Monday, May 30, 2005

haiz.. tis weekend juz feel strange.. did not even get to spend any real time w dear.. da oni time we got was mornin breakfast.. and its like so short la.. haiz.. i mean i cant really complain wat.. its his job.. its oni rite dat i be understandin and dun demand so much time frm him.. i mean he is makin an effort to change le.. i can feel it.. but.. haiz.. i oso dunno wat to say.. he is tryin to spend more time w mi wenever he can.. but sometimes i juz feel bad lor.. its like he work almost everyday le.. dan i know he is very tired le.. but he still need to spend time w mi.. cannot get da rest he really needs.. haiz.. wat shld i do.. but its da oni time we get to spend with each other.. grr.. is life really always full of choices.. and you have to be always stuck in 2 different choices!? stuck in a dilemma!? gosh.. i dunno la.. maybe its my mood swings dat im tinkin all these unnecessary stuffs ba.. haiz.. k la.. have to go get ready fer bed le la.. if not.. tml i really cant go to sch on time le wor..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:47


Sunday, May 29, 2005

aft doin some household chores fer grandma mi and sis took a bus to tampines.. showed her da shop dat she said she wanted to get something frm it.. in da end she din like it.. so we juz walked ard.. dan i bought dat top i saw da other day.. its really nice lor.. mei oso say so.. hee.. dan we went dwn to expo.. cuz she wanna go fer da food fair.. dan bao bei workin there so juz go lor.. cuz wanna jian ta yi mian.. lolz.. miss him so much la.. din see fer 3 days la.. grrr.. aft walkin ard then came across polar.. haha.. so juz talk talk abit there lor.. dan dear was like a hungry ghost la.. see my food oni da snatch and eat.. bleah.. k la.. know he din eat anything la.. dan we juz walked ard and get more food lor.. haha.. aiyah.. basically juz liddat lor.. eat and talk.. and buy food fer dear.. dan aft a while quiet xianz le.. so i juz left lor.. now im slackin in front of my comp again.. lazy to pack bag xia..lazy to tink of wat to wear tml oso.. xianz.. sch again.. grrr...... hate sch..

whee.. wat a gr8 sat i had.. was slackin da whole entire day at mandy's hse.. frm mornin till late evening.. went dwn to tan.. but seems like da sun is lazy to show.. so we went up and wait fer lunch to be ready and watch tv.. we played mahjong too.. lolz.. i really enjoyed myself la.. hee.. hope to have more of such things happenin la.. we will be meetin again.. fer chiam's bday.. (= miss my pals greatly lor.. i seriously miss them every single time i step into tp lor.. haiz.. juz cant get use to sch life wout them.. fer da first 3 mths i still get to see them in sch in between breaks lor.. and every mornin b4 assembly.. haiz..

haiz.. sometimes i juz feel so much inside.. i juz feel so distant away frm my fren.. look at all of them.. i juz dunno how to put it in words la.. haiz.. sch life is so much fun fer them lor.. look at mi.. im all alone out here in dis big world.. haiz.. dan look at belle and maneka.. we are all busy with our own daily life dat there is really difficult to find time fer daily conversations lor.. haiz.. its really hard to talk to belle these days.. i miss her so darn freakin much.. and sometimes i juz feel so taken advantage of.. i dunno.. i juz feel dat some of them treat mi like dunno wat la.. wen they need mi dan they will come and look fer mi.. but dan wen they dun.. they will juz leave mi alone.. and dan lie to mi abt things lor.. i juz dunno wat am i suppose to do lor.. haiz.. dunno la.. god.. can you show mi why do you put things tis way in my life!? i really need some enlightenment..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:59


Thursday, May 26, 2005

well.. its almost a week since sch start.. okok.. 3 days to be exact..monday ph ma.. dan tml no lesson.. (= finally can slp late.. grrr.. im really so not used to wakin up early.. not havin enough slp.. pls dun look at my eye bags.. and i really look like a panda now.. grr.. hmm.. so far i still cant seem to find any sch food dat i like.. da chinese mixed rice is still ok.. but the other dat i have eaten.. not too much to my likin thou its nice la.. i miss ny western stall.. i miss da dong gu ji si mi fen tang.. and da yong tau foo.. gosh.. miss ny loads man.. hmm.. on sat gonna be meetin my dearies.. (= will be havin those delicious pancakes over at mandy place.. hee.. hmm.. sch life so far borin lor.. maybe cuz its all da intro dan boring lor.. im a bad ger today lei.. i din go fer commskills and bcs lect.. haiz.. feel so guilty..

today mornin woke up and met dear fer breakfast.. dan he sent mi to my grandma place.. i was there to deliver her lunch.. stayed awhile.. dan juz talk to her lor.. dan aft dat walked out to take 23 to sch.. wah.. i was so slpy da whole time la.. dan met yi wei fer lunch.. dan we walked here and there dan went fer ffb lect.. aft dat i left le.. boring day xia.. tml no sch.. gonna go to granny hse again.. i have a book to finish.. so not so bad la.. i juz cant wait fer da weekend to come..

my dearest johnny tanny is askin us out.. WOOO!!!!!! im so happy la.. so excited la!!! hee.. sat nite.. sat nite.. comin soon ar.. WOOO!!!!! i miss him xia!!! hee..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:47


Wednesday, May 25, 2005


today.. i embarked on a new journey.. a new direction in my life.. its my first day of sch in poly.. althou da timetable is kinda borin.. but wat to do!? since its da first day of sch.. dan juz go fer it lor.. dun wan my name to be tarnish as pontang queen on da first day.. but dat tot really did occur.. thanx god.. he fight away da satan fer mi.. (=
in da mornin woke up to my freakin alarm clock.. dan contd to lie on my bed fer another half an hour b4 gettin dear's call.. he was reachin soon.. so i have no choice but to open my sleepy eyes and open dat freakin door.. =/ but dear was so sweet lor.. he bought breakfast fer mi.. he told mi da night before and im seriously touched by this gesture of sweetness la.. (= i will never forget my first day to tp.. but he forget to buy ice milo fer mi.. so to make up fer his mistake.. he made a cup fer mi.. (= at dat moment i felt dat i was da happiest woman on earth.. (= aft breakfast i juz prepared fer sch lor.. dan dear accompanied mi to sch.. (= im really happi today lor.. no matter how angry i was with him yesterday.. it was all gone.. cuz i wanted to meet him ma.. if not 2 weeks we wun be meetin. dan he dun wanna meet.. so i was rather upset lor.. anyway its over alr.. im a happy woman now (=
reached sch.. went fer tut a lil late.. cant find classroom ma.. lolz.. in da end managed to find it la.. like duh.. dan had our first commskills.. wow.. ms lily lim is..... im speechless.. haha.. aft lesson went dwn to tm w yingjie and shermain.. my new found frens.. we juz talked non-stop.. tryin to get to know each other better.. (= hopefully we can be frens like how da freeLANcers did.. seriously miss my babies.. =/ dan we took our lunch.. walked ard.. dan they gotta go.. so i met yi wei who happens to be in tm.. she was not feelin alrite la.. goin thru a rather patchy road in her life now.. all i wanna do is support my fren.. so we sat dwn and talked.. dan walked ard too.. aft dat i bought dinner fer mi myself and irene.. lolz.. im juz jokin.. i bought dinner fer dear ai and mi.. so i went dwn to rp and look fer em.. wanted to wait fer dear to end work.. but apparently.. daddy's mad.. his temper today abit weird.. so juz came home lor.. be a good ger..
ooh.. can u believe it.. i saw lyon today.. ok.. more of his backview.. haha.. he walked past mi.. dan he did something to attract my attention.. but somehow i cant be bothered.. cuz u know.. there are alot of this kinda wu liao ppl on da streets.. dan wen yiwei asked why dat guy liddat huh.. i turned and i saw lyon walkin away with his gf.. haha.. dan im like.. wth.. damn wasted!!! haha.. anyway miss you dude.. sonce im gonna be in ur teritory fer at least more dan 2 yrs.. better meet up and hang someday.. got so much catchin up to do.. miss you so much.. lolx..
okok.. i really gotta go.. startin to get headaches.. and i need to have my daily dosage of listenin to some annoyin stuffs b4 slp.. tml gotta wake up early fer 9am lesson.. xianz.. haha.. okok..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:28


Monday, May 23, 2005

bored.. cant believe im forcing myself to stay awake till 5 to watch a show la.. gosh.. im really goin thru utter madness.. hee.. hmm.. well since its da last few days of my hols i shld juz enjoy myself rite?! so.. shuddup.. no comments needed.. =)

slpt abt 5 last nite.. was slpin tis mornin wen bao bei msged mi askin mi if i wanna go out.. so reluctantly i opened my eyes and called him.. wen time and venue was set.. i pulled myself out of bed and went to washed up and met him.. and wonderfully i realised my ez-link card is with my sis.. so i had to use cash.. sighz.. can u imagine how much extra $$ i have to spent da whole day travellin.. sighz.. hmm.. so wen i meet dear my first instinct was to eat.. cuz mystomach is growlin.. dun ask mi why.. but it was abt 4 alr.. of cuz hungry la.. hee.. so we went over to cine and ate yoshi.. dan aft dat we wanted to catch movie.. but unfortunately there isnt any nice available show.. so we walked dwn to ps.. same thing happened.. dan i juz went to charles and keith and bought dat slippers.. =) finally huh.. hee.. yupz.. dan we took a train dwn to city hall and walked to ms.. and we juz toured ard da whole new ms.. thou its kinda borin cuz alot of da shops are not opened yet.. dunno why we ended up at da arcarde.. so we juz went in and play games lor.. hee.. aft dat it was alr 7 plus.. dan we walked over to suntec and was like in search of dinner.. but bao bei's mum called and said dat dinner was ready fer him at home.. so i xianz 1/2.. dan really dun feel like eatin lor.. but he wun let dat happen.. so in da end juz eat sth light at kfc lor.. dan aft dat juz walked ard a lil to digest da food.. dan on our way home le.. dan juz now was msgin him..dan he came online so we juz chat online lor.. now dat lil pig is alr in his dreamland le.. hee.. hmm.. dunno if we are meetin tml.. cuz it will be 2 weeks b4 we can meet again.. v sad de lei.. oso dunno how to live wout seein him fer more dan a week.. haiz.. da longest i din see him was 4 days.. and it was torturous enuff le.. hee.. haiz.. hopefully next week i free go dwn look fer him and eat dinner ba.. =) i need to return book anyway.. hee.. good excuse huh.. but i dun need any excuse to see him rite.. he's mine!!! =) lol.. im really goin crazy xia.. bao bei!!! i wan to meet u tml.. i wan to eat famous amos.. i wan to take neo print!!! =) but haiz.. its da end of da month.. and as usual.. we are both broke.. hee.. so i juz gotta bear with it fer a lil while ba..

sch startin soon.. kinda havin mixed feelins.. dunno why oso.. hopefully new sch life-poly life will be gr8 ba.. kinda worried abt not being able to adapt.. worried not being able to make true frens there.. i dun wan classmates.. i wan friends!!! sighz.. let juz see how things go ba.. freeLANcers oso took months to established.. hopefully things will be good in poly ba.. i miss amanda.. i miss chin.. i miss chiam.. i miss hou shun.. grr.. zhen you.. i miss you too.. and all my 05a7c pals.. i miss you guys yoo.. =\ the huge turnin point is startin soon.. god juz be with me huh.. i will put everything into ur hands and not worry too much.. cuz i know dat you will have plans fer mi.. and da best fer mi ahead..

im gonna be missin you

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @04:06


Saturday, May 21, 2005

hmm.. fer da past 2 days went fer orentation.. met my classmates and some ppl frm my course.. they were definitely high.. hee.. it was quite fun stayin in da lt.. but wen all those tours starts.. it juz simply sux.. haha.. tot dat on day 1 we were gettin our matric card and timetable.. but they din.. and it ended abt 5 plus 6.. i was lookin forward to da end of da day.. but somoehow its juz ruin.. was supposed to meet dear fer dinner.. dan he obviously know dat his phone batt was gettin low.. dan he went home not botherin to charge.. as a result.. i cant get him.. went home w no dinner.. =( i was boilin.. super upset.. grr..
ytd got my matric card and timetable.. its was kinda sucky la.. like wat kinda timetable is dat man!?
mon: 1100-1700
tues: 900-1700
wed: 1200-1700
thurs: 1400-1800
fri: 900-1500
3 out of 5 days end at 5 la.. thurs is da most ridiculous day lor.. grr.. i know its quite slack alr.. but.. i juz cant tahan gg home late la.. grr.. like watever la..

hmm.. aft da telematch da whole sch was like gg to bedok reservoir fer some dragonboatin race.. dan yingjie muna and mii left lor.. cuz it was so xianz.. hee.. we took a bus to tp intch and aft dat we juz went our separate ways.. so i took a train dwn to ps and looked fer dear.. went i saw him i wanted to hop on him la.. haha.. but i din.. obviously.. so we juz walked ard ps and bought some stuffs.. i wanted to eat claypot rice.. so we went to tpy.. we ordered quite alot.. we had claypot rice.. fried kway teow.. carrot cake.. yupz.. dat was our dinner.. =) hee.. so aft dinner we went bck to tpy intch.. wanted to buy some stuffs.. so ended up shoppin at ntuc.. hee.. dunno why.. but i kinda like to shop at these kinda places.. hee.. does dat mean i can be a good hsewife!? hee.. im startin to tink too much huh.. =) hmm.. dan we juiz bought some stuffs lor.. dan he sent me home.. so dat was how i spent my day.. ooh.. guess wat.. dear know how to sing forever love.. wen da song came up he was like "ur fav song lei" dan i was like is it.. dan he started singin.. i juz feel dat its so sweet la.. its like finally found "our song".. hee.. da lyrics to dat song is so damn sweet and romantic la.. i juz simply love it.. bao bei.. i will use da rest of my life to love you.. =)
mum gg back tonight.. gonna miss her again.. well.. din really spend any time with her.. on wed she went over to grandma place.. dan thurs and fri i was in sch.. busy with orentation.. dan today.. she's gg back le.. ltr juz gonna have lunch oni lor.. haiz.. dunno lei.. i feel dat next month onwards wen she's back.. i hradly will have anytime to spend with her lor.. look at my freakin timetable lor.. bleh..
well.. dats juz my fate lor.. have to face it lor.. since dats wat i wanna take.. somehow startin to miss my jc life le.. miss chiam.. miss mandy.. miss chin.. miss every single thing in ny.. sighz.. grr.. watever.. im gg bathe le.. meetin mum.. ciao..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @14:43


Thursday, May 19, 2005

hmm.. its early in da mornin.. and im up and ready to go.. cant believe it mans..
well.. im gg fer my sch orentation.. kinda insecure.. dunno if im able to make frens..
u see.. im shy.. so i dun talk much so im scared of makin frens.. hee..
hopefully my class ppl will be nice and dat i will feel comfortable with them..
thanz to my dear dat i can wake up today.. if not i dun tink i will be able to hear my alarm clock..
im nervous lei.. dunno wat time will it end..
i wanna go meet dear aft his work..
it has been 3 days since i last saw him..
today will make 4..
miss him real badly..
miss his kiss..
miss his hugs..
miss his silly jokes..
miss his touch..
miss him!!!
im prayin real hard fer da thing to end early..
oh wells.. today is someone's bday.. really dunno if i shld msg him not..
maybe he have alr changed his no. or wat..
i really dunno..
shld i or shld i not!?
watever.. im off to sch..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @06:55


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

bored. mum's back. bored. hopefully can go shoppin w her tml huh.. hee.. there are juz so many things i wanna get la.. actually not alot la.. =)
am i gettin sick and tired of this relationship!? i dunno..
am i startin to feel so hopeless and helpless in tis relationship!? i dunno..
things are not lookin too good frm wat i see..
he said he will change.. he said he needed time..
but how much time can i afford to sacrifice to see da change in him!?
i dunno..
i really wan some ans now..
not being able to see him makes me feel sick..
i miss him..
but im afraid dat at da sight of him blood will boils..
grrr~ god.. tell me why are you puttin mi thru tis?!
tell mi why do i need to go thru tis..
let me know why.. a sign.. juz a sign will do..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @03:56


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

it had been a long weekend.. 3 nights without my comp.. gosh.. i do miss you dearly.. hee.. well well.. weekend juz pass by with a blink of my eyes.. 3 days are juz gone liddat.. sat met up w my precious black sweetheart.. we juz lazed ard in town.. was in search fer some clothes.. but.. nth i like.. so ended up window shop again.. hee.. we dan went to watch kingdom of heaven.. OMG!!! its damn nice la.. and whoever say dat it looks like troy shld juz go eat shit la.. cuz da storyline was really nice.. ok.. im simple terms i like it la.. ok!? hee =) hmm.. dan aft da movie james came and look fer mi.. so da 3 of us went fer dinner tgt.. haiz.. dan unpleasant stuffs happened.. dun wish to elaborate.. went back to grandma's fer da night.. cldnt slp da whole entire night.. till abt 4 plus 5.. wen my eyes are finally tired.. phew..
dan sunday wake up and went dwn to town again.. haha.. and i watch movie again.. haha.. tis time was with my polar dearies.. hee.. james, helen, ivy, ah boi and mi.. went fer dinner b4 movie.. was at ljs.. hee.. so funny la.. cant imagine life wout them la.. life will be so miserable.. hee.. have alr start missin you guys.. =) muz miss mi too ya..
today went town again.. okok.. i know i have no life.. but pls dun condemn mi la.. spore is so small.. places to go is so limited.. so i went dwn to buy mum's gift. becks gift. becks if you are readin dis.. be touched k.. it took mi million of years to find sth dat i tink its ok to buy fer you la.. wen u see mi on wed.. i wld have a bigger head.. hee.. dan waited fer jo daddy to buy his shirt.. in da end we were at suntec.. hee.. ate sushi la.. dere's dis guy who is kinda cute.. maybe go back there fer more sushi and more candy fer my eyes.. hee.. aft dat we walked ard lor.. i still din buy da pencilcase i wan.. cuz there's no more black.. sad rite.. nvm.. will have a change of target.. hee.. maybe go searchin fer it tml.. who knows.. hee..

hmm.. i dunno wat am i feelin now la.. i feel like cuttin myself up la.. i feel like dyin.. i juz wanna bleed to death.. why am i always liddat?! is it mi?! or is it you?! i really wonder.. who am i to you!? you will sure say im ur sweetheart.. da ger dat you love.. but.. somehow i dunno how true dat is.. i have never been in such agony cuz im in a r/s.. da oni times i rmb was how horrible it was fer lyon and daniel to disappear frm my life.. but you are still in my life.. dan why am i in agony!? why!? i feel like im havin a crush on someone dan in a r/s.. which part of you shows mi dat im in a r/s with you!? i really dunno wat more can i ask frm you!? wenever i tell you how i feel.. you will juz look at me and give me a blank look w no reaction.. and at da pt of time i feel like bangin myself against da wall lor.. why!? why!? why is it so hard to love someone.. why!? my heart is cryin out to you.. but.. wat are you doin?! i oso dunno.. i juz feel so hopeless abt da whole thing alr.. i juz feel so insignificant to you.. i feel so unimportant to you.. i feel so invisble to you.. i dunno who am i really to you.. gosh.. if oni i cld juz die.. i do not need to tink abt all tis.. no need to worry abt all tis.. can you juz make loving you a easier thing fer mi?! can you make me love you happily?! can you!? can you!? is it v unreasonable of mi to ask dat frm you!? oni you can tell mi dat.. well.. tis week i dunno wen we can meet.. you are workin.. everyday frm mon to sat.. time to acc mi!? i dunno.. maybe nt seein you will make things beter ba.. lets see if things will be better wen sch starts.. hopefully ba.. i dun wanna lose you lor.. i really like you alot lor.. but wen things have no turning point!? i rather have da pain now dan ltr.. you shld know wat i mean ba.. how am i ever goin to bring myself to say it!? god will figure a way somehow.. i dunno wat crap im typin.. i love you.. i wanna be with you.. but you are kinda forcin mi to break things up with you.. gosh.................................................. i hate love..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:25


Friday, May 13, 2005

gosh.. its my last day at work.. -sobz-
polar held gr8 memories fer mi..
place where i got to know helen..
place where i got to know james..
place where i got to know so many many ppl..
they are all such gr8 ppl to work with..
of cuz there are times wen you will feel upset abt somebody..
but.. they are still nice aft all..
gonna miss all da fun workin there..
esp workin w carol and helen..
they brought joy to mi..
and AH BOI!!!
he so cute la..
blur blur liddat de..
dan always ask him do something..
his reply will be "ok"
too bad today his off day..
cant work w him..
my last day lei..
i better get goin..
if not late fer work le..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @12:52


omg.. watched house of wax today.. it was G.R.O.S.S.
how can they actually flimed somethign liddat!? its not right.. its so gross.. i was watchin da movie w my fingers over my eyes.. haha.. luckily i finshed my m&ms b4 they start waxin.. haha.. da movie is not really dat bad.. it was ok la.. but better dun watch it durin weekends la.. haha.. save $$ ma.. weekends tixs cost up to $9.50 la.. its really CRAZY!!! dunno wats spore cumin too.. its gettin so expensive to live in.. i better migrate over to NZ and stay there w my aunt.. hee.. hmm.. it was gr8 dat he din make me angry today.. hee.. oso dunno why.. maybe at times im juz too sensitive ba.. sometimes i juz really wonder wat charm dat he has dat makes mi drawn to him in every single way.. dear!!! i love you.. din see you fer 2 days was like a torture la.. esp wen you cldn't msg me.. haiz.. sad de lei.. hee.. k la k la.. he's home.. gotta call him.. haha..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @12:51


Wednesday, May 11, 2005


wow!!!.. today i woke up at went dwn to tpy sports hall and i witness da best vball match in my whole entire life.. cuz it was life.. hee.. first was da girl's match.. thou they din clinched da champions.. but they did their very best.. gosh.. you shld have see da way brenda plays.. gosh.. she is da goddess man!!! hari muz have tot her something.. haha..
aft dat was da guys match.. i was dwn at the front w da 05A7C ppl.. cuz all of us are rootin w nemo.. wow.. you shld have see da way hari spiked da ball.. he's my idol.. im fallin in love with him.. hee.. every year aft vball match i wld have da same feelin.. haha.. i juz love da way he jumps and he spikes and he scores!!! wow!!! hee.. last time alan oso liddat..maybe dats why.. haha.. okok. im not makin any more sense.. hmm.. aft da match went fer dinner w da freeLANcers.. it had been so loong since all 4 of us are eatin tgt.. yah.. funny la.. haha..
came home and slacked lor.. and im chattin w my dearie now.. hee..

quote of da day.. im in love with hari.. haha

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @19:37


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

hmm.. can i say dat i have a fruitful day!? woke up and met ting at interchange and travelled bck to peirce.. dan met my dearie tc at da bustop.. it was rainin la.. can you imagine us holdin on to an umbrella and carryin tonnes of books and walk into dat pathetic sch!? haha.. hmm.. first ting we did went we reached peirce is to eat.. cuz we miss da malay rice.. esp cheeseball.. wow.. i bought 2.. haha.. crazy rite?! but who cares.. i eat it once in a long while la.. been 2 years since i last ate it la.. aft eatin and talkin abt memories in peirce.. we went to find tchs fer dats wat da whole trip is all abt.. placed da books at da designated area.. and dan we left.. tada.. we left peirce fer town.. we were like 3 mad women la.. walkin laughin talkin doin crazy stuffs.. haha.. walked ard in far east.. was really shoppin la.. mainly window shop.. cuz din really see anything dat i really like and worth buyin lor.. aft we saw gelare and our mouths got itchy.. cuz its tuesday and they have da tuesday 1/2 price fer waffle ting.. haha.. dan aft dat we contd to walked ard lor.. aiyah.. we did alot of walkin today lor.. frm far east to heeren.. dan we had our dinner at lemongrass.. da thai restaruant.. wah.. da food not bad xia.. quite nice.. we eat till very full la.. bloated!!! haha.. dan ting gotta go.. so left mi and chi.. dan we walked over to cine and juz shopped again lor.. din buy anything in da end.. but ting bought a pair of earings.. chiz bought da most things la.. but i know she no time to shop if she dun shop today la.. ha..

hmm.. i really did enjoy my day with them.. they are juz da best fren dat i cld ever have.. the feelin will always be there.. it will never be faded.. dats how strong our frenship is.. no matter how long we never meet up.. or contact.. our frenship is still there.. we can always pick it up again wen we meet.. im so glad dat god put all tis wonderful ppl in my life lor.. i have so many good frens la.. belle. maneka. chi. ting. we meet once in a while.. chat once in a while.. but our frenship is always there.. =) thanx god..

haiz.. last nite was rather bad fer mi la.. was really kinda upset and hurt abt wat he said lor.. i know he might not mean it.. but wen he said it.. it was like a knive peircin rite thru my heart.. i dunno why.. but tears juz flow rite out.. haiz..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:17


Sunday, May 08, 2005

was woken up by my dear moley tis mornin.. so i got ready and went dwn to town and meet em.. it has been years since i last saw them la.. hmm.. sat at mos and wonder where we shld go.. so decided to go cine fer lunch.. we were all so hungry la.. haha.. and as usual amanda took a million years to finish her food.. actually she din finish la.. so yah.. dan we walked ard.. they were shoppin fer mama's day gift.. so we walked ard.. in da end chiam got her mama a pair of earings and amanda bought a necklace.. and da i was cravin fer ice cream.. aft much discussion.. we went over to gelare at far east.. ooh.. ice cream!!! ooh.. did i mention?! i oni had $10 bucks with mi da whole day.. cuz i left my atm card with dear.. sighz.. feel so poor la.. anyway ice cream is GR8!!! haha.. so yummy la.. haha.. hmm.. we had a gr8 time catchin up.. miss you guys loads.. nvm im gonna be back in action on thurs.. haha.. crazy rite?! go back ny and crash!? but nvm.. i miss you guys.. hee.. aft dat chiam gtg.. and james is comin dwn.. so met him and amanda went off.. dats how we spent our day.. it was gr8!!! freeLANcers fer life.. love you guys..

hmm.. im feelin rather.. er.. cant find da word to describe how i feel.. im juz not ard in sch fer abt 1 mth plus.. dan things happen.. look at chin.. amanda.. zy.. i dunno lor.. juz felt dat im a lousy fren.. haiz.. hopefully wen im goin back on wed things will be better..

to amanda: my dear ger.. i know you are goin a thru a tryin period of time.. wen you were talkin to mii juz now.. i juz dunno wat to say.. i cant find da right words.. anything can always call me k.. i will do wat i can.. dun bother abt james.. i see him almost every other day.. so i can always make time fer you.. dun tink silly.. and start to fins something dat can motivate you to study.. have to start preparin alr.. you dun wanna see your parents $300 plus bucks go to waste rite.. anyway.. hope your mum is feelin better..

to chin: kinda upset dat i din see you juz now.. but i know you have your reasons.. and i hope that things are better now.. juz a small casual chat with you at level one was good enuf.. but i tell you ger.. im missin you so darn much la.. as ur usual self.. cant even sms mii much la.. sadded.. haha.. but i seriously hope dat on thurs wen i go crash we will have a gr8 time catchin up yah.. love you dear.. muackz..

to chiam: my lil moley.. i love you.. haha.. hope you are keepin those 2 silly gers sane.. i know its hard on you.. but you are enjoyin it rite.. haha.. -fingers runnin away frm hand- hee.. miss you guys so much la.. hmm.. you as ur usual self.. dun talk much dan i oso dunno wat is really happenin to you.. sobz.. hopefully things are alrite dear.. miss pokin ur mole.. maybe next time i shall press THE button to make you talk huh.. hee..

to wanping: are you feelin better alr?! you almost got mi chiam and amanda heart attack la.. you ar.. never take care of urself.. better rest well k.. din know so much things were goin on till i met chiam and amanda today.. juz ignore it yah.. visitin you on thurs.. haha.. prepare red carpet yah.. take care my ger..

to zhenyou: im glad you called mi and talk last nite.. at least im someone you can turn to wen you are not feelin alrite.. well.. hope you are feelin better aft da talk.. esp da one you had juz now on msn.. hmm.. i oso dunno wat to say to you.. dunno wat are da right words to say.. all i know is dat you are doin da right ting focusin on ur studies..hopefully ur hard work pay off by gettin good grades fer midyear.. and i oso feel dat you really cannot let tis go on.. you are such a ppl person.. how can you go ard sch alone!? its juz so not you la.. hopefully tings will have a better turn.. in da meantime jia you.. i wanna hear da news of your name on da honour roll.. hee..

hmm.. i oso dunno wat to say.. i juz feel dat i did not do my part as a fren to all of them.. i feel so bad.. im such a rotten person.. gosh.. wen sch starts.. i will have lesser time to contact them and i feel dat i will neglect my pals.. sorri dears.. i know im a lousy fren.. i will try to plan my time k.. we will still meet and catch up.. cant do without you guys in my life..

oh wells.. im gonna get mummy da pair of earings i saw tis aftnoon.. its so her la.. i feel dat she is gonna love it.. hee.. i love you mummy.. feel kinda sad dat you are not ard to celebrate mothers' day with us.. althou at times we will quarrel and stuffs.. but i know you love me and you shld know i love you ya.. =) cuz im ur daughter and you are my mum.. i will study hard and not let you dwn.. tis is my promise to you.. cant wait fer you to be back.. hopefully by the time you are back its b4 sch starts.. so i can spend some time with you.. missin you mum!!!

hmm.. as wat i have said.. sch startin soon.. wun be spendin as much time with you as i am doin now.. wun even have chances to work with you le.. i will be studyin you will be workin.. guess its gonna be hard ba.. i know its hard fer you as well.. as wat carol says you sure feel insecure abt mi gettin into a new environment.. meetin new ppl.. hmm.. althou u said you are not afraid.. you trust mii.. you have faith in mii.. but i doubt dats wat ur heart say lor.. but im glad dat you trust mii.. hee.. =) promise i will be a good ger k.. will study hard de.. dear.. i love you loads..

woah cant believe i wrote such a long entry la.. but oh wells.. dats how things go.. dats how my heart felt..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:02


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

hmm.. had a loooong weekend.. hee..
lemme update it fer you slowly ar..

woke up.. feelin rather bottled up.. no way to express my feelins.. tot of lookin fer penknives.. but its no where to be found.. im like wth la!!! so i was watchin "tu si nan zi wen".. dan carol called.. so we chat fer a while.. dan i cont watchin my vcd.. cuz dear wun end work so early ma..
so wen the time is here i travelled dwn to rp.. crapped w aiai.. and helped em out with closin.. ate a egg tart too.. haha.. finally wen everything is done.. we walked to bk.. sat there and started to have a talk.. hmm.. aft some tears and words of my heart.. things ended beautifully.. dan we went fer prata and boon keng and he sent mi back to my granny's place.. hmm..
felt so much better aft everything is out.. no more suppressed feelins in my heart anymore.. hee.. felt as thou im burden-less.. feel so light now.. haha.. i love you dear.. thanx fer acc-in mi thru da nite..

was woken up by carol's call.. she wake mi up and asked mi go ice-skatin.. haha.. actually is fer da prawn mee breakfast at market.. but daddy bought mac breakfast fer mi le.. so juz meet her fer ice-skatin lor.. so she called dear.. while i go get ready.. dan b4 we know it.. we are on our way to jurong le.. hee.. carol first time skatin.. so funny.. dan jo was with her all da time.. makin sure dat she wun fall.. haha.. dan i v long no skate le.. so was abit jerky la.. fell a few times la.. skated with dear too.. so fun la.. but got once.. he led mi.. dan he was speedin la.. dan i cannot catch up dan i fall dan i pull him with mi.. wahhaha.. dan now my butt still pain la.. haha.. hmm.. dan aft skatin we went dwn to clementi.. carols' mama store to eat.. nice man.. so hungry la.. and dat idiot ate 4 bowls of rice la.. can u imagine?! grr.. dan we went dwn to ps.. supposed to watch movie.. but due to unseen circumstances.. we skipped da movie part.. me and dear went arcade and play.. haha.. so funny.. dan he sent mi back to granny's place again.. it was too late so he took cab home.. dan wen he reached home we sms-ed again.. pei wo du guo nan ai de yi wan.. haha..

woke up and took lunch.. called dat piggy.. woke him up.. dan we went to prepare and met at ps.. da first place we went in ps is da food court.. cuz need to feed some hungry pig.. haha.. aft dat went to box ticket and bought movie tixs lor.. watched xxx2.. not bad la.. wanted to watch coach carter.. but.. no fate with it.. -sobx-.. oni have 15 mins to get our snacks b4 movie starts.. so we went dwn to carrefour.. bought all da snacks we need and tada went up fer our movie.. hee.. aft movie we strolled dwn to town.. went to taka and had my dinner.. woah!!! so bloated la.. cant believe wat a bowl of yoshi terriyaki chicken do.. haha.. dan we walked ard taka.. hmm.. had da urge to eat NZ natural ice cream.. so we walked all da way to far east and eat ice cream..haha.. retarded hor.. but.. no choice.. haha.. aft ice cream dan we walked to catch train home.. hmm.. dats basically how my long weekend went.. hah..

things definitely are better now between mi and dear.. ask mi to pin point.. i cant.. its a feelin.. and im startin to fall head over heels with him again.. dun ask mi why i love him so.. cuz i oso dunno.. ask myy heart lor.. hee.. maybe its da way he looks at mii.. maybe its da way he handle stuffs.. i dunno.. there are juz so many maybe.. but watever da maybe is.. i love him.. hee.. juz hope dat dis feelin will go on and on and on.. till da end of time.. hee..

i have a new obsession.. its CHOC MILK!!! wanna make me happi!? buy me choc milk.. =))

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:51


pRyncess pRissy. 071287. emotional stubborn sagittarius. self obsessed.
cant live wout: orange zen neeon ; black3230 ; strawberries chocolates ; tanning ; swimming ; big screen movies ; late nights ; sleepovers ; talking ; a lil booze ; a lil partying ; my gurlos ; my family

for all the joy you brought to my life ; for all those times you stood by me ; you were always there for me ; my world is a better place because of you. i love you guys. <3

can i have it liddat?

*bliss and happiness
*a lil of material needs as well

lemme hear you

my love goes out to

`aggy `alviin `alyy `beckky `carrol `cherryl `chesttine `conniee `glyyn `j0jjo `jonny `joyyce `leann `lizz `05A7cc `pearll `pett `rutthie `shermainn `smm `tinggs `weiwuu `weizz `xinyyu `yinkii `yunn
`y-vonn `zoeyy

myy freeLANcers

.chinny .jiam .xbc

myy past

[July 2004] [August 2004] [September 2004] [October 2004] [November 2004] [December 2004] [January 2005] [February 2005] [March 2005] [April 2005] [May 2005] [June 2005] [July 2005] [August 2005] [September 2005] [October 2005] [November 2005] [December 2005] [January 2006] [February 2006] [March 2006] [April 2006] [May 2006] [June 2006] [July 2006] [August 2006] [February 2010]