Sunday, July 31, 2005

sighz.. my comp totally sux to da core.. i juz reformat da whole thing.. din even access any webby dan i dio virus again!! HELP!! i really need help!! if not i will go crazy!! grr!!

so totally no mood to update on any shit la.. haiz.. tis blog is gettin more and more useless.. my organisers are filled with more and more and more deadlines.. and i can feel the stress!!! grr!!! watever.. so totally dun feel like touchin my comp anymore.. its like everyday come back frm sch.. so tired le.. in sch alr face comp da whole day le.. come home still muz face.. somemore is an irritatin one.. dats why i din even update fer such a long time.. tink maybe tml go sch dan update la..

maybe bringin my comp to another doc.. see how la..

6th month is comin in 2 weeks time.. i dunno wat to do.. i know he loves me.. but its not the way i want to be loved.. haiz.. i also dunno how to put it into words.. im juz so lost in tis world.. its juz 6 mths and im startin to feel numb to it le.. haiz.. wats love to me? waitin fer him to end work juz to msg me.. waitin fer weekends to come so that we can meet.. waitin and waitin and waitin.. is dat how love is supposed to be? i dunno.. i also cant be bothered anymore.. im gettin more and more use to it.. use to not havin a bf during weekdays..really.. althou i get use to it.. da feeling sux!! tis is juz not wat i tink our love shld be.. haiz.. wats love?? i really cant seem to figure love.. figure my comp.. figure my cam.. grrr.. hate life.. life sux.. nth to hope for in life.. other dan meetin my frens everyday.. they bring smile and joy to my life.. wout them i dunno where i will be.. =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:27


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

guess wat?! today is the worst day ever.. haha.. ok.. bad start.. hopefully great end.. now in sch.. gonna have my ttb test in another 20mins time.. im so gonna fail la.. din really study!!! shit lor.. and guess wat tis mornin lesson supposed to start at 11 and wat time did clever me wake up? 10!! can u believe it? i jumped out of my bed and do everything so quickly!! by 1020 im outta my hse to da bus stop.. on da way there.. my stupid freakin contact lense was hurtin me real bad.. so i kept rubbin my eyes.. and in the end my lense was folded.. so i took it out.. and wen i was abt to put it on.. guesss wat??!!!! IT DROPPED!!!!!!! @#$%@#$^#$ yes.. so now im half blinded!! i so cannot take it la.. i might upload dat pic and show you.. haha.. one eye blue.. the other brown.. grrr.. so pai sei la.. dun dare to lift up my head wen walkin.. lucky da day is gg to end.. once the test end.. im gonna take it out.. cuz imma so blind!!!

haiz.. changed new skin..will change another one soon ba.. dis theme like abit of not suitable fer me.. its like talkin abt love tat is kept deep in da heart... but my precious bao bei know how much i love him.. haha.. im ggg crazy.. okok.. better let my eye rest la.. if nt i will be totally blind!! wish me luck fer my test ya.. and pris wans her brownie!! haha.. gg fer movie w mama ltr.. so happy.. miss her loads!! she is gg back tml morning.. hope to catch breakfast w her b4 gg to sch ba.. still plannin whether to come sch or not.. haha.. no tut tml.. econs i attended b4.. so.. ya.. evil tots poppin out!!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @15:37


Monday, July 25, 2005

right now in sch.. xianz.. have been facin the comp since 1230.. and my eyes will only get a rest at 5.. wen my lesson end.. haiz.. so tired.. reached sch abt 10 to do some unproductive project.. da 7 of us sit there and stone.. really waste my time la.. can slp longer de lor.. xianz.. haha..

hmm.. my weekend was ok la.. din really get to spend much time with my precious!!! sadd.. =(
its like the only time we can go out lor.. yet it only happen fer 3-4 hrs.. yea.. i was pretty upset dat day.. wen i meet him i was very moody.. rather angry and upset with him.. dan we walked over to robinson and bought tat blouse.. and we went fer dinner.. aft dinner walked ard and dan we sat at the stairs and talk.. well by tat time things were better la.. so ya.. it was like really awhile only lor.. dan we took train dwn to cityhall.. i need to change train to airport.. while dear wanna go meet his fren fer movie at suntec.. ya.. at first wen everything was startin to turn fine.. dan it ended with such ting.. wen he din get into the train with me.. and dat freakin msg.. wah.. i really felt like killing myself..

i really wonder where i stand in his heart lor.. i dun see any significant place at all.. sadd.. its a saturday!!! and he din even bother abt me.. ='( there's not much to say anymore.. there's nth he can defend anymore.. juz feel so tired.. really feel like giving up at times.. pls tell me wat to do.. im really so lost.. sighz..

sunday was a great day.. went ard shoppin with my mama and sis.. bought 2 more blouses.. and a top frm top shop.. and dat purple earing.. haha.. wahahah.. ok.. im gg nuts.. i want more clothes.. should see wat i can get with tis 2 more days.. haha.. in da night wen to grandma hse fer dinner.. nice dinner.. cuz got wat i like to eat.. mwahaha.. alrite.. i will contd soon.. tch walkin over soon.. boooooo

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @16:27


Friday, July 22, 2005

whee.. weekends are round da corner!!! time to see my precious!!! time to see my mum!!! mummy coming back on sat night!!! whee!!! im so happy la.. i know thou i dun always say it out loud.. but mummy i love you.. haha crap!! she wun get to see tis anyway.. well its normal to have quarrels with her cuz we are both sturborn.. never give in!! and i juz hate it wen she gets unreasonable.. but watever it is she is still my mum and i know she loves me alot regardless of wat happens!!! so everybody!! APPRECIATE YOUR MAMA!! really sit down and tink how much they have done fer you!!! really really!! i wanna tell da whole world dat i love my mum.. she is da best mum in da world!! yes, she may not be perfect.. but who is perfect in dis world? she accepted me fer who i am.. she loves me regardless of the times i break her heart.. how defiante and arrogant i am.. she still loves me!! whee.. mummy's comin back!! really wanna spend quality time with her.. wanna go shoppin w her.. cuz i wanna buy a pair of pointy.. lolx..

hmm.. so far the week has been alright.. not too bad.. juz stress.. VERY stress.. everyday got some project.. omg.. monday handed up my commskills outline.. tuesday ttb online presentation.. wed introhtm presentation.. thurs nothin.. fri ffb project.. omg.. and my weekend is also burned!!! have to do research.. die.. i tink i wan a painless death.. i wan die in my precious arms.. i wan to live my life with him till da very last.. hee.. ok.. im talkin rubbish.. anyway wen i dun.. something is very wrong.. lolx..

lemme tell you wat i hate abt my project grp.. i really cant take it.. i gt no one to bitch to and its juz irritatin me!!! my group consists of 7 gers.. SEVEN!!!!! can u imagine!!! OMG!!! dan there's da 4 of them who always settle everything.. dan there's siew ying who is ever quiet.. and lastly me and aggy.. well da FANTASTIC 4 always da one who is voicing out everything.. gettin every thing done.. dan wen we wanna voice out things.. we also find it redundant la.. somemore wen we say things.. they will pretend never hear.. so why bother saying anything at all.. dan there was tis once.. they ask me go present.. dan im like ok lor.. dan they told me to do qn 1 so i go prepare.. dan 5 mins b4 presentation.. they tell mi to do qn 2.. im alr very piss cuz i prepare so long le!! dan fine.. i gritt me teeth and do qn 2.. dan less dan 1 min to presentation.. they say "Priss if you dun wan present tanya can present." and b4 i can say anything.. tanya went up.. i was BOILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dan ytd dey do it again lor.. aggy supposed to present with siew ying.. dan last min is mich tanya and pika present AGAIN!! they wanted them to present cuz they nv present b4.. dan now they liddat.. cuz they say need to explain.. LIKE REAL!! they also read everything frm the transparencies lor.. FARK THEM LA!! im super unahppy lor.. dan today during da free time horsey gives us.. the fantastic 4 were discussin abt project stuffs lor.. dan wen everything is settled.. they asked me and sy to go over and INFORM us.. like wat the hell la.. WE ARE A GROUP!! WE ARE SUPPOSED TO DISCUSS TOGETHER!! dun they understand!? fark them!!! grr!!! im seriously gonna tell them off if they ever gonna ask me present again.. cuz im not gonna present in da end.. so wat for ask me to prepare everything b4hand.. RITE? in the end my hardwork is gonna turn into their hands.. BARK OFF!! grr!!!!!!

hmm.. well.. im pretty exhausted frm lettin of my steam.. so im goin to bed soon.. cuz tml have lesson at 9.. and i have to face the fantastic 4 again.. GRR!!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:17


Monday, July 18, 2005

phew.. finally finished my commskills outline.. yesh.. i know i have been procastinating.. from the first day of hols i say i wanna do till da last day.. i know if i dun do it today i will die terribly!!! haha.. know u guys cant bear to see me die so i did it.. hee.. aiights.. know im lame.. watever la..

yesterday met up with my darls.. wanyi and shermain and went shoppin.. but its a terrible shoppin experience.. cuz have to look for nice suitable formal wear.. grr.. da journey started at 2 and ended up at 515.. can u imagine? took us 3 hrs to find something that is suitable for us.. well.. bought the coat and pants at dano.. G2000 no longer have the matchin suit so we forget abt it.. but will get the blouse from there soon.. anyway really liked the suit.. haha.. dan aft dat shermain went to work.. so wan yi and ii went dwn to town.. grab a bite and went to look at the document bags..we each bought one.. me and her were like twins.. bought everything at the same shop.. lolx.. aft dat we went to centrepoint mac.. she need to look fer her friend.. so we ended eatin mcflurry tgt.. see.. wat i mean by being twins? lolx.. so we juz crap and eat mcflurry.. and abt 715 liddat my precious came over.. so 3 of us were crappin.. haha.. more like me and wan yi la.. he juz sat there and smiled.. lolx.. hmm.. dan he ate his dinner and it was abt 8.. her fren knocked off.. and guess wat? the $2 craze came out again.. all bcuz of stupid wan yi la.. ask me to find da person who is sweepin the floor.. haha.. ya.. dan aft dat me and my precious walked over to ps.. while dat crazy woman went off with her fren.. hee..

we walked over to ps.. shopped ard in carrefour.. bought some snacks for the movie.. watched mindhunter with the usual sat night movie gang.. dat movie is kinda creepy.. brrr... haha.. yupz.. guess wat? my precious was eating chicken in da cinema while watchin movie.. so cute lar he.. =) so funny la.. anyway it was me who wanted to eat.. ended up he enjoyed da whole chicken to himself.. mi havin a bite occasionally.. should have juz bought m&ms fer myself.. lolx.. anyway aft movie went they wanted to play lan game.. so we went dwn to marina square and play.. was havin migraine so din play.. slacked there toyin ard with dear's phone.. haha.. yupz.. and abt 2plus they decided to leave.. so reached home abt 3.. migraine was really killin me.. so i kinda slept soon.. yupz..

tis mornin woke up and first ting in my mind was commskills.. wanted to get rid of it.. wah.. was wout motivation and no inspiration to do it.. ended up doodling here and there.. haha.. dan abt 4 plus my precious msged me.. dan decided dat we have no where to go.. so went over his place and slacked.. haha.. yupz.. i abandoned my commskills and went over to my precious place.. haha.. reached there abt 545.. and he surprised me with a big packet of kway tiao.. omg.. i was a lil hungry.. but.. its a VERY big serving.. so end up i eat half of it.. and my precious have no choice but to finish up.. it has chilli.. so poor him.. he was sweatin like a pig.. haha.. ya.. so we juz watched tv and tv and more tv programs.. really slackin over there la.. slack in his arms.. so enjoyable.. haha.. =) dan abt 9 went dwn to buy some groceries.. bought dinner up and eat.. aft dinner he sent me home.. poor him.. tml have to wake up at 430 and go fer work.. haiz..

i know workin is very tiring.. but sometimes aft my day of sch.. unpleasant things happen.. and all i want is juz to hear from you.. but you are tired and juz wanna go rest.. im also torn apart.. dunno wat to do.. i detest sunday.. cuz wen da day ends.. i juz have to wait till next weekend to see you again.. to be in your arms again.. haiz..

hmm.. anyway wen we were at his hse.. his mum came home.. was abit paisei.. first time meetin his mum ma.. so pai sei la.. no proper intro also.. his character is liddat de la.. dan his mum see me.. have dat kinda smile.. dunno how to say la.. but dat smile make me feel even more pai sei.. haha..

watever it is.. priss is tired and needs to go slp.. still have to go sch early tml to do project.. haiz..
tis marks da end of my one week term break..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:17


Saturday, July 16, 2005

aiights.. am here to update abt my week.. tis is da sacred week which priss is havin her term break!!! but.. its juz a pathetic week.. anyway its packed with activities!!! muz fully utilise it!!!

first day of my hols!!! and i was like rottin myself at home fer da first half of da day.. anyway went swimmin w mei in da late aftnoon.. dan we went dwn to grandma place.. so long never see her le.. sch start busy le.. no time to go visit her.. feel so bad. so now free i go dwn lor.. yupz.. dan aft awhile daddy came and we left.. went fer dinner.. and tis is da fateful day where da whole tiff started.. haiz..

suppose to be in sch by 11 to do project.. and guess wat? genius pris woke up at 1030!!! so in da end was liek 1 hr late.. shit lor.. anyway me and aggy was slackin da whole time.. chattin w shermain on phone.. wah.. the total gg back to sch thing is pissin me off.. cuz its so unproductive!!! grr.. but wat can we do? man.. anyway came back home and rearranged my whole cupboard.. and dan i went to meet shermain wan yi and aggy fer dinner.. haha.. dan aft dinner juz went to sher's hse and slacked fer awhile b4 gg home.. today da quarrel worsen.. its uglyfied.. sadd..

woke up early.. cuz im gg tannin at sentosa with my gers!!! meet them at harbourfront.. took a shuttle bus there.. found a perfect spot and dan we started tannin.. da sun was not bad.. did manage to get a tan.. and it has alr start itchin.. grr.. wat the hell.. tan fer a lil while dan we left le.. cuz da noon sun is baaddd.. haha.. dan we went fer lunch and took a bus dwn to bugis and shopped.. more of window shop la.. haha.. saw so many things la.. swear im gg back durin da weekends to get it.. haha.. yupz.. dan in da end left mi wan yi and sher.. acc wan yi to sim lim to get her lappy.. dan we went home le.. yupz.. din talk to him.. but meetin fer breakfast tml.. sighz..

well.. met him fer breakfast at tpy mac.. din talk much.. tried persuadin him fer maneka's project.. failed.. =/.. acc him to da shop he got his stuffs and dan we slowly walk back to interchange cuz he has to leave fer work.. dan i went town.. cuz im meetin my darlin belle.. was there real early.. so i juz shopped ard on my own.. slacked at kino.. but it was totally a painful time.. cuz im on a v tight budget!!! so end up lookin thru mags.. dan slowly walked dwn to heeren busstop and waited fer her to come.. haha.. wen she come we walked ard.. talked crap.. looked at formal wear.. haven buy yet ma.. haha.. so we walked all over town.. in da end we were both tired.. dan we went to mos and sit and chat and drink and munch.. haha.. juz miss talkin to her.. lolx.. anyway aft dat i went dwn to grandma place.. visit her for awhile.. dan i watch fantastic 4.. omg.. chad look so much better here dan in cinderella story.. haha.. ya.. i enjoyed myself.. haha.. again and again he tried to pretend nothing happen.. sighz.. things seem to be better.. but da prob is still dere.. unsolved.. sighz..


went back to ny today!!! i wore sch u.. haha.. how lame can i be.. haha.. zy was da first who greeted me.. haha.. he stood at da foyer there and waited fer me.. how sweet can dat guy be.. lolx.. so we walked to canteed.. on da way met alot of familiar faces.. and some are really funny.. like louis reaction.. lolx.. funny lil boy.. saw chin and mandy outside canteen and we crapped quite alot b4 they leave fer lecture.. dan me and zy go eat yong tau foo and ribena!!! haha.. my long awaited yong tau foo!!! saw alot alot of familiar faces and it does feel good.. but.. somehow kinda feel like a stranger.. hee.. anyway really crap alot!!! and dan jojo was there.. some time ltr.. my cute lil xin yu came.. her reaction is so cute.. she practically screamed and ran to me.. haha..dat silly ger.. she's really cute la.. =) miss you too.. saddd din really get to talk to her dat much.. aha.. cuz chiam came dwn le ma.. dan my BNR is there.. ooh.. they were tellin me abt mandy's clone!!! and guess wat i get to see it!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS REALLY CLONE!!!!!!!!!! THE HAIR!! THE EYES!!! THE WHITENESS!! THE WAY THEY WALK!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its so scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg omg omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! still cant overcome da shock.. lolx.. anyway was fun being back in ny.. hee.. wil be back soon.. hee.. aft dat i came home lor.. haha..
guess wat!!! my precious passed his theory test!!! so prouda him!!! muackz!!! =)
tml gg formal shoppin w wan yi and sher.. gonna turn in soon..


PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:07


Sunday, July 10, 2005

guess wat guess wat? mi travel geog paper i gt 38.6 / 50.. if u wan me to look at the bright side.. its not bad la.. cuz i really din study much.. those i studied din really come out.. dan on a darker side.. its bad.. cuz its less dan 40.. grr.. feel so lousy.. lolx.. so.. let me see wat u guys tink.. hee..
in da mornin wake up early and meet aggy and study in sch.. but din have time to finish readin thru everything.. its juz too much.. its really too much.. my brain really cannot take it.. im so bummed out.. anyway aft paper it was like oni 3 dan me aggy and wan yi we went to cs and slack.. haha.. dan abt 5 liddat i meet my precious fer dinner at tpy.. wanted to go watch movie de.. but im broke.. and his pay not in yet.. so we juz had dinner and slacked ard.. looked fer his buddy ben who is workin at tpy.. yupz.. dan aft dat juz go home lor.. yupz.. dats how i spent my friday.. haha..

dan on sat was woken up by my precious one.. we couldnt come to a conclusion on where to go and to watch wat movie.. cuz in da night i have to go fer energy's concert.. so juz asked him to go home lor.. but he juz asked me out.. so we juz went dwn to town and slacked.. walked ard.. shopped ard.. took our dinner and he sent me to indoor stadium.. there was road blocks and everything.. a usual 30 mins trip turned to one hour.. and i was so car sick.. dat migraine started acting.. and i really felt v upset.. wanted to vomit.. on top of dat he is such a wet blanket.. was so angry la.. grr.. its like im late.. and im feelin so unwell.. and u juz have to add oil to fire..wanted to kill him la.. and he was like gg to watch fantastic four wout me.. how awful can i feel?! grr.. anyway he oso poor ting la.. he walked all da way frm indoor to marina square.. haha.. he muz be sweatin like a pig.. lolx.. i juz cant help but to laugh.. he is juz so cute.. he is my dearie dear.. lolx.. haha.. anyway the concert was good.. great in fact.. met my aunt.. she sent us home and went fer supper.. lolx.. today is a sunday.. sunny sunday.. lolx.. slackin at home.. haha.. holidays.. here i come!!!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @15:12


Thursday, July 07, 2005

bahhhhhh.. im having my travel geog paper tml.. 6 topics to study and get prepared fer tis freakin online paper la.. and end up i will juz finish it in less dan 30 mins.. its like wth la!!! anyway its sooooooooooooooooo much to study dat my brain is really so exhausted!!! it juz gets so tired easily!! omg!! it makes me feel like a pig la!! grrr..last nite i was kinda piss off la.. cuz my grp is meetin to do project today.. like wth la.. tml gt paper still meet today.. and they really dun do things de.. meet fer 2 hrs.. tink oni 30 mins doin project.. but if dun go.. i scared will get poor peer appraisal.. grr.. watever.. dun go oso go le.. me and aggy practically juz slacked there.. and we juz fell aslp liddat.. lolx.. aft dat went over to aggy hse to let her get prepared to go studyin with me.. hee.. she so nice la..come all da way to tpy to study.. lolx.. so we sat at mac and study.. drink awful bubble tea.. eat large fries.. so full la.. bleah.. hee.. dan abt 8 liddat we packed up and walked ard.. cuz we are juz simply too tired to contd studyin.. can u imagine i need to read the same line fer 5 times juz to get da line into my head?! like wth la.. anyway im really tired.. so we walked ard.. and aft dat daddy came and fetch me.. and aggy went home.. yupz.. dan now im gettin irritated by my freakin comp.. i cant do my travel geog assignment.. grr.. tink i go sch and do tml ba.. tml tml tml.. i feel like dyin!! wat a paper man.. im so gonna fail.. GOD BLESS ya.. lolx..haiz..

my precious lil one is sick.. he is havin fever and he is freakin sturborn.. ask him see doc dun wan.. keep insistin on takin pandaol and go work.. grrr.. still ask me to take care of him.. you tell mi la.. how to take care wen he is so sturborn.. dun even wanna rest still wan go work.. haiz.. i miss him so much lor.. thou i juz met him fer dinner last nite.. hee.. i mean wen u are in love u miss him like crazy wen u dun see him fer a day la.. hee.. ya.. so prissy is in love.. hee.. ytd met up with chiam and mandy.. they are really a bundle of joy.. with them there is oni laughter.. hee.. really miss them like hell xia.. chin din go.. she has to settle some stuffs la.. ya.. miss chin da most la.. dat stupid ger.. sent me a lame sms dat day.. but its juz simple stuff like tis dat keep our frenship there.. lolx.. bleah!!! i wan more kbox.. i wan more freeLANcers kbox.. lolx.. aft kbox went dwn to look fer my precious and have dinner.. and wen im there he told me dat he saw the schedule wrongly.. he end work at 10 not at 8.. so im like fine lor.. wat can i do man?! im jzu so irritated with him ytd la.. he was so hot wen i saw him last nite.. he is so obviously havin a fever la.. and he still dun wan see doc.. stil tell me he is ok.. wah.. juz wanted to kill him la.. grrr.. i shldx stop my rubbish now.. felt like im typin a long piece of crap.. bleah.. gg to cont studyin my travel geog.. prissy is so gonna fail.. =(

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @22:49


Monday, July 04, 2005

lalalalalallalalalala.. prissy is a happi ger.. im a happi ger!!! cuz everything dat i have been feelin upset abt is out of my chest.. and well.. can say bcuz of dat our r/s is like better now.. haha.. hee..

hmm.. let mi update you with da wonderful weekend dat i have.. haha.. so dear came over on sat aftnoon.. dan we juz slack ard.. watchin tv.. cookin our lunch.. i did bits of econs too.. see.. i am discipline.. i can study even he's ard.. he cant distract me.. haha.. so ya.. aft dat abt 7 plus liddat bathed and went out.. wanted to watch movie.. but tinkin dat we watched one ytd.. weekend tixs are ex.. and its a sat.. confirm no tixs fer da time slot i wan.. and i dun wanna go home past mid night.. yupz.. midnight charges.. hee.. so we juz went dwn to suntec.. took a lil walk.. searched fer food and we eat lor.. aft dinner we walk somemore.. dan slowly slowly walked to cityhall and took a train back home.. hee.. basically waste of time to go out la.. haha.. but i dun long as im w him im happy.. hee.. dan we came home lor.. he stayed over.. cuz nobody home.. and i dun wanna be home alone.. scared la.. so he juz stay over lor.. came home bathe and watch more tv.. i watched vcds in room and he was watchin soccer at the living room.. hmm.. dan wen he was tired he came in lor.. dan we contd to watch vcds thru da night.. soon we were all tired and we slp lor.. hee.. it juz feels so good to slp in his arms.. and practically have good night kisses.. hee.. no more sms.. lolx.. yupz.. dan slp all da way till sun mornin.. hmm.. actually wanted to go fer ccc fair de.. but we are juz slackin away.. so by the time we wanna go.. its too late le.. so i juz dressed up fer work.. yupz.. we dan got ready and went to lor.8 and eat our breakfast and lunch.. hee.. dan aft dat he sent me dwn to outram park and he went home while i go fer work.. hee.. so i juz love tis weekend.. cuz i get to spend the entire day with my precious!!! i love him so much.. nobody can ever understand how much..hee..

anyway last night i worked with jojo, lian and cheryl.. zy was there too.. but din really get to talk to him la.. yupz.. juz miss them so much. haha.. we juz talked so much..poor jo had a cut on her face.. poor ger.. luckily it was at da sight.. not at some place which is very destructive.. lolx.. they are still as lovely as b4.. so funny la.. especially lian's "tan".. actually is more like burn.. wahahhaha.. i can never stop laughin.. its juz so freakin funny!!! her stomach is a very obvious RED & WHITE!!! lolx.. she say she can be national day thingie.. lolx.. da silly ger.. dan me and cheryl were like some hungry ghost liddat.. cuz we are findin means and ways to EAT!!! lolx.. wen it was abt 10 plus we left and we took train tgt.. lolx.. i wanna go back to ny soon.. i wanna wear my uniform.. sit in da canteen and chat w all of them during all their breaks!!! lolx.. i love you peeps!!! kk.. i gtg le.. gonna go have lunch w my darlin sis.. =) dan get ready to visit sher!!! she is hospitalized.. cuz of fever.. and small tumor in her throat.. poor ger.. aggy ah neh and me are givin her a surprise!! so we are gonna act out scene in drama.. ask them where is her ward at the counter.. lolx.. poor ger.. get well soon..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @14:48


Saturday, July 02, 2005

i was having writer's block last nite.. din know wat to write.. so here i am rewriting.. lolx..
basically tis entire week is like shit fer me.. dunno why am i so moody and emotional.. so kinda took it on my poor precious.. im sorri if i hurt you.. but i still love you.. feel so bad la.. ya..

well well.. aft one entire week of emotional turmoil.. yesterday finally met up w my precious.. i was so happy and excited la.. my mood was definitely super different frm any other days.. lolx.. guess agnes and sher cant tahan ba.. lolx.. anyway went dwn to rp and wait fer him to end work.. saw helen.. chatted abit.. miss dat ger and all those fun we used to have.. lolx.. anyway wen he end work i acc him to eat.. cuz me and my gfs chiong to pizza hut aft lesson ytd.. so was so full dat i cant eat.. so he eat while i study abit of travel geog.. dan we kinda talked abit lor.. yah.. dan aft his lunch.. or maybe dinner we went to tpy and watched war of the worlds.. dun wanna go too far cuz i wanna be home early and he has too.. cuz today he work mornin ma.. yupz.. so we watched da movie lor.. its so damn nice la..thou im kinda freaked out and touched by it.. yupz.. its really kinda scary.. imagine something is buried under the ground fer millions and millions of years.. and it will suck ur blood.. the scene where affect me da most is wen the whole entire place is red.. know why its red? cuz those freakin machines suck our blood and spray it on the plants.. omg.. can you imagine how much blood dat is? im really so darn freak out.. anyway its fiction.. but i do believe in end of da world.. blah blah blah.. watever.. ooh.. da whole movie touched me da most is how tom cruise is tryin to protect rachel.. his daughter.. it juz remind me how much daddy loves me and how he is always tryin to keep me away frm danger frm harm.. yupx.. i love you daddy!!! anyway he and my sis is in kl w mummy.. they are shoppin!!! and im in spore all alone.. im so lonely im ms lonely.. lolx..

hmm.. basically sch was kinda crap la.. nonsense in sch everyday.. hee.. term test comin.. and im dun wanna fail.. so im studyin hard fer it.. got 6 bloody chapters to read fer friday's paper.. can u believe it? omg.. i dun wanna fail!!! lolx.. but u know wat? im alr holiday mood le.. hee.. i wanna go tannin.. go kbox w my dearies wen its holiday.. maybe gg clubbin.. oso wanna go fer pj slumbers.. lolx.. im so bored now.. waitin fer my precious to come.. bored at home..saddd..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @15:09


haiz.. i dunno wat to do lor.. tis week is a rather sucky week.. hate ends of months.. cuz no money.. mood swings.. stress.. hate it hate it!!! juz simply hate tis week..

in da mornin im super happy.. cuz meetin my precious aft sch.. cuz its like aft so much thing dan finally meetin him.. dan i wear nice nice.. hee.. aft lesson da 4 of us.. we chiong all da way to PizzaHut and eat.. lolx.. dan aft eatin i went dwn and look fer bao bei.. yupz.. i dunno how to describe wat im feelin now.. but definitely is love.. =)
i know he loves me.. i love da way he holds me.. i love da way he touches my head.. i love da way he play w my hair.. i love da way he looks at me.. i love everything abt him!!! i love my precious.. =) hee. anyway we went to watch movie..we watched war of the worlds.. gosh.. it is really makin me paranoid.. so i tink its a worth it movie.. yupz.. go watch k.. im still havin da chills.. grrr.. hee.. my papa and mei mei went kl wout me.. and im left all alone at home w gm. saddd.. xianz.. hopefully tml can enjoy da whole day w my dear.. v long no er ren shi jie le.. cuz da past few weekends all meet his frens.. saddd.. yupz.. lookin forward to tml.. i love my bao bei!!!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @13:14


pRyncess pRissy. 071287. emotional stubborn sagittarius. self obsessed.
cant live wout: orange zen neeon ; black3230 ; strawberries chocolates ; tanning ; swimming ; big screen movies ; late nights ; sleepovers ; talking ; a lil booze ; a lil partying ; my gurlos ; my family

for all the joy you brought to my life ; for all those times you stood by me ; you were always there for me ; my world is a better place because of you. i love you guys. <3

can i have it liddat?

*bliss and happiness
*a lil of material needs as well

lemme hear you

my love goes out to

`aggy `alviin `alyy `beckky `carrol `cherryl `chesttine `conniee `glyyn `j0jjo `jonny `joyyce `leann `lizz `05A7cc `pearll `pett `rutthie `shermainn `smm `tinggs `weiwuu `weizz `xinyyu `yinkii `yunn
`y-vonn `zoeyy

myy freeLANcers

.chinny .jiam .xbc

myy past

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