux k!!!!we din even do anything to her lor... bloddy idiot!!!!! i pray hard and very very hard dat she will juz disappear into thin air... and dat will be the best ting dat have ever happen to me.. hahaha....

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @03:13


Thursday, August 05, 2004

i strongly belive dat tchs are nth more than a piece of shit.. well most tchs are.. let me prove my stand 1 by 1..
she's my ct.. i tot she was nice at first but ever since the parents teacher meeting she proved me wrong.. totally wrong.. how can she go round backstabbing her wonderful students like us!!! we r juz nothing but a bunch of wonderful student.. yet she backstab us and go in a big round and tell other ppl BAD stuff abt us.. and i mean BBBBAAAAADDDDD!!! she is so fat!!! she deserves to be burst to death!!! haha.. imagine her eating half way dan her body cant take her fats anymore and she juz burst to death.. all the fats will be splattered all over.. wahahahahahha.. cant wait to see her at her funeral lying in the cofin.. hahah..
wat kind name is dat man!!! she should be called MS GOPAL SNAILY SNAIL.. haha.. cant find any1 dat can moves the way she does.. she is SSSSSSSSSLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW.. dont believe it? check it out urself.. and she's a tch who totally cant teach!!! she is forever giving us group work.. and wat does she do? sit thr at the tch table and do her own things or even sleep!!! how can se be so tired wen she dun even do any work.. im puzzled.. *?????? poping on top of my head* ppl din do well for GP she says we r a disgrace.. wat kind of tch is this man... arent tch suppose to giv encouagement? she a horrible woman... no wonder noe is still MS.. haha
wah!!!!!!!!! she's the most irrtating tch i've ever encounted..... and i tink the only BUTCH tch i've ever seen.. dun wish to waste my breath on her.. she deserves nth more dan shit and pee in her whole life.. no wonder she is gettin fat all these years.. i tink we need to bring her go see psyciatrist... she is SICK!!!! maybe bcuz sge is deprived of MAN in her life.. look at her and u can know dat she is DEPRIVED!!!! wahahah..
In conclusion.. tchs are meant to die.. esp those 3 mentioned above...... but ms poh is not so bad.. haha.. so she and some of my fav tch can be the exception.. but the rest still deserve to eat shit and die..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @17:14


Tuesday, August 03, 2004

guess wat? my best fren (belle) in the whole wide world did something special for me.. she was slacking at home aft gettin retrenched .. international friendship day was round the corner.. and guess wat.. she did a powerpoint slide for me!!! it was so sweet.. wen she said she was goin to sent something to me thru mail all i expected was juz a letter.. but to my surprise it was a diskette.. and wen i open it i really dunno wat to was things she wanted to say to me and all.. it was really very sweet.. but haiz~ she will be going australia to study next feb.. there's isnt much time left.. cant imagine my life wout her.. i will be left all alone in spore.. wen i am feelin down or wat i will have no more belle to share it with.. wun be able to meet her to pour my heart out.. sighz~ i will seriously miss her.. cuz i can never find another fren like her.. althou i hav other frens but its a different feeling.. i miss all those times where we laughed together.. being lame and stupid together.. taking neoprints.. havin fun.. mugging together for 'o's.. and how she is always there for me.. sighz~ i will really miss this great pal wen she leave for aust... the powerpoint was sweet but i have mixed feelings.. im v touched wen i was lookin at the thingie.. tears was at the brim of my eyes.. i was super touched and wenever the tot of she is leaving to aust it just dampen my mood.. cant believe i will be wout her for at least 3 yrs.. 3 LONG YRS!!!!!!! can you believe it.. OMG!!! there will be so much tings happening and i cant tell her face to face anymore.. there wun be anymore comforting hugs, pats, wen im felling down.. sighz~ cant believe how nuch i will be missing her.. wout her in spore i will feel so......weird.. URGH!!!!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @04:02


my form tch is irritating the shit out of me!!! how could she? tot she was someone nice but......... apparently i was wrong... *sobx* how could she go round backstabbing other ppl? sighz~ too angry to say further more.. why waste my time and energy typing for someone who doesnt even worth it.. rite? haha.. im a happy ger.. im a good ger.. so i shant say anymore.. haiz.. sch is kinda wearin me out!!! can u believe it?? i hav never been so stressed up before!! dun even know if i can manage my sch work.. dunno if i can even pass my yr end to get promoted not.. wah!!! tink i will die aft my yrs in jc.. my brain juices are gonna be used up.. URGH!!! im so gonna die.. maybe the next day u flip open the obituaries u will ba able to find me.. council is so tiring.. requires so much of my energy and time.. cant realli commit to it.. how? i cant possibly split up my energy.. studies are more impt.. its not as thou im doing well for my studies.. its not lor.. im failing EVERYTHING!!!! can you believe dats happening to me? cuz me myself cant believe it.. and 1 person in sch is HAUNTING me.. im totally freaked out by her!!! with her around i cant hav a peaceful day in sch.. forever askin for meetings.. forever taking up our personal time.. how could she???!!! i know she has no life.. she has no life doesnt maen dat the rest of the group members muz be like her rite.. i feel so sorry for myself.. why is life so miserable for me.. i know im indulging myself in self pity.. but i just cant help it.. dun you tink im very poor thing? hahah.. kk.. i shall finish it off here.. see ya..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:25


pRyncess pRissy. 071287. emotional stubborn sagittarius. self obsessed.
cant live wout: orange zen neeon ; black3230 ; strawberries chocolates ; tanning ; swimming ; big screen movies ; late nights ; sleepovers ; talking ; a lil booze ; a lil partying ; my gurlos ; my family

for all the joy you brought to my life ; for all those times you stood by me ; you were always there for me ; my world is a better place because of you. i love you guys. <3

can i have it liddat?

*bliss and happiness
*a lil of material needs as well

lemme hear you

my love goes out to

`aggy `alviin `alyy `beckky `carrol `cherryl `chesttine `conniee `glyyn `j0jjo `jonny `joyyce `leann `lizz `05A7cc `pearll `pett `rutthie `shermainn `smm `tinggs `weiwuu `weizz `xinyyu `yinkii `yunn
`y-vonn `zoeyy

myy freeLANcers

.chinny .jiam .xbc

myy past

[July 2004] [August 2004] [September 2004] [October 2004] [November 2004] [December 2004] [January 2005] [February 2005] [March 2005] [April 2005] [May 2005] [June 2005] [July 2005] [August 2005] [September 2005] [October 2005] [November 2005] [December 2005] [January 2006] [February 2006] [March 2006] [April 2006] [May 2006] [June 2006] [July 2006] [August 2006] [February 2010]