Wednesday, September 28, 2005

guess wat!? im feelin hungry.
im such a pig la. haha. dunno wat is my stomach doin also.
lolx. gonna get something and eat ltr.
cant believe it la. i juz had my dinner like 4 hrs ago.
arghh. watever. cant be bothered.

anyway went fer da so called training today.
it was ok la. quite boring la.
i mean who would wanna know abt all the plans and everything.
i almost died there if it werent fer da jokes.
i tink it will definitely be a nice place to work in.
loads of fun and everything.
i dun mind workin ; but the pay is the oni thing stoppin me.
so. shall juz go fer work tml and see how la.
i mean its juz 5 hrs per day. rather spend some time tryin to earn money dan spendin those money away rite.
haha. watever.

hmm. something i juz gotta say is my trainer.
he looks abit like dat bastard.
his brows and eyes. haiz. somethings are juz unavoidable huh.
his character too. haiz. why muz such things come back and haunt me.
i dun need it. i dun need it.
all i need is more time to be w dear.
need more faith and strength to hold on.
watever la huh. im gonna slack my time away and juz rot.
kk. shall tell u how da job goes huh.
tis is my goal tml. at least 1 sale.
and not to be late in meetin my sweetie pie.
im always late.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:02


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

well well. finally am here to update.
yaya. it almost been a week.
i swear im online day aft day.
but i juz dunno wat to write dwn here.
haas. maybe nobody even cares wat gg on w my life.
so wat fer write it dwn here.
rite?! yada yada. watever.

cant really rmb wat i did last week.
knew i went fer interview w wy.
looked fer sher who was permin her hair ;
yj who cut her hair.
aft dat we all had dinner at lor.5 eatting da famous fishball noodle.

on sat met up w tc.
had a filling lunch at bombers.
we were BLOATED ; and i mean B L O A T E D
i almost rolled my way thru orchard ltr.
aft she left fer home.
i waited in town alone fer my precious to end his interview.
slacked in kino ; saw tonnes and tonnes of nice things dat i wanna buy.
but cannot ; muz resist temptation ; need the money for kl more.
tired of standing ard ; went up to orchard library
found a book and i started to sit dwn and read.
i was wondering ' is my phone spoilt? ' or someting liddat.
cuz its alr 8 and honey din call me.
i was rather upset ; cuz kinda wasted my time waitin
wen i cld be doin something else on a saturday night.
tot da library was closin soon ; wanted to finish up the book
crossed my fingers and went up the loan machine.
i know mine card has alr hit da max.
cant borrow anymore unless i pay off the fines.
so i took out daniel's card.
i almost fainted wen the card is available fer use.
i know its bad of me ; but im too desperate.
haas. walked back to my cosy lil spot and contd readin wen it was abt 845
my honey finally called.
i swear if he is still not gonna call i wld have died in da library.
so ya ; half of my sat is wasted WAITING!
im rather pissed.
there aint much we cld do. cant watch movie.
tix are sure to be all sold out ; or left w those irritatin front seats.
in the end he turned up w his ben.
so we went on to meet up with more of his fren
and tada we are stucked w them fer da rest of the night.
yupz they decided to go ktv-ing.
party world was CRAP so we called up other outlets and we are gg to boat quay partyworld.
we dan walked over to heereen to meet up somemore of his frens.
wat can i do abt it!?
yadayada. slacked my time away in partyworld.
reached home abt 3.
dats my sat.

aiights. tis is a super exciting entry. okok. to me it is exciting aiights.
watever. i dun give a damn wat u tink.
im super excited in meetin my god-son! mwahaha.
woke up ; got ready and m on my way to the hospital.
yupz. went dwn to look at my fren and my god-son!
he is so god damn cute.
i din wish to put him dwn.
he is so tiny!!! oni 2.39 kg.
haha. feel like a toy and he smell damn nice.
he is so freakin cute!! mwhahhahah.
i swear i will go visit him and his mama often.
so diff to tink of a name fer him.
we were all brain dead..
anyway went dwn bugis to meet up w grace aft god-son visiting.
yupz we were starving wen we met. was supposed to meet at 2.
and guess wat time were we at pasta? its 4. yes my watch farkin read FOUR!
haas. so we are and we went to shopped.
din really saw anything i like.
thanx god ; i cant spend money as i like now.
i gotta save!!! haha.
finally get to meet her ; aft gazillion years.
we always say we wanna meet up.
and finally. hahas. tink frm my 'o's to now ba.
lolx. anyway it was a great time spend w her.
took some pictures to commerate tis day.
mwahahha. u can see it ltr. let me finish talkin first.
hahas. i still cant get over da fact dat im somebody's god-ma.
lolx. tis is so exciting. watchin him grow.
buyin all sorta nonsense fer him! and im so gonna bring him sun-tannin.
juz kidding. no harmful uv rays fer my lil darlin.

hmm. i duno why but all of a sudden memories came floodin back.
times we shared ; the ways u loved me
i dunno why. and i dun wanna know why.
all this muz come to a stop. daniel tan juz get out of my life once and fer all will ya!
wen everything is goin well ur stupid one msg caused me to be on a emotion rollercoaster
since you decided to walk out of my life
dun come back. EVER! not even as a fren
like wat chin ; mandy said why wld i wanna be frens w a bastard.
u juz walked out leavin me all alone
torn and battered u din even bother to turn and take a look
now u wanna pretend nothing happen?
juz fark off bastard.
i dun need you. EVER!
grrr. i really need to get him off my head.
i juz feel so guilty dat a tot of him actually pop up of my head.
i really feel so guilty towards my dear.
but i know telling him abt it is super wrong.
like things dat i read why wld he wanna know.
rite. haiz. i dunno la..........

haiz. aint feelin good abt my honey as well.
i juz hate to tink dat i have so much time on hand yet i cant spend a lil more w him.
he is juz so busy ; he dun even have a lil more time fer me
sometimes i really cant help but to wonder
does he really love me as much as he claim?
i dunno. i really dunno.
i juz dunno how to bring up tis matter to him.
i juz dun have the courage to.
sometimes i juz feel that i am nobody to him.
haiz. i know he loves me. i know he does.
but it aint alot. i know things are runnin abt in my mind.
haiz. watever la hur.

well well. last nite i was bored online.
as usual. haas. so i was talkin to brandon.
i know i did treat him the way he dun deserve.
but matters of heart aint no right or wrong.
we explained and apologised and we are stil frens. =)
maybe he was juz jokin or playin ard wen we chat.
he always send me those kiss-winks.
and i will juz pretend as nth.
its obvious dat im attached!!! grr..
watever. but last nite his actions were really weird dat im kinda scared of him.
he suddenly ask me ' you love me ' ; i ignored
he ask me to send him pics ; obviously i din
he said things like im tinkin of the past and yada yada.
i was totally freaked out.
so i juz irritate timothy. haha.
haiz. brandon..... i will always feel dat i owe him something.
watever. im gotta turn in.
if nto tml wy will be angry if im gonna be late.

and there goes the pictures.

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my precious lil one stickin his tongue out fer da camera.

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can u tell dat he is really super tiny?!

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super blur pic of him. =)

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PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:38


Thursday, September 22, 2005

bad bad bad bad bad..
tis is very bad.............
tink i gt burnt ; at least my shoulders are.
its RED ; its itchin ; its hurtin
wat the hell la.
but still im da one who got da least tan and RED.
chin and mandy were GLOWING!!!
lolx. its damn funny la. gaaa.
well. din wan to tan initially.
but it was too temptin ; it really aint priss if priss dun tan hur.
haas. yupz. so i tan despite some stupid stuff.
mr woo ; u will pay fer it! i swear!
anyway abt 2 plus we went to wash up cuz no more sun
rain seems to be coming in.
yupz. left sentosa aft dat.
was quarellin over where to go la.
so irritatin la.
in the end went dwn to ps still.
stupid chin ; dunno where is her brain.
maybe up her ass ; im mean hur
hahahahahha ; watever
4 of us were starvin yet we look at the menu fer da longest time on earth.
finally ordered ; tried cartel's new snacks.
not bad..
aft dat we juz chilled there.
van came ; chin left
bings came and join us.
played silly game ; victim's mandy.
aint it obvious!? ya. we sabo her.
we were freezin like crazy la.
went to bought tix fer "one more chance"
rather nice movie. go watch ya.
other dan da propaganda and the stupid last scene.
its really nice.
aft movie went all da way to prata hse and eat prata
lame rite
we were all BLOATED aft dat.
haas. except chiam la. she's ABNORMAL.
haas. watever. came home aft dat.
im so tired la.

dunno how to slp tonite ; sure cant slp well
it will hurt with every move.
im so dead!

bored. cant wait fer dat freakin ting to finish dl-ing!
dan can watch vcds! oh ya. im gonna be a potato couch tml.
watch tee-vee. haas.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:04


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

aiights aiights.
i muz be real bored to do such thing.
dl-ing stuffs la.
gonna have some shows to kill time.
im so bored la..
it will take a long time huh.
so gonna let my comp run by itself while i go slp
if not i will be late tml
and all of them will glare at me

goin tannin tml ; w da LANcers
hopefully dun get too tan huh.
hmm. the ice and salt water is not workin.
dunno if i will tan tml.
all dat idiot's fault la.
so pissed with him!
he shall have his punishment soon!!!

hmm. dunno why. maybe cuz i have too much time on hand.
i juz wanna see hunny everyday.
yet i dun like to go dwn to rp.
gonna start borrowing books.
if not im gonna die of boredom!
give up on jobs.
one month left. work wat shit
dun even know wat da woman wants lor.
one side ask me go dwn fer trainin.
one side ask me wait fer call.
dan they still have ad on papers.
forget it la.
juz slack home and try to save money.
need money fer da trip and buy stuff.
hopefully daddy is willin to sponsor alil more.
im a greedy ger ; i know it.
hopefully wen dwn to kl mummy will give me some.
and ah yi too.
haha. dan will have loads more to spend le.

kk. really gotta slp le.
if not tml i will be late and the 3 of them will kill me! haas. kk. nites.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:37


01. What is your full name?
__ prissy loy loy

02. What color underwear are you wearing now?
__ black hush puppies

03. What are you listening to right now?
__ nightwish-wish had an angel

04. what are the last 2 digits in your phonenumber?
__ 26

05. What was the last thing you ate?
__ walkers shortbread w fresh milk. haas

06. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
__ orange!

07. How is the weather right now?
__ rather coolin.rained abit b4

08. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
__ my hunny.

09. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
__ overall appearance

10. Favorite type of Food?
__ pasta

11. Do you drink?
__ yupz.

12. Do you smoke?
__ second-hand smoker!

13. Ever get so drunk you dont remember what you did?
__ nahz. dun dare to risk it.

14. Hair color?
__ a lil dark burgundy.

15. Eye color?
__ dark brown

16. Do you wear contacts?
__ yupz.

17. Single?
__ nahz.

18. Favorite Month?
__ december

19. Last Movie you Watched?
__ brothers grimm w hunny.

20. Favorite Day of the Year?
__my bday

21. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
__ out as fren to chill NO! out as a date YES!

22. Hugs or Kisses?
__ i love to be showered w both. huggs more pls.

23. Chocolate or Vanilla?
__ im choc. he's vanilla

24. Do you want your friends to respond back?
__ duh!

25. Who is most likely to respond?
__ ppl who i talk to will respond!

26. Who is least likely to respond?
__ hmm. somebody who will ignore me wen she doesnt feel like it

27. What book are you reading?
__ prissy life revolution.

28. Piercings?
__ 4.

29. Fav. Movies?
__ tons and tons of them. current fav. longest yard!

30. Fav. baseball Team?
__ red socks!? haas. da few baseball teams i know. dun watch baseball la.

31. Fav. band?
__ quite a no.

32. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn?
__ both. depends on mood. mix is always da best.

33. Dogs or cats?
__ dogs.

34. Favorite Flower?

35. What do you do when you wake up in the morning?
__ search fer my phone. on my stereo.

36. Do you still talk to your best friends fequently who are from different school?
__ yupz. we make it a point!

37.What's on your desk?
__ hmm. some of my sis stuffs.

38. Rock Concert or symphony?
__ rock concert. symphony will hypnotise me. lolx.

39. Play or Opera?
__ fine w both. but play shld be more interestin.

40. Have you ever fired a gun?
__ wen i was young. those toy gun.

41. Do you like to fly?
__ yupx. free movies on board.

42. Right-handed or Left-handed?
__ right.

43. How many pillows do you sleep with?
__ 2.

44. Are you missing someone?
__ yupx.

45. What did you do today?
__ went joggin. met sis to look fer vcds. haas.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:26


Monday, September 19, 2005

am back. right in front of my comp.
fri went fer interview. hmm. the other one's more attractive.
am prayin real hard to get dat job.
i really really wanna get dat job.
anyway aft my and aggy's interviews we went dwn to pasir ris.
met up with da rest and walked all da way to the chalet.
we were all sweatin like pigs.
thanx alot felix.
anyway juz slacked our time away.
wen we were all gettin hungry
walked to bk to had our dinner.
ate ; crapped ; back to chalet.
anyway was feelin upset w dearie.
refused to ans his calls ; refused to reply his msges
great to let him panicked once in a while.
haas. anyway did pick up his call aft so long.
haas. watever. dunno why m so pissed.
anyway went back to chalet
played cards ; slacked ; watched tv.
aft all stuff nth to do ; we started our drinkin session
haas. had bacardi mixed w coke.
ooh. dat shot was shiok! but dun really like bacardi la.
haas. anyway played ard and stuff. drank somemore.
they bought back absolute vodka.
and each has one bottle.
its really alot of drinks.
timmo was like da bartender. so cute la he.
haas. yes yes. my gurls know i tink he's cute.
but its juz fer fun. haas. im faithful to my dearie kays.
anyway pika was really disgusting me off.
she was totally hittin on timm.
cant take it. watever. grr.
joel got drunk so badly can. everybody played a part in takin care of him.
except pika and muna.
can u believe it.
grr. watever.
anyway joel is quite poor thing la.
haas. had fun la.
tried to slp ; but no condition to slp.
im tired ; but brain's awake.
so went dwn and contd to talk to aggy and timm.
wen 6 comes. we turned on the tv and sang the national anthem.
lolx. sang twice somemore.
channel 5 & 8
aft dat we saw those silly kids show dat left all of us in a fit of laughter.
aft dat all were tired ; went up and slp
it was a super bad idea. shld have juz slpt on da flooor.
slacked in bed till 3 plus dan im willin to wake up.
haas. pls la. who wanna wake up wen tim is next to me.
haas ; lolx.
anyway bathed and stuff.
contd to slack more in the room.
took pics and talked
aft dat bbq started and da complaints started
lolx. dan we were sayin abt how disorganised this whole freakin thing is.
thanx to naomi ; we gt popcorns to eat
can u believe it ; it actually popped usin the bbq fire.
anyway went up packed my stuffs and left.
my peeps sent me out ; so touched
was a long way out.
aft dat was on my way to meet my dearie.
supposed to meet him fer movie.
watched brothers grimm.
not bad ; tink it will be better dan nightwatcher.
hmm. aft movie we walked fer some distance
before takin cab to his place.
yupz. i was stayin over at dearie's place.
hee. bathed and got ready fer bed.
haas. it was pure bliss to be hugged by him to slp.
haas. woke up in his arms. =)
hope to have more of such days.
lolx. anyway woke up slacked further in front of tv.
he bought lunch / dinner up.
watched male gigloo while eating.
aft dinner ; changed and came home.
been slackin infront of com till now.

so xianz.....
watever it is. my weekend was well enjoyed!

now all i wanna do is to pray hard and get dat freakin job!!!
i really wan dat job badly!!! god pls!!!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @03:27


Friday, September 16, 2005

aiights. tis gonna be a quickie.
gotta pack my bag and go slp.
if nt i will be late tml and da queen will kill me.
today went dwn fer an interview.
hopes are high.
now juz need to wait fer a confirmation call on monday
im prayin damn hard dat they will call!
i really need da job!!!
its all i want!!!
pls god!!!

anyway aft the interview met honey fer dinner.
dan walked ard
and finally had ice cream that can fulfil my craving.
hmm. actually oni fulfil 75%
if its choc it will be better.
bought a new pencil.
my old one had gone with the wind.
cant be found.

anyway off fer chalet this entire weekend.
not gonna see my honey.
but gonna have so much fun partying!!
so im gonna kiss my comp goodbye fer da next few days.
will be missin you real badly.
have to go pack bag.
dun even know wat to bring.
will figure somehow.

once again. call me jennifer!! i want the job!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @03:06


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

the trip is settled!
juz so excited ; cant wait to set off. lolx.
bad thing is im leavin on sunday mornin!
have to be there by 0630.
one day less to spend w my honey.
hope we gt the time to make it up.
everybody went dwn tgt ; so many different opinions.
everything settled in the end.
went dwn to bugis fer lunch.
aft dat it was damn xianz at bugis
so went to town ; yes again.
with almost the same bunch of ppl.
juz dat tim and felix joined us.
we had a lame time tgt.
juz slacked and slacked and slacked.
no job fer me ; no more vacancies.
sadded ; more nos to call tml.
gettin hopeful ; haas
actually i cant be bothered.
juz wanna slack my time away.

saddd ; belle dearie has some last min stuff cropped up
tml i will juz spend some time w myself
maybe some joggin ; swimming
need to get my lazy bum off this freakin chair.
lolx. its good la.
can save money ; so broke this week
so many activities ; so lil money
kk. im gonna contd slackin le.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:06


01.Ever liked someone younger than you?
__hmm. eye-candy can?

02.Someone older?
__yupz. my honey is older dan me. =)

03.Ever been drunk?
__nahz. i know how to take care of myself ya.

04.Do you smoke?
__im a second hand smoker.

05.Loved someone whom you knew you couldn't have?
__hmm. never regretted anybody i love.

06.Gotten in a car accident?
__nopex. thank god fer dat!

07.Had your heart broken?
__a couple of times.

08.Last time you cried?
__long time ago

09.Last time you laughed?
__juz now wen yinki sent me da pics!

10.What age do you see yourself getting married?

11.Describe your dream wedding.
__ppl who knows me well enuff will know it la. but fer da benefit fer others im gonna say it again. it will be on a yatch out in da sea. loads of white and pink and pastel colours. me and my dearie will exchange vow when sun`s setting. =)

12.Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
__yupz. with JJ. and couple of piggy.

13.If you could dye your hair with one color, whatwould it be?
__i juz wan streaks of all sorta colour.

14.Would you rather give or receive?
__im a selfish person. i wanna receive. thou i know its more fortunate to give.

15.How many homes have you lived in?
__3. used to stay in granny place. my old apartment and my current one.

16. Do you play any musical instruments?
__many. not professionally thou.

17.One or two pillows?
__one is more dan enuff. dun like to slp on pillows. honey know dat.

18.Do you get along with your parents?
__yupz.have to. need them to survive. hahas.

19.Do you get along wid ur siblings?
__yupz. my one and only sis. there`s occasional quarrels thou.

20.Whats your favorite color(s)?
__black ; white ; orange ; a lil pink and purple

21.Do you sing?
__yeps. love it.

22.What are your favorite dishes?
__i love my daddy`s tomato fish ; honeyed chicken thigh

23.What are your favorite drinks?
__ice-milo ; winter-melon

24.Who was your first crush?
__haas. ong jun han. lolx.

25.Are you the romantic type?
__hmm. yupz.

26.Are you in love right now?
__hell ya!

27.Are you happy?
__no. cuz gt no job ; no money ; belly fly aeroplane let me see

28.Are you angry at anybody?

29.What are your favourite numbers?
__07 ; 12

30.What are you going to do after this?
__slack somemore

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:02


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

priss is desperate.
desperate fer a job
desperate fer cash
im so broke right now.
tml aft the trip to golden mile.
i will be peniless!
dunno how am i supposed to survive!
really need to go fer serious job hunting!
gonna grit my teeth and try.
if anybody gt lobang pls kindly tell me ya.
it will be appreciated. =)

hmm. today went town and watched "the cave" w my gurlos.
it was bad. its nt as nice as expected!
peeps dun waste money huh. if u gt too much no where to spend.
giv me a call. i will spend it fer ya.
aiights. watever juz happened is called madness.
budget`ed to spend $15 and i did it.
still gt 20 cents left.
aft movie it was raining cats and dogs.
no choice stayed in cine.
took dinner ; wen the rain stopped
walked to far east ; did some shoppin
aft dat walked over to mac ; sat there and chilled
we took tonnes of pics there
life gonna be so different w/o these gurls in class.
hopefully no major changes in class.
prayin real hard!

lemme tell u a secret. on fri and sat i stayed home and played saint.
can u believe it. i was actually at home fer more dan 48 hrs.
i almost died!
anyway fri had no program so stay home lor.
on sat supposed to go out w my honey
something cropped up at work.
we were both angry.
end up juz stay home.
on sunday went fer a movie w honey.
i will go crazy if i stayed home!
went ps watched red eye.
nth stunning ; longest yard was so much better.
got my moo-moo pencil box.
i was so god damn freakin happy!
i really love him to bits!
anyway aft movie went to have some nuggets b4 headin home.
was really hungry. cuz nuggets were da oni thing i ate that day
apart frm the popcorn.

told himm dat im goin chalet this weekend.
and he was like...
there's gonna be booze and guys rite?!
on thurs i wan a name list
im like wth!
but he was real funny!!!
haas. silly goose.
if we werent in train
i wld have luff out real loud.
i know he cares fer me.
dat silly boy of mine.

next mth will be our 8th.
plan to do sth special.
in the process of plannin.

i love u honey.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @03:27


Sunday, September 11, 2005

the 20 ppl in my life

01. James
02. Belle
03. Maneka
04. Amanda
05. Chin
06. Jiam
07. Zhen you
08. Lyon
09. Aggy
10. Shermain
11. Wanyi
12. Yingjie
13. Jonathan
14. Julian
15. Becky
16. Tze chi
17. Ting
18. Brandon
19. John tan
20. Xiao phang

*How did you meet 13?:
__he is my first male best fren in pss. we were classmate fer the whole 4 yrs. lolx.

*What would you do if you never met 5?:
__a piece of my life will be missing. JC life will be so different. and she stood by me durin da hardest time of my life.

*What do you honestly think of 10?:
__she is one crazy ger. who never fail to make me laugh.

*Have you ever liked no.3?:
__yes. always in love with tis silly goose.

*If 1 died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would like to do?:
__i will hug him real tight and make sure tml doesnt come.

*Would 2 and 11 make a good couple?:
__nopex. they are both gurls.

*Do you think 12 is hot?:
__yupz. how would a party animal be not hot!?

*Would 1 and 17 make a lovely couple?:
__NO! cuz james is mine. solely mine!

*Tell me something about 11:
__she is one silly ger who will really give up anything fer 5566.

*Do you know any of 3`s family members?:
__yupz. met her mum and the new addition to the family. mr daryl lim. lolx.

*On a scale of 1-10 how cute is 14?:
__hmm. 6. but his sweetness makes up everything. he can really melt my heart.

*What would you do if 4 just professed theirundying love for you:
__she always do dat. used to it. i will juz hug her and tell her i love her too.

*What language does 19 speak?:
__he is a chinese ; but his malay is better dan chinese. can u believe it!?

*Who is 8 going out with?:
__farah deena

*Would 18 and 5 make a good couple?:
__no! chin will drive john tan up da wall. lolx.

*When was the last time you talked to 6?:
__last night.

*What is 18`s favorite band?
__no idea. but i know he likes "nothing gonna change my love for you"

*Does 4 have any siblings?:
__yupz. one very nice bro.

*Would you ever date 1?:
__we are out on frequent dates. =)

*Would you ever date 7?:
__ermz. he1s my best fren ya. its impossible.

*Is 15 single?:
__nopex. she is happily in love.

*what is 19`s last name?:

*What is 3`s middle name?:

*What is 10`s fantasy?:
__to be attached to lil dragon

*Would 14 and 19 make a good couple?:
__nopex. they are both guys. thou john is a lil bapok. lolx

*What school does 16 go to?:
__ngee ann polytechnic

*What school does 1 go to?:
__not studyin anymore.

*Where does 9 live?:
__bedok reservoir road

*Would you make out with 13?:
__omg! can never imagine tat!

*Are 5 and 6 best friends? :
__yupz. they are interdependence

*Is 20 older than you?:
__yupz. he is an old man! lolx

*Is 4 the sexiest bitch alive?:
__yes! she is so damn hot!

*Is 17 your ex?
__yes. she is my ex-classmate.

*Do you ever see yourself with 12 and 18?
__12 no! 18 fer once i tot yes ; but it will never be.

*How is 2 ?
__she is now studyin hard fer her papers. she is my one and only best fren in da whole entire universe. nobody can ever replace her! belly i love u. muacks!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @13:22


Friday, September 09, 2005

my holidays are comencing from this moment onwards.
actually last night start le la.
too tired and lazy to blog dats all.
i wan stand up and start twirlin in circles!
im really v happy.
exams all finished!
yesterday was totally hectic!
i was so freakin tired.
din really studied fer econs and intro.
it juz cldnt get in and stay right there in my brain.
it was so freakin irritatin la.
econs paper turn out fine.
qns i can do.
nth really stun me.
dan went fer lunch and called des lim
dan he opened up a room fer us to study.
tried to study.
was reading my notes and stuff.
dan realised dat everything was vanishing from my mind.
i was so tired till i dun even bother!
went fer da paper.
i was totally shocked wen i saw da qns.
i juz stare at it and smile.
i dun have a clue at wat they are talkin abt most of the time.
tis is so freakin bad!
contd to crap on.
din even have enuff time to finish off with my crap.
tot i was da oni one.
turned out everybody find it tough too.
watever it is. its over.
i cant be bothered.
we were all famished cuz it was alr 9 plus.
yes my stupid sch scheduled da paper at 1900-2100
how stupid can they get man!
anyway went fer dinner w aggy ; sher ; wy ; tim ; felix ; naomi ; rachel
hmm. yupz.
i seriously cant believe it la.
time to party!
woo hoo!
yeah yeah yeah!
mon gg watch movie w my gers
tues gg to golden mile to check out some stuffs
wed gg to watch movie w belle
thurs slack day
fri gg class chalet
woo hoo!
so far dats my plan fer next week.
aiights i can juz go on
i wanna go watch those dvd dat has been lyin ard
they have been waitin fer me to watch.
finally time to watch.
cuz no need to study fer exam anymore.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @15:07


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

yipee! im so awake now.
had a gr8 nap juz now.
todays paper was such a goner!
managed to crap abit la.
and most of them are past year qn and best part is no answers to them
guess wat our clever teachers said abt dat!?
it is confidential!!!
so much fer being helpful!
anyway its over.
shant think abt it anymore.
now gonna bang hard on econs and intro.
will do that ltr.
im so lazy now.

hmm. class chalet is next week.
pondering whether shld i go.
shld i shld i not!?
i dunno!!!
talk abt it wen time comes.
cant wait to go gentin w them.

hmm. something has been on my mind.
it has left me confused at times.
few days ago i received a sms.
nth peculia. ordinary forwarded msg
the thing is ; it is from daniel.
wonder wat he wants.
maybe he is juz msgin an old friend or wat.
he juz vanished from my life liddat
and now, a single msg like tis left me w dunno wat to feel.
to say totally no more feelings fer him is fake
how can i juz let go and get over the feelings dat were once so real
and it had hurt me deeply
feelings fer him will not rekindled.
all i have is resentment.
chiam told me to pretend there's no such msg.
im doin that now.
haiz. watever

hmm. sat and sun was gr8.
haas. day to relax and did almost lil studying.
sat went to catch midnight movie w dearie.
the longest yard!!!
i tell you ; im fallin even more in love with adam sandler.
dat guy is juz so freakin cute!
its such a nice movie!
i wanna watch it again and again and again.
anybody wanna ask me out on a date!?

sunday juz slacked da whole day at dearie's hse.
watched tv.
slacked and slacked
come home and its muggin time.

well well, im juz waiting fer dis farkin weekend!!!
it will be the start of partyin!!! mwahahaha.
waitin fer it patiently!!! it will be comin soon.
2 more days
it will be over before i know it.

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im so engrossed into studyin dat i dun even bother abt the tangled wire.
can tell im really studyin huh. prissy is a good ger.

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a way to release the pent up tension
aiights. i admit im bored.

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i had enough of my notes!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @19:41


aiights. know i ought to be studyin.
but im juz tired! all in my mind now are
cheese ; meat ; alcohol
i swear i will go mad soon!
my brain cells are seriously depleting at a superbly disgusting rate.
oh man!
tml papers at 930
im so freakin scared dat i will be LATE!
dat will be worst nightmare!
am havin severe headache now!
dunno how to survive ltr.
still gt alot more to read on.
oh god!
hope u will juz be by my side!

hmm actually got no more motivation to study le
am juz pleasantly waitin fer post exams life
juz like wat aggy said
will be havin class chalet
will be gg kl and gentin w my classmates
hopefully da trip will be FUN
i seriously wan a job.
lazy to find.
lazy to work abit too.
so i will scrimp and save and exercise
dat shall be my holidays plans.
cant wait fer it to happen.
hopefully can have a small getaway with my dearie too.
waitin fer da deepavali holiday.
will plan soon.
aft my exmas.
im really turnin into a nuts.
will be back on dat chair studyin w my tidbits.
cant believe how fat i am now

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:43


Saturday, September 03, 2005

its a friday night!
time to enjoy tml.
can u believe it!? last night i studied till like 6am tis mornin!
i cant believe it myself.
i keep writing notes till my fingers hurt real bad now.
anyway today was really late in meetin aggy and the rest la
cuz not enough slp ma
dan din even hear my alarm clock lor
so i missed the long awaited hotcakes
anyway today's studyin was UNPRODUCTIVE!
can juz bang my head against the wall
i oni did 2 lectures
tis will go on forever la.
im goin to chiong the rest out ltr.
im really takin my studies seriously k
cuz i dun wanna get all C grades!
i will cry de!
really really
anyway aft studyin
i went dwn and meet the rest of my freeLANcers baby
we had a really sumptuous dinner!
been missin dat like crazy.
and wen i hear them talkin abt xbb
i will somehow juz feel forgotten.
but i know im not la.
cuz they still love me so.
oh watever. im juz babbling.

haiz dat day was supposed to meet precious.
in da end didnt.
i was really damn pissed off la!
really really!!
see how things go tml.
hopefully he wun make me angry ba.
ive been really missin him badly la.
really really.
hols comin soon.
i will be so jobless and have so much time at hand.
dun wanna go out so often.
wanna save $$.
yes! and i need a job badly as well!
im so broke.
i need money to go shopping and holiday!
shall go job huntin soon.

oh wells.
im gonna go mugging again.
hope i will get wat i want to be done soon!
i really need slp.
im so freakin tired!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:53


pRyncess pRissy. 071287. emotional stubborn sagittarius. self obsessed.
cant live wout: orange zen neeon ; black3230 ; strawberries chocolates ; tanning ; swimming ; big screen movies ; late nights ; sleepovers ; talking ; a lil booze ; a lil partying ; my gurlos ; my family

for all the joy you brought to my life ; for all those times you stood by me ; you were always there for me ; my world is a better place because of you. i love you guys. <3

can i have it liddat?

*bliss and happiness
*a lil of material needs as well

lemme hear you

my love goes out to

`aggy `alviin `alyy `beckky `carrol `cherryl `chesttine `conniee `glyyn `j0jjo `jonny `joyyce `leann `lizz `05A7cc `pearll `pett `rutthie `shermainn `smm `tinggs `weiwuu `weizz `xinyyu `yinkii `yunn
`y-vonn `zoeyy

myy freeLANcers

.chinny .jiam .xbc

myy past

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