Wednesday, August 31, 2005

died! no motivation to study.
my notes are callin me to slp!
they dun wan my attention!
grrr!!! tis is so irritatin!

hmm. went back to sch today and studied w aggy, sher, wy
it was quite productive la.
but im gonna be so dead la.
so much to study so lil time!
aft dat went over to granny hse fer dinner
gr8 food

well. guess the past few days were really crap!
dunno why.
juz missed my precious so much.
din even get to spend a single day w him
da oni time we spent was dinner on sat night
it was total crap la!

anyways mum`s back
get to spend some time w her
tml we are gg kbox tgt!
can u imagine!? haas
its gonna be so fun!
im really blessed to have such a mum.
thou at times i will be pissed off by her.
but i know she still loves me loads!
im glad dat we have such a close r/s
despite her workin overseas
come to tink of it
how many of my frens actually share such close bond w their parents?
thank god fer blessin me with such gr8 parents!

on sat met up w maneka dear.
went shoppin.
bought 2 more tops.
tis silly ger is so in love w mr daryl la.
listen to watever she says is so interestin
all the surprises and all
hope daryl will treat her well.
i believe he does.
if he dares to bully her
he will get it

hmm. tml gonna meet dear aft his work.
acc him settle some stuffs.
finally can see him aft so long.
sometimes i really wonder
how much i have changed.
maybe i grew mature w tis r/s
but somehow i still wana be a lil ger in tis r/s
so confusing!
watever it is
im gonna be loving tis silly boy of mine
till time is up!

well. i gotta try studyin again.
i dun wanna fail!
aiights. i can hear ffb callin out to me

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:22


Thursday, August 25, 2005

aiights. last nite i actually wrote one long entry.
juz b4 publishing the whole thing went missing!
so now im freakin paranoid.
and tis is part 2 of the update.

saturday 20 aug 2005
guess today is one of the best day i have.
my precious came over my hse and pick me up.
this happens once in a while.
its so rare.
haas. C=
trained dwn to cityhall.
hmm. cant rmb wen`s da last time i need not make decision
on where to go
anw shopped ard suntec.
din buy anything =/
wanted to spent money so badly.
anw was hungry so as usual we walked to food court.
passed a comment on eatin at swensens.
guess wat?
my precious gave me an unexpected reply.
was totally shock.
my precious is such a thrifty.
anw went to a couple of places and last decision is swensens.
had such a nice meal.
was jokin w him. lolx.
aft dat went up to sky garden and talked.
been so long since we last had a good talk.
dan he sent me home.
needless to say.
ooh. guess wat.
had my fill of slp last night.
however was tired wen i was out juz now.
horrible projects!
anw dear! i love you. muacks.

sunday 21 aug 2005
went yinki hse and did commskills project.
at least had some work done.
not so bad.
craped ; laughed ; joked
we juz seriously cant get tgt.
whole place will turn upside dwn.
anw met my precious fer dinner.
thou its juz a short time spent w him
im happy enough
muz be contented w wat i have
thou there is a never ending crave fer himm
im gg crazy!

monday 22 aug 2005
haas. pris went fer lecture!
cuz its revision lect.
so being a good ger i went fer it.
aft dat lunched at norgen vaz. dat smelly place.
had bcs test!
guess wat?!
i gt 14.75 outta 15!!!
so happy canss.
anw aft dat me and aggy went mac and studied fer tml`s travel goeog test.
9 freakin long chapter!
came home took a short break.
watched america`s top model and tada back to studyin!
yikes! been gettin headaches.
anw studied till 3 plus 4 dan went to slp.
was on the phone with my precious fer awhile.

tuesday 23 aug 2005
did badly fer travel geog.
30 outta 50.
im totally pissed off with my farkin grp today.
how can 2 ppl go orchard but a $26 file
wen project is nt done
wat the fark la!
im so not goin to pay.
wat the hell la $26 file!
i really wanna go confront her.
but im scared we will still be classmates
worse still group mates!
dun wan dat to happen!
so farkin pissed off
and guess wat
they wanna give me and aggy bad peer appraisal
wen they are da ones not doin any work
wtf la
im freakin pissed off la.
anw went up to deslim w aggy and stood up fer sy
cant stand da way they treat her.

wednesday 24 aug 2005
din make it fer econs lect
lect is at 12 ; woke up at 1151
meet zy to get $$ and went fer lunch w him
long time no see buddy.
so much to catch up with
so much to say
yet so lil time.
thanx fer da meal buddy!
anw he went back ny fer lesson
and i went dwn to sch fer project
in da end went dwn to aggy hse.
so did project there
slacked there

well well
thats the end of my update.
cant believe i have such powerful memory
am so tired these days
cant afford to
need to mug fer exams!
im a hardworkin ger k

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:52


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

aiights. been almost a week since i last updated.
this week was totally hectic and stressful.
hence all my pimples are tryin to come upfront.
grr! so irritatin!
ok ok. here goes my update. bear with it.

monday 15 aug 2005
was in sch early fer useless meetings AGAIN!
lunched at jupiter cafe
went fer bcs
aft dat we stayed back and did our excel
well. stayed till lab almost closed.
hmm. excel is done.
one dwn ; 3 more to go
reached home had some entertainment
watched america top model b4 studyin for ttb test.
first night lack of slp.

tuesday 16 aug 2005
went sch early fer travel geog.
hmm. aiights im late. but since wen is prissy on time?
lolx. watever.
went to lab and did travel geog.
can you believe it?
was in da same lab as mr RED.
tot could finish travel geog w 1 hr.
but it was so badly done dat we had no choice but redo.
in da end stayed back aft ttb test to do.
ttb test was horrid.
a mixture of know and dunno question
all i want is juz a pass.
dats wat i say.
in my heart i want a B.
anyway stayed till real late to finish up travel geog.
travel geog done.
one down ; 2 more to go
reached home and studied intro like mad!
its oral assesment mind you!
second night lack of slp!

wednesday 17 aug 2005
met aggy early in the mornin and hibernatein lib to study fer intro.
both of us were juz too tired to get anyting into our brain!
did manage to squeeze it in somehow. =/
oral assesment was bad!
she ask me on everything i dunno
and she ask the whole wide world except me the thing i know
im gonna fail real bad
saw loads of 1s.
there goes my grades.
gone with the wind!
anw pika shouted at us infront of the whole class
like wth
who da hell she tink she is man!?
so freakin piss off!
anyway did degustation w aggy.
stayed in lab till late AGAIN!
had so much to do.
it was crazy.
justify everything you do.
like wat's wrong with youu?!
came home did more degustation
din study fer commskills.
gonna be dead!
third night lack of slp

thursday 18 aug 2005
worst day of the week!
guess wat!? clever pika did everything except the wine list
so efficient prissy and aggy has to do the dirty job.
apparently they are still on their stuffs.
so freakin irritated la
never help still command us do this do that
other grps took weeks to do da wine list
and we oni have less da 24 hrs to do it.
wat da fark rite?!
was so freakin pissed off!
and its like i haven do my econs!
im like so dead!
lucky yj help me do 1 article
im left with one
and guess wat
last min da article cant use
searched online like mad ; till 4
finally found one
quickly did it.
went to slp.
was so freakin tired and high alr.
need slp.
no slp ; presentation tml will be gone case
fourth night lack of slp

friday 19 aug 2005
reached sch at 830 am.
yes ; less dan 2 hrs of slp.
ffb presentation was BADLY done.
fark the fantastic 4.
fark the whole presentation.
gona fail bcuz of them.
and guess wat!?
they went ahead with the presentation wout sy
priss is angry!
sy might get a big fat O for ffb lor.
watever ; went dwn and rushed out my article
typed ; print ; bind ; prepare all in one short hour
wen i reach 5th floor i was catchin my breath
almost faint.
anw econs was gr8
i bet nancy tan likes me.
aiights. expecting good grades fer econs!
aft tat was excel time
edit ; helped ; print
everything finished by 5
the 5 of us were starving!
went to tm and took a proper meal
the 3-in1 meal ; breakfast-lunch-dinner
finally a great meal aft all the pocky days.
aft 3-in1 ; trained dwn to cityhall
bought booze and slacked at merlion.
5 of us juz got loose!
getting high ; laughin so loudly
omg. so fun!
gr8 time spent.
came home rather late but i got to catch up on my slp
dun need to worry wat time i wake up the next day.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comtoast to the end of those farkin projects!
Image hosted by the joy of my life
Image hosted by emo-ing away
Image hosted by Photobucket.commerlion ; the symbol of singapore built in 1964
Image hosted by 87s stand strong tgt

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:48


Sunday, August 14, 2005

yesh. dis is dedicated to you ; ma oni love.
ma dearie dear ; ma sweetheart
ma precious darlin ; ma sugar baby.

six months since we have been tgt.
its half a year!
its not a very long time ; neither is it short
went thru a rollercoaster ride.
plenty of ups and downs.
i learnt how to be more understandin
learnt how nt to be so demandin of ur time
learnt how to hang on and have faith in both of us
learnt alot more as well
like wat you told me juz now
you learnt how to love me more
dote on me more ; how sweet =)
this 6 mths is really a gr8 time.
we brought our r/s to a higher level
knowin each other more
learnt to give and take.
my dear ; i know you are workin long hours
dun have as much time as you want fer me
its ok ; i`ve learnt to understand da fact
hence i treasure and look forward to every weekend
its da oni quality time i get to spend with you

you are a pleasant surprise to my life
wen things in my life was goin dwnhill
u appeared and lifted me up
i dunno how to express wat i feel exactly
cuz its really more dan words can ever say
6 mths come and go
and i am very sure of this
i love you more dan ever
i nv felt anything like tis b4

i love euu
i really love euu
more dan words can say
tis love of mine is unmeasurable
it goes deeper dan any fish in da ocean can swim
it goes higher dan any bird in da sky can fly
don ever ask me how much i love euu
cuz i cant put it into words
there isnt any word can describe how much i love euu
with euu
da ride of life seems so much more worth while
cuz i have euu by my side
nth in da world can beat the feelin of havin euu in my life
life is so perfect now
juz wan tis to go on for the rest of my life
i love euu james
now and forever
i promise euu w all my heart

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:57


a lil update. been days since i last update.
and i have a piece of rather good news. =)
well. got back my commskills results.
not da finalise one. but still im happy abt it.
fer my essay i got a B.
fer my presentation i got a B.
so far im a B student fer commskills.
im easily contented.
so im happy enough ; grateful enough

was totally late fer class. woke up oni wen aggy called.
and dat was like 30 mins b4 class. how to chiong fer class?
so decided not to go fer class and went back to slp.
hehs. went sch fer lunch. studied BCS like HELL!
and i seriously mean like HELL! chiong all da way in library!
but da stupid paper left me dumbfounded!
i really dunno how to do.
juz dun wanna fail it ; dun wanna retake dis stupid module!
aft dat im a good ger. and i came home.

went over to yj hse and did project.
aiights its super unproductive!
but managed to do abit. =/
met dear fer dinner aft dat.
my phone was in my bag ; unfortuanately its silent mode.
guess wat!? i gt 64 missed calls wen i checked my phone!
i almost fainted.
yupx. its frm my precious.
he was furious la.
aiights i mean who wun.
im really sorri k. din do it on purpose wat.
so met him took dinner and we went to watch movie.
wedding crasher.
nice movie peeps. ok at least its nice to me!
hee. anyway aft movie i went home. it was like 1130.
and im gonna wake up early tml.
so im rather dead cuz i know i will be super tired!

well woke up at 7 AM!
yesh my dear father woke me up!
i know we have prayer today.
nope prayer's not so early!
he wake us up fer mac breakfast
i was half awake can!
so went dwn to grandma hse first.
first thing i did. take off my slippers.
second was to get into da room.
third- SLEEP!
yesh. dats my routine.
im so god damn freakin tired!
abt 10 plus dad wake us up again.
gotta go uncle's hse.
so went there prayed ; chatted with cousins ; spaced out
lolx. was msgin my precious too
he was up so early to play soccer.
pengz ; anw aft lunch went home
bathed ; changed ; went off to meet dearie
wen he came we walked over to cine and bought tixs.
yesh. he acc me to watch da long awaited
charlie and the chocolate factory.
it was nice. i enjoyed it. =)
=D whee!
aft movie we walked dwn to heeren.
wanted to take neoprints.
but. machine error so decided against it.
walked dwn to ps.
rested my precious legs and had a drink.
dan we contd walkin. lolx.
and went carrefour and did some grocerry shoppin fer him.
yesh. we are the couple who loves to shop at carrefour.
lolx. =)
saw helen. such a coincidence.
aft dat we walked over and eat tau huay.
my dinner. lolx.
so crowded can ; almost din have da chance to eat.
yesh yesh. aft tau huay we went home.
hmm. dunno why.
its juz like any other dates we have.
but it juz feel so different. =)
wanted to do something diff
but was interupted by the prayer =/
anyway i owe him a gift.
in da process.
too busy to finish it. projects sucks!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:34


Friday, August 12, 2005

gosh. dunno where are my notes gone too.
searched high and low ; still no sight of them.
watever. printed new notes. so gonna burn night oil ltr.
tml got bcs test. can u imagine?! omg!
yesh! and watever i saw juz now are not english!
cfm failure! really not gonna slp! i dun wanna retake this freakin module!
grr! die die die die die die die die die die die.

put tat aside. today had project at 11. guess wat?
yesh im late again. anw they arent doin anything.
go so early fer wat? lolx. was talkin to sher at 11
left da hse abt 1115. reached there b4 1145.
practically sat there and ROT! can you believe it?!
went sch earlier to ROT! and my precious aggy choose not to come today!
so i was pretty lonely. yesh. was totally wanderin ard la.
ha. lucky fer lunch wan yi came to da rescue. hanged ard w her theresa and rebecca.
din know there are also so much political issues in their grp.
grp projects sux ya. lolx.
yesh. dan finally darlin sher is ready fer lunch.
we had a feast. lolx.
aft da feast went to lib.
MEMORABLE time there.
dun wanna elaborate.
it was damn funny! and i swear it will not happen again.
NEVER! its da first and last time! SWEAR!
yesh yesh.
went fer commskills.
was so drained out. practically stoning in class.
aft dat went dwn to lab and did da questionnaire.
guess wat? same lab as my eye-candy! was droolin can!
lolx! he wore madrid's jersey!!! can u imagine how my heart was screaming?!
he look so damn freakin good! lolx.
yesh. we finished doin dat. went home.
so tired can ; dunno how to stay awake ltr

chatted w my precious online juz now.
showed him my eye candy pic.
aiights i know its dumb.
his reaction is natural.
but i juz want him to know abt it.
cuz there's nth to hide.
he's juz my eye-candy. play a big part as my motivation to sch.

aiights. gonna start burnin the oil now. luck fer tml's paper ya.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:17


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

daddy cooked lunch today. he did my fav fishie.
so i ate alot of it. yums.
went out fer a movie aft dat.
wanted to watch charlie ; no tixs
end up watchin bewitched.
not bad ; but not stuning ; if u get wat i mean.

anyway aft movie my precious and i went dwn to cityhall.
cuz i wanted to look at fireworks.
was super crowded and it was definitely hot!
in da end we went to the parliament place there.
so much cooler ; so much spacious.
caught a better view of the fireworks.
it was stunning ; beautiful.
omg! =)
din get to see it last year.
finally i did it tis year. =)

aiights ; walked all da way to rp and took a train back
hmm. though da day was short.
time spent w him was great.
im so in love w him all over again.
i know some things cant be changed.
like da long hours he's workin.
and that he will never have enuff time to acc me.
watever it is i will hang on.
i will get use to it.
thou sometimes im juz so plain stubborn dat i cant help but to lose my temper.
im so grateful dat he can put up with all my shit.
aiights. all tis shld be in tis sunday entry.
its our 6th month. =)
dunno wat we gonna do. oni have half da day.
have prayer in da mornin.
watever it is. its gonna be great!
i love you honey. =x
aiights. i better be slpin.
have presentation tml. gonna appear full gear.
lolx. nights peeps.

aiights i know im lame. juz shuddup ya.

to ah sa. stop insultin my eye-candy. i din even insult urs. bleah.
anw it doesnt matter wat u say. cuz no matter wat ; he is still CUTE!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:32


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

latest update! im late fer project fer TWO HOURS! mwahahah can u believe it?
yesh! i know im a pigg aiights. bleah.
can u believe it?
my alarm clock rang at 930 and i snoozed it till 10.
next i shut it all up ; wantin to slp fer 5 more mins.
turned up i slept fer another 2 hrs.
horrible. i know. dun need to tell me.
anyway gg to sch was a total waste of time.
other dan da fact dat i saw my eye-candy twice.
bleah. they are so sickening.

ate my only meal of da day at jupiter cafe. did some unproductive econs discussion.
went off to tm and bought this block of super nice dark choc truffle cake.
it was niiiiiicccceeee. totally worth the money.
totally worth me eatin shit fer da rest of da week.
but who cares if i get to enjoy once in da while. hehs.

aiights. lemme update you abt wat happen yesterday.
slept fer 2 hrs and had to wake up and go to aunt hse.
she's leavin fer america. cousins goin over next week.
not gonna see them fer at least a yr. sobz.
anyway was there by 7 am. was so freakin tired.
abt 8 we set off in all da different cars.
reached airport b4 9.
hugged. emo time. and we all left.
went dwn to have mac breakfast.
joked ard w my cousins.
jie sent us home.
so jealous. got license ; got car.
she's damn protective over her car. its so funny.

went home changed and tada went over to meet my gerlos.
was late. i know. no choice. dinno da flight was so early.
tot it was in da night. anw. got tgt our stuffs and surprises fer our dear da jie aggy.
she's da OLDEST among us. mwahaha.
wen she reached she called us.
none of us picked up. cuz we are in da midst of something.
lolx. while sendin yj over to meet her.
she appeared frm no where. and it was damn hilarious.
we ran away frm her. mwaahha.
went to eat at fish and co.
she actually believed dat it was da end of her celebration.
omg. how dumb can she get?!
anw me & wy went to get da cake while the rest awaits at the sky garden.
yupz. magic candles and all.
so funny.
aft dat was presents time.
pleasant surprises indeed.
hoped u enjoyed dear.
went to esplanade lib and slacked big time there.
slacked till all of us cant tahan the cold any more.
dan walk over to raffles city starbucks and slack more there.
dan it was rather late. went off and meet my precious fer dinner.

well. was rather upset w him la.
dunno why. im super tired. he's da one who say wanna meet.
yet wen met, he was so totally sian.
grr. dat led me to a super bad mood.
grr. i dunno wat to do.
din talk to him much at all.

tis is fer dat stupid babear of mine.
i know u are juz jealous dat he is on my dp and not u.
he is really cute k.
anyway both of us never had da same taste in guys.
so its ok. forgivable.
u will oni be forgiven wen u are ready to save ur hostage.
mwahaha. bring nonny to have a one to one exchange.
tats da deal. anw i miss u badly babear. meet up real soon ya.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @12:52


Sunday, August 07, 2005

bored bored bored.
totally rot at home today can.
changed blogskin ; did aggy bday card ; slacked
hmm. my precious went fer chalet.
he wanted to meet me.
but aiya like he go there fer awhile dan muz come out meet me.
so im very nice told him no.
let him enjoy.
dan i rot at home.

guess wat?
huang tian bu fu ku xin ren!
i found xiang xiang's friendster! omg!!!!!!!!!
can you believe it!?
can you feel my excitement?!
omg!!!!!! i was screamin jumpin and everything..
haha.. he is real cute!!
hmm.. frm everything ; i doubt dat ger's his gf.
YEAH!!! haha..
so happi also no use. im attached to my precious =)

hmm. last night mentioned xiang to himm.
instant jealousy. hehs. so cute la him.
cant help but feel so loved wen he's jealous.
hees. ok. im nuts.
everytime i start to lose hope. he smiles at me. and im fallin head over heals w dat idiot again!

u know wat dat idiot find so amusing?
me burpin.
he can luff non-stop at dat! omg!
he is crazy can.
lolz ; hee
he's my silly goose.

aiights. i gtg catch some slp soon. tml gotta reach aunt hse at 7.
and da gers are gonna celebrate aggy bday. =)
hope to meet precious tml. x)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:33


Saturday, August 06, 2005

my precious babear say i never update..
so now i update lor..
today is CCN day..
finally realise how much students tp actually has..
it was really damn squeezy..
we took a tour ard and dan went off le..
no point stayin wen where u go is human u face..
cant even take a good look at tings u wanna buy..
so we took 518 and went dwn to town..
dan started shoppin ard..
rather budget la..
no job ; no income
yet have to spend so much money..
buy bday gifts..
buy clothes..
i still haven buy dat belt lor..
buyin wen i get my next allowance..
somemore i wanna save money..
wan go holiday w frens..
where gt money..
any part time job to intro?
im so poor la..
sometimes juz wish there are more to spend..
aiightss.. who dun wish too..
anw we shopped quite abit..
dan aft aggy left we bought her bday pressie..
celebratin w her on sunday.. =)
aft dat i chiong dwn to tpy..
meet my precious darlin fer dinner ma..
so long never see him la..
miss him like crazy.. =)
but dun tink tis weekend can meet up with him ba..
there are really alot to say to him..
so far i cant find da right time the right place to do dat..
dunno la..
anyway my comp is fine now..
but im rather paranoid..
doin scans hourly..
im nuts ; i know
anw all my files are gone =(
all my pics and songs
guess my backups are corrupted..
so i dun dare try..
so peeps.
send me stuffs yea..
i will be SUPERBLY grateful.. trust me..
anw im tired.. slpin soon..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:46


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

no lesson for today.. so now im rottin at home.. but later goin sch for project which is due this friday.. haiz.. so many deadlines la.. monday got one more deadline.. tis weekend doin travel geog project.. still have excel ffb econs projects.. die la die la.. daddy juz ask me to come home early tis mth.. u tell me how to? wen there are soooo many projects!! grrr.. juz cross my fingers la.. today good mood.. so shall update you abt me whole entire week..

went to sch and did my case study. did my assignment. full marks fer both assignments. trained dwn to bugis met up with chin and mandy. went to take a look at new nat lib. went back to bugis junction. had a walk and they have to go. so went to walk ard bugis street alone b4 gg to meet my precious fer dinner. aft dinner went home lor.

thou lessons start at 2. ii went sch at 10. contd with our case study. better results seen. yj and wy went fer lectures while me and aggy were in da lab. she practised on her speech and i contd on my case study. anw commskills me wy yj were typin away on our case study. lolx. its as thou today gt no lesson whole day case study liddat. hee. so tired la. went dwn to grandma hse fer dinner. at dat went home.

its a weekend! kinda happy! as usual its our hungry friday! lolz. totally slacked ard in sch. today we wore casual formal and i wore my silk one. and all of them are molestin me in class! can you believe it?! grr. so funny la. was attacked left right and back. lolx. went fer lessons.lessons end. aggy, sher, yj , me , we went dwn to bugis. wanted to eat roti prata but it wun start till 430. wth la. so we juz drink and went to nat lib and reseach on our ffb. wah. da info are really here and dere. dunno how to research also. did abit la borrowed books. went dwn to bugis street and bought tat purple top. =)) aft dat met my precious and went to bk fer dinner. wah. can really kill him la. told him i wanted onions rings and he bought an extra portion of dat. wah. caused me to forsake my strawberry pie. saddd. anyway we walked ard and went home as precious is tired and he need to work tml.

woke up early as uncle reno is comin over to repair my comp. but he was oni here ard 4 as it was rainin the whole mornin. so me and sis slacked at home. aft he repaired everything. we bathed and went to central. she wanted to borrow comics and i was gg to meet precious. wen i reached i called him and he said he needed quite some time to reach so i acc my sis. guess wat? wen i reached da shop he called sayin he reached! im like wth la! grrr.. so went to meet him and we went to town. wanted to buy some clips. but those i like are really expensive. so decided to take a look ard. me and precious dan went to cine fer dinner. aft dat we bought tixs fer movie. =) it has been so long since we went out tgt! fer da past few sat it was always with his frens. so we walked ard town as the movie is like 90 mins away. enough to play a game of soccer. lolx. slacked ard. went fer movie. it was not bad. enjoyable but not stunning. stealth. dats da movie name. alritee. aft movie he sent me home. story ends. haha. was so tired wen i reach home. hit the sack almost immediately. yupz.

its a sunday! cant believe da month of july has passed by so fast. it has gone with da wind. anyway woke up real late. like 12 plus. came online. realise da hurtful truth abt my comp. anyway was on da phone with carol and we decided to meet up. so went to get ready. met dear carol and jo. four of us had dinner tgt. went grocery shoppin w her. haha. dan we left. me and dear shopped somemore at toa payoh. x) yupz. finally bought the clips! hee. juz slacked ard with him. dan he sent me home.

start of a new month! its also my precious chi chi bday. better meet up with me soon. or ur hostage will die. haha. anyway was in sch by 10. doin project ma. guess wat?! my eye candy also came to the same laB! i was so excited! so happy! whee. and best part is he took the comp next to me! WHEE!! haha. it was definitely da best day of my life. haha. he's so cute can! he smells damn nice too! hee. ya. anyway went for lunch and lessons aft dat. aft sch went shoppin w them at tm. yupz. came home and work on my ppt fer tml's presentation. yupz. haiz. xianz. nervous.

had my presentation. sux to da core. keep tripin on my words. was so nervous. dunno why?! never was i once so nervous. my whole body was shakin! omg. anw its over! yupz. i was so hungry la. stomach was growlin. lolx. went fer lunch at norgen vaz. smelly place with good food. ha. aft dat stayed in sch fer project. me and agnes chiong all da way. yupz. finished with our part we left. i really cant stand our grp any longer! they are really an eyesore to me. esp invisble woman! cant stand her attitude! grr. lucky sem is gg to be over soon. prayin hard not to be in da same class as her AGAIN fer da rest of da sem. pls let me get over and done with her! grr

cant stand her. attitude sux. dun wish to talk more abt her. my blood boils with juz pure mention or a look at her. eeeeeeeeee. yikes!

hmm. things have been gg thur my mind. it has been so long. i really dunno wat to do. aggy said no. my heart says think twice. but my mind is tellin me yes! im really lost. really need a talk with him. sometimes i really feel bad. i know he is tired frm work and stuff really need to go rest. but if i let him go, i will feel unease. if i dun, i will feel guilty. i am really slowly changin fer his sake. im learnin to accept everything. aceept that he is workin long hours. accept that he has lil time fer me. accept dat i have to wait. accept where i stand in his life. accept how every sat we have to meet so late ; or meet up with his frens. i dunno. it seems dat i will never be loved da way i want from him. sighz. tis sucks! but he loves me in his own special way. dunno how to explain. guess its a really hard time fer me now ya. projects him frens. haiz..

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @13:11


pRyncess pRissy. 071287. emotional stubborn sagittarius. self obsessed.
cant live wout: orange zen neeon ; black3230 ; strawberries chocolates ; tanning ; swimming ; big screen movies ; late nights ; sleepovers ; talking ; a lil booze ; a lil partying ; my gurlos ; my family

for all the joy you brought to my life ; for all those times you stood by me ; you were always there for me ; my world is a better place because of you. i love you guys. <3

can i have it liddat?

*bliss and happiness
*a lil of material needs as well

lemme hear you

my love goes out to

`aggy `alviin `alyy `beckky `carrol `cherryl `chesttine `conniee `glyyn `j0jjo `jonny `joyyce `leann `lizz `05A7cc `pearll `pett `rutthie `shermainn `smm `tinggs `weiwuu `weizz `xinyyu `yinkii `yunn
`y-vonn `zoeyy

myy freeLANcers

.chinny .jiam .xbc

myy past

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