Monday, October 31, 2005

am so bored. sch's gonna start in one week time and i seriously dun wan tat to happen.
i dun wanna wake up early in the mornin and pack my bag.
i dun wanna wake up early in the mornin and wonder wat to wear to sch.
i dun wanna wake up early in the mornin and race against time to catch the bus.
im afraid of not having my gurlos next to me next sem.
im afraid of having sucky timetable next sem.
im afraid of having sucky group mates fer the upcoming projects.

hmm. tis entire weekend is such a blessing to me.
spent almost all our time tgt.
yesterday went over to dear's hse and wait fer him to get ready.
and yes he look super delicious. haas. in shirt ma.
who ask me to have such liking to guys who wear shirts.
but there are exceptions. like the indians and banglahs. haas.
watever it is. i juz love guys who wear shirts. esp my precious. =)
haas. reached the place and juz wait fer everything to start.
talked ; crapped ; stoned
haas. finally everything started and tada food time. =)
we were all starving. haas.
anyway aft dat took some pics! =)
im so happy. =)
dunno why but i feel so in love w my precious.
anyway aft dat went back his place.
we showered and slack in his room a lil b4 gg out.
i have never felt so in love w him b4.
im in ecstacy.
anyway we went dwn to suntec cause i wanna look at toys'r'us.
yadayada. laugh all u want! i dun give a shit.
we juz shopped there. ooh-ing at everything.
haas. aft dat we hurried off to dinner. and strolled ard aft dat.
went home soon aft dat.
was so tired. bathe ; changed ; sleep

tis mornin shortly aft i woke up ; precious came over.
he really set alarm ; make an effort to wake up and come over.
am happy cans. anyway he brought lunch along.
so yupz we took lunch tgt. and aft dat we juz slacked b4 the tv.
yupz. we watched corpse bride ; coyote ugly ; hot chick.
haas. i enjoyed the time spend w him.
aft all shows went to bathe and went out fer dinner.
returned sis comics ; walked ard and searched fer food.
aft dinner we strolled ard.
ended up at courts. looked at furniture.
haas. planned how our house gonna be like.
sweet. im so set on having my own family and having kids.
so they can accompany jayden. =)
and dere came the time wen he has to send me home.
totally hate it.
hate sayin bye to him.
hates sunday.
i gotta wait till next sat to see him again.
hopefully the upcomin PHs will do us good!
praying and hoping!
i love my precious bao bei!!!
never been in such ecstacy! =)

Image hosted by thats wat i call picture perfect

Image hosted by pretty flowers. pretty pRiss.

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Image hosted by wonder wat he is doing?

Image hosted by him pickin out the watermelon seeds fer me. how sweet. =)

Image hosted by my beautiful glass.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:08


(X) snuck out of the house
( ) gotten lost in your city *pls! im not chi chi. haas.
(X) seen a shooting star *yupz. wen i was 7

( ) had a serious surgery
(X) gone out in public in your pajamas *my pj is tee N shorts. wen dwnstairs to get breakfast =)
( ) kissed a stranger
(X) hugged a stranger *used to hug everybody in church
(X) been in a fist fight *yeh. w my sis and mr woo. >.<
( ) been arrested
(X) done drugs *panadol w coke. woo hoo!
(X) Had alcohol
(X) laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose *chrysanthemum tea counted?
(X) pushed all the buttons on an elevator

(X) been in love
(X) been close to love
( ) been to a casino
( ) skydiving!
(X) broken a bone *the chicken wing bone. >.<
( ) skinny-dipped *i wanna try. hehs.
(X) skipped school
( ) flashed someone
( ) saw a therapist
( ) played spin the bottle
( ) gotten stitches
(x) drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour--or water
(x) bitten someone *ask mr woo. >.<
( ) been to Disneyland
(X) gotten chicken pox
(X) kissed a member of the same sex
(X) crashed into a car *go kart?
( ) been to Japan
(X) ridden in a taxi
( ) shoplifted
( ) been fired
( ) had a crush on someone of the same sex
(X) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back *it always happen
(X) stolen something from your job *food counted? hehs
(x) blind date? *i would consider dat blind.
(X) lied to a friend
( ) had a crush on a teacher
( ) been to Europe
( ) fired a gun
(X) purposely hurt yourself
(X) taken painkillers *panadols my best fren. =)
(X) miss someone right now
( ) slept with a co-worker
( ) been married
( ) had children
(X) seen someone die *my gandpa. =(
( ) had a close friend die *i dun wan dat to happen. ever!
( ) been to Africa/canada/mexico
( ) Driven over 400 miles in one day
(x)Been on a plane
( ) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
( ) Thrown up in a bar
( ) Purposely set a part of myself on fire
(X) Eaten Sushi
(X)Been snowboarding
(X) met someone from e net
( ) lost a child
(X) gone to college/ poly
(X) graduated *pcps.pss
( ) tried killing yourself

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:07


Saturday, October 29, 2005

wah. tis entire week i never work at all. except fer monday.
but monday also din really work la. crapp`ed w jashawn and andy in town.
tuesday was supposed to meet dear fer lunch.
apparently he end work late.
so stayed home and waited fer his call.
b4 he called daddy came home.
so too bad. off i went w my papa to get my mp3.
and yesh fer da mp3 i forgo the date w him.
haas. who ask him. he deserve it! bah!!!
fetched mummy. she's back!!

wed morning woke up by dat stupid fool.
went dwn to office ; marco and gang brought me fer lunch.
how sweet =)
after lucnch ; initial-d`ed ; dan i came home.
was tired so slept fer awhile.
cheesecake delievered. =) yums. thanx chi chi and ting ting.
met dear at bishan and had dinner w mum ; sis ; granny at thai express.
we were all freezing inside.
hmm. after dinner he went fer soccer and we came home.

thurs had movie marathon w mum and granny.
haas. watched all about love and election.
ok la. aft dat went to ah-po hse.
had sushi. =)
came home slacked and rot.
haas. slept early.

today met dear aft his work.
walked ard ps ; bought the bag
met up w ben aft dat.
so walked dwn to lido and we bought tickets fer all about love.
yes. its ok la. dun mind watchin again. =)
dear was very tired. so on the way home din really talk.
anyway tml's meetin him fer lunch.
wanna spend some time w him.
missed out alot of quality time w him since i worked.
sorry dear.
gonna take pics tml! i swear! haas.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:08


Monday, October 24, 2005

finally can settle down and blog a lil.
hmm. this whole week was kinda hectic fer me.
cuz im really workin hard to hit target. extra lei.
actually can get extra $300 de. but aiya.
i share w andy. $150 enough le.
anyway i bet i can close 5 confirm can de in 2 days time.
so juz combine lor. have abit better dan nth rite?

worked at parkway. no crowd. tot no luck. no motivation to work as well.
oni me and chong seng. wen andy came dwn its alr very late.
anyway had one sale! so happy! =) went back to office to return posters and stands.
saw jordan there. was surprised. yupx. wei guo in office too.
anyway we left soon and jordan and chong seng left fer home.
me ; andy ; wei guo went initial D-ing.
haas. aft dat went to macs and got my snoopy. =)
thanx andy. =)
went home aft dat. had a super long talk w dear.
teared. haiz. things were kinda bad huh.
no mood to slp.but eyes were tired of cryin.
lolx. went to slp abt 4 plus.

din really felt like gg to office today.
with puffy eyes and bad mood.
somemore doin canvassing. so reached office abt 2 plus.
ended up slackin there till 6 dan we left fer canvassing at cck. xianz.
anyway din work today at all. felt so guilty.
sorry andy ; =)
anyway dear asked me to stay over his hse.
but daddy wants me home. so cant see him lor.
saddddd. anyway was kinda upset la.
cuz he din seem to mind. was so tired so went to slp.

today woke up at 615. woke mr fu up.
prepared and went dwn to bukit batok.
had breakfast with daddy ; dan went to meet up w andy and angel.
started work abt 845. had 2 sales! yeah!!!
dan abt 12 we start to slack le. so went back to office abt 2.
dan slack there all the way till 5 dan marco sent me to pp.
in between carol called and i had one sale!!! =)
went dwn to pp. so tired. wen start work at 6.
no motivation at all. dan abt 7 plus 8.
had 2 more sales! =) yeah!!!
today is my happy day! had a whoopin total of 5 sales!
gg all out is worth it hur.
abit more and i have my incentive and sakae.
yeah!!! cant wait fer sushi day and pay day.
i wanna use da money to buy skirt and phone.
anyway was tired and stuff. suddenly i turn i saw my precious.
it was indeed a pleasant surprise!! his first sentence was
can dis internet let me see my gf. hees. so cute.
anyway he was so sweet la. he came all da way dwn frm tanjong pagar.
bought some food and drink for me. =)
thou it was abit saddenin dat he was tinkin abt stuffs.
and he wanted to go home soon.
so i went back to work. he msged me and stuff.
in the end he still came and sent me home.
how sweet. aft all those i felt the other day
today i fall head over heals w him again.
mwahaaha. maybe dats wat love is all abt. =)
it never felt this good to hold his hands ; hug him
=) =) =) =) =)
it never felt so good missing him. im missing him now.
hopefully on tues can see him. im not workin ma.
mornin see xiao bao bei jayden.
late noon see da bao bei precious.
nite see my precious mom. =)
cant believe im missing him so much! haas.

lazy fer secret msg. will write dat some other time.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:56


Friday, October 21, 2005

aiights. been kinda lazy to blog these days. dunno why also.
haas. anyway things are much better between us now.
but somehow i still wish fer more. yes yes. im greedy.
i mean who isnt!? maybe cuz he haven hit my expectation yet.
wen he hit it ; different story k.
will talk to him soon. i promise!
been wanting to burn dat freakin cd. and i dunno why da nice nice cd cant be used!
im freakin angry la. waste my money.
so now im goin to burn it onto a normal cd.
and complete the book ; hopefully on sat can pass it to him

hmm. maybe like wat carol said. i ought to be happy dat he is so angry.
it shows dat he cares fer me alot. it also shows dat he loves me alot.
but somehow i wish i to know all this in a different way. haas. watever.

work has been great today. had 2 sales! =)
secret shared between me and andy. =)
not gonna tell you. -smug face-
haas. lame. watever.

dat stupid martin actually knows mr xiang. and he actually call mr xiang infront of me and do stupid things. grrr! watever.

din get to see you today. its 2 days alr. kinda miss you. haas. actually the feelin aint dat strong anymore. juz like wat i say its juz infatuation. anyway prayin hoping to work with you again. =) its so fun being around you. =) juz gonna see you tml.

gonna check out mp3 prices tml.hopefully by next week i can get it. so excited! so happy.
anyway i had forgo another pair of levis jeans fer da sake of jayden's mum. haas. you owe me one. haas.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:30


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

finally feelin better to blog. but still. im super moody.
he can actually juz dun bother abt me la.
sometimes im juz so disappointed that i dunno wat to say.
dunno wat to do. wat shld i do? wat culd i do?
i dunno. i really dunno.
it has been 8 mths. its quite some time.
its long enuff fer 2 ppl in a r/s to grow.
but did our love really grow?
i doubt so. at times i juz feel that tis r/s aint all dat impt to u.
can u show me otherwise? u dun even have time fer me.
im juz so tired of all this.
technically speakin i do have a bf.
seriously at times i feel that im wout one.
i really dunno how long more can all this feeling bottle inside me.
i really really wanna tell u everything. but do i have such chance?
we dun even have time to talk on phone. anyway i also dun like talkin to you on the phone.
you are always occupied w something else. tv or something else.
u dun even care abt me!
we alr have so lil time to meet up. i juz wan to make the most out of the time.
but wen i see you i dunno how to say. the words juz get stuck in my throat.
is it me? am i selfish? am i always tinkin abt myself?
am i tinkin too much? am i expecting too much from you?
am i? am i? i dunno. all this that im feelin is driving me crazy.
its suffocating me. i feel that i cant breathe! i really cant breathe.

secret msg..
well well. worked 2 days in a row w you. it never felt better. =)
can i tell you something? i dunno wat i was feeling. maybe it was jealousy.
u introduced michelle as ur gf. =/and for the rest of the time u were rather close w her. and all of a sudden i felt so lonely in this whole wide world. i dunno why. anyway wen u talked to me. i was indeed v happy. haas. well. wen michelle look at me at first i dun quite like it. maybe cause i talk to much to you. haas. watever. anyway we travelled dwn to bishan tgt. and u carried her bag. im like -grrr- nth to say. u and her were "flirting" all the time. i dunno wat was gg thru me then. it was raining. u shared an umbrella with her. how i wished i was her. anyway we reached the coffeeshop. sat dwn and u started planning. result? me and you were a team! =) yay! lolx.
we shared an umbrella. haas. so funny. so sweet. lolx. guess that's the closest we will ever be. haas. anyway you werent exactly feeling well. so after dinner you took a rest. how i wished i could look at the way you slp. haas. too bad the brochure covered ur face. =/ anyway u look so cute wen you wake up. watever. dan we started to work. it was much fun. precious moments shared. than we were back at the void deck again. saw wei guo and yi yong. well well. they were talking abt you and michelle. once again ; i dunno wat im feeling. lolx. anyway we contd working. once we were sitting at the stairways. suddenly got a mms. and wen i open it up. i saw your freakin face. i juz burst into laughter. u really know how to make me smile. =) im so gonna keep it. haas. you asked me qns abt me and james. haas. so cute hurs. anyway went back to meeting point. and yada yada. went home.
went to work today. bought you coffee. you look so sick. heart pain. haas. anyway saw you planned todays location and tada we were working tgt again. =) i dunno wats wrong with you today. you seem different. there was quite abit of body contact. well. as in touchin my face and stuff. haas. anyway we went fer dinner tgt at the chicken rice place. you were really nice. buyin me dinner today and ytd. =) anyway u were irritating ar. forcing me to eat veg. and keep askin maneka qn abt james and me. and u dis idiot. keep lookin at my tummy. sick ass la. wan kill u la. really so big meh? =/ BAH!!!!!!!!!. haas. hopefully tml can contd workin w u. cuz andy not workin. sadd. oh. wen maneka was talkin to you abt her projects. she talked abt those kissing scene and u said u will oni do it with me. haas. and u wanted to rehearse first. well. all of a sudden i tot of how it will be like to kiss you. mwahaaha. dat was so wrong la. but somehow i juz wished it happen. i miss all this. i miss physical contact w my baby. cant rmb wen was the last time we really kissed. yes. its eating me up! i cant believe it la. he as a guy he dun mind. but yet im a ger and i mind. maybe i really mean nth to him. tis cant go on. oh. watever. i juz need to slp. hope to see jordan tml. =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:33


Monday, October 17, 2005

everything is so wrong. my heart and mind is at war. tis is the gazillion times im writing tis. hopefully i dun backspace everything. everything is juz so wrong now. i dunno wats wrong w me. i wanna cry. i wanna cry. i farkin wanna cry!!!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:04


Saturday, October 15, 2005

hmm. at last m finally feelin better.
tink i will take yrs to complete tis entry. but who cares?
haas. who in world will actually go read it?! lolx.
anyway let me start from day one.

in the mornin ; everybody met up at golden mile complex
everybody came w almost droopy eyes. lolx
anyway aft much waiting and stuff ; we are finally on the coach
on our way to our getaway haven
hmm. slept like pig on the coach.
din really have much to slp last nite ma.
anyway reached Genting abt 1 plus 2.
checked into hotel ; got our lugguages into our rooms
and we are set to go fer a walk!
how cool hur. 12 ppl walkin ard in genting indoor theme park.
haas. anyway din really do much. went to the haunted house.
joked ard ; shopped and stuff
went fer dinner at kenny rogers.
omfg. its so damn cheap la.
one person oni RM17. u can never eat kenny rogers at such price in spore.
anyway aft dat we went back to hotel room and slacked b4 gg to watch movie.
i tell u its so freakin cheap to watch movie over at msia la.
RM10 fer tix. RM4 fer popcorn combo.
like wat the hell. its cheaper dan s'pore monday $7.50 tix!!
anyway dun watch into the blue ; was tryin damn hard to stay awake.
thank god din waste my money in spore watchin it.
went back to room and slept. shared room w sher and yinki.

everybody wake up and went fer breakfast ; and proceed to theme park.
bought the tixs and everything.
and we juz simply spend the entire afternoon there.
and damn it ; it came.
so kinda no mood to play hur.
haas. anyway was havin really bad cramps.
went back to room and rest with wy and aggy
while the rest contd to play.
in the night wen i felt better. we went to pizza hut fer dinner.
it was good ; as in the food
but the service was totally bad ; it sucked to the core!
anyway went to karaoke w da gers.
me ; sher ; wanyi ; yinki
the four of us.
haas ; managed to cheat one more hour.
timm ; felix and aggy almost died waitin fer us.
haas. anyway went back and rest awhile and we gathered and played mafia.
those bunch of ppl are addicted to it!
lolx. anywya was supposed to pack bag and ended up everybody went to slp.
haas. too tired le la.

anyway wen all of them wake up fer breakfast i juz lay on bed.
too sick to move ; haas.
wen they are gone i woke up and prepared myself.
bathed ; packed bag
anyway wen they are back we contd to slp fer awhile b4 leaving.
meet the guys and took cable car tgt.
went dwn hill and took mini van dwn to KL.
omg! the hotel is so much better dan wat we had in genting.
best ting! link rooms.
haas. yupz. so da gers had da link rooms.
anyway went shopping aft dat. din really bought much.
juz got a top. yesh. a BROWN top. haas. dun really care abt wat ppl say.
im tan and brown looks great on me. haas.
anyway wnt to somewhere near fer dinner.
mummy came aft dat. paid fer our dinner.
took us fer a walk ; gave me some money.
haas. anyway went back to hotel aft dat.
bathe and sleep. haas.

woke up early to enjoy our free breakfast.
haas. ate quite alot. ok. at least its alot to me.
fer breakfast k!!! its breakfast! i seldom eat breakfst wat.
went shoppin at lot 10 and times square.
my mood is so much better la.
bought levis jeans and everything.
yupz. bought another BROWN top. mwahaahaa.
watever. had another top and skirt too.
aft much shoppin met the guys fer dinner. it was hilarious la.
how we will always not be on time wen meeting them and stuffs.
and yesh timo is so cute. haas. anyway had teppanyaki fer dinner.
contd to walk somemore. bought a top fer clubbing.
went back to room ; freshen up ourselves and got ourselves ready fer clubbing!
woohoo! yupz. went dwn to KL's zouk.
hmm. overall experience ; spore's clubs better.
yeah man ; haas.
anyway there was tis super cute angmoh la.
din have the guts to go over ; lolx.
it was super hilarious.
anyway there was tis once wen i went to talk to tim.
as u know clubs are noisy and loud.
u know wat!?!?!?!?!! guess wat!?!?!?!?!!?
yes yes. he placed his hand on my waist!!!
haas. i almost died!!! i really din see dat coming!!!
i really got a shock. shock of the century.
haas. anyway it was nth hur.
BAHHH!!!! but timm's cute!!!
anyway went back to hotel.
bathed ; packed and slp.
was so freakin tired la.

almost din make it fer breakfast.
was feeling totally not right. din know why
vomitted once wen brushin teeth.
cleared up ; changed and went fer breakfast.
din eat much. really. cant even finish the scramble egg.
xianz. aft dat went fer last min shoppin w the gers in sungei wang.
bought a bag fer mr SB Fu. mwahaaha.
got some candy fer my collegues.
and some really last min stuffs.
dunno wats wrong w me.
anyway i vomitted again ; and felt so much better.
went back ; packed stuffs and board the coach.
on the coach ; felt dat im running a temperature.
was feeling sleepy and sick.
anyway played a few rounds of mafia w the guys.
and tada ; priissy off to lala land.
feelin super sick can!!!
anyway reach spore soon.
wen im finally at golden mile ; waitin fer mei to come and look fer me
i vomitted again! wat the fark la!!!
anywya in conclusion i vomitted 4 times ytd. and was havinf fever.
gonna miss timm ; felix and the gurls.. haas. lameee..
bought something fer dear. tink he will like it. at least dats wat i tink.
anyway im feelin so much better now. except fer da tummy ache.
dunno wats wrong. seriously.
wen i sit there. no pain. wen i stand up and walk.
it will come all over me ; and my head willl start to hurt.
anway it has been a great trip.
juz dat it will have been better w more time and mmoney and more timm.
mwahaa. im jzu kiddin! lolx. im so in love w my hunny bunny.
i miss him so freakin much la. and its our 8th month today.
and i haven even start da book yet.
shalll ask fer his forgiveness. with my current condition.
i cant chiong it out in one day. haas.
gonna meet him tml. miss him much.
love u loads darling. muacks.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @04:09


Friday, October 14, 2005

back from my trip. been feelin really sick ytd.
i vomitted 4 times. its super bad. and i was havin fever.
tot dat i was abt to die. i din even eat anything ytd. yet have so much to vomit.
amazing! wenever i vomit. my stomach hurts like hell. like someone is squeezing it.
omg. last day in kl also cannot enjoy.
anyway din really enjoy to the fullest cuz of pms. haas.
right now. im feelin so much better. no more vomitting.
but somehow i juz feel super giddy! watever
dunno shld i go work ltr or meet my precious.
its our 8th. im too sick to feel anything.
xianz. i practically feel like dying. and im not really in da mood to update. haas.
will do dat tonight or tml k.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @11:53


Saturday, October 08, 2005

oh my gosh!!! im still feelin head over heals after wat happen!!!
bet u cant believe it. cuz i really cant!!!
my precious lil baby. i really love you!!!
haas. i was msgin my honey and stuff.
was workin halfway and suddenly wen i turned my head i saw my precious lil one standing right in front of me. my heart almost melted! wat i felt then is undescribable. no words can say how i feel then. my heart really melted.
other dan buyin dinner fer me unannounced. he actually bought the bad badtz fer me!!! can u believe it!? its so freakin sweet la!!! omg i wanted to hug him and give him a big fat kiss. but.... we were in the middle of orchard road! so.. ya. i practise self control k. haha.
omg omg omg. i still cant believe dat he did such a sweet thing la. it shall be the sweetest thing he ever did fer me. haas. its nth to some ppl. but it melt my heart. haas.
the cd is on the way. think i will chiong da book wen im back ba. haas.

anyway din really work today. slacked in town w andy and fabian. we were talkin and jokin all da way. somemore sher and yinki was there. even worse. no sales lei. i die lor. eat egg fer da pass 2 days. xianz! tml muz fen dou dao di. haha. god bless and watch over me k. give me 3 and i will be contended. but if i gt 3 and i work with jordan dan i will be suepr happy. haha. dun ask why. lolx. anyway tml wokin w andy. chattin w him now. he sendin me 8mile! how cool can dat be man! haha. we meetin fer breakfast tml. lolx. dun wanna be late xia. lolx. he will kill me. haha. hmm. andy really is not wat i tink he was from the first impression other dan da ah beng image la. haas. we can actually talk abt everything la. frm da chick walkin dwn the street to heart to heart stuffs. cool hur. long time no such buddy le. haha. dun let him know. if not he sure si bei hao lian de. aha.

this is today's secret msg. haha.

hmm. saw u tis afternoon wen u came to work. u called me sweetheart. can i tell u ; even my bf also never call me dat b4. except fer once. haas. brandon did a few times. as in callin such intimate things la. anyway was super upset wen i saw dat today and tml i wun have the chance to work with u. was really upset.i juz wanted to spend one more day with u. hmm. shld say spend some time with u b4 i go fer my trip. haas. nvm lor. wat to do. schedule also out le. juz wait fer next weekend to have the chance lor. haas. xianz. kinda dun look forward fer da trip cuz 5 days wun be seeing u. hopefully tis trip w da gers can help me out w tis freakin prob lor. lolx. anyway i was super surprised to hear ur voice on the other end wen u called la. cuz i tot it was andy. haas. it was fun hur. next time shall disturb u more with such calls. haas. anyway din really get to talk to u much today. can i really beg u not to be so nice to me. cuz its not rite fer me to feel watever im feelin fer u!!! hmm. know wat? b4 he left today he gave me a flyin kiss.wahahaah. is dat a sign or wat? never see him do dat to anyone b4. haiz. im really at a lost. pls. i need some light now. grrr. aft wat dear did fer me today. i feel so bad la. haas.

watever it is. i will still love u mr woo. our 8th month pressie is on da way.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:03


Friday, October 07, 2005

aiights. time to blog b4 i go pack my luggage.
i got no more time to pack le. everyday will be workin.
anyway i tink i will be to lazy to pack ltr. haha.
say so much fer fun de.

today's work is super bad! i will never never never never work with mitchell again!
i swear! i will ask fer transfer and everythign. even if the changed destination is 2 hrs frm my place i also dun wanna work with him!!! BAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes! dats how much my hatred is to him! BAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hmm. was so poor thing today. wore new shoes. had blisters! my leg almost broke into 2!
went shoppin alone! so sad la! first time in my life i was shoppin alone! i swear again tis will never happen again unless in desperate situations like today. haha.
aft shoppin went dwn to office. slacked and contd my storybook there. tink im gonna finish it in m'sia. haas. cant wait fer it. cant wait to chit chat w my gurlos. cant wait to see them again! it has been long since i last saw aggy. i miss u dear. haas. we 87s muz stand strong tgt. haas.

guess wat!? today i saw henry at bugis! and we juz looked at each other!!! mwahaaha. cant believe it he can actually rmb me!!! mwahaaha. he is really GORGEOUS!!! mwahaahaa. tall ; tan ; handsome. and his smile really show how white his teeth is! mwahaaha. if oni..... lolx. am msgin him. mwahaaha. finally resume contact. cuz seldom see him online. and i dun really msg him ma. lolx.

once again my heart and mind is at war! i dunno wat to do! im super lost! im sorry pals. im juz not ready to let this out yet. so let me have some privacy hur. =/

first stepped into office u talked to me. make fun of me. tot im gonna work with u. again i was disappointed. wanted more from u. i wanted to talk more to u. i want to make small conversations. i want to know more abt you. but its so wrong!!! i can not do dat! never! im attached! im someone else gf. i can do nth! i cant do anything! NTH! during work ; called u up fer help. so nice to hear ur voice. how i wish da call will go on forever. how i wish we can juz talk thru the whole nite. know more abt each other. and how dare u always say wat my heart tinks. i really dun wish to put dwn da phone w u. haas. guess u gt it rite there. lolx. wanted to msg u on my way home. but i cant do so! its not right! sighed. anyway wen it was abt 1230 ; i did. but its aiights cuz i msg andy as well. so nth special ya. and u replied me. i was =) yes. u did. tink im gonna see u tml again. and yes. tis time im so gonna cal u up and ask whether u wan coffee or not. haas. =) u thick skin guy. can u juz stop being nice w me. i dun wan watever is happenin to me to bcum serious! cuz i cant afford to. but i seriously wanna work w u. haas. BAH! im contradicting myself. BAH!!! hate affairs of the heart! it always leave me in a mess!!!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:49


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

am so bored ; dunno why
cant life be juz a tad more interesting fer me?
haas. today went dwn to work rather early.
cuz sher and yinki went dwn fer interview and started work.
brief them abt the promos and everything.
yada yada.
dan my dear called me!!!
guess wat!? he end work le! and he is comin to look fer me!!
how exciting can this be!?
i was over the moon!!
anyway met him fer lunch ; walked over to fox
wat the hell man!? is taka da oni branch!?
shit them lor! waste my time to go dwn la. grr!
watever. dan aft dat he walked me back to office.
so sweet ; haas.

anyway did canvassing today!
its ok la. i prefer road shows.
work w another grp of ppl.
ppl who i dun really talk to ; except evelyn.
haas. i was paired up w fabian.
lolx. we shared a combo.
somemore its comin frm chanel. the superstar ger.
how cool man!!! haas. aft dat took train all da way back home.
my butt nearly rotted! lolx.

haiz. i dunno wat im feelin. im so lost. i know i love him and i know he loves me.
i know he is super nice to me. always so patient and understanding.
no matter how irritatin i gets he never loses his temper at me.
but at times i juz wished to have more frm him.
i wan more of his attention and i want him to love me da way i want it to be.
i know im selfish ; but who do not wish to be loved da way she likes?
haiz. maybe its an infatuation. maybe its a crush. watever it is.
it will always remain in my heart. i will not do anything silly to harm him.
i cant bear to hurt him. we had went thru so much tgt. we can overcome tis.
its juz an infatuation my dear! pls! he wun be interested.
u are so much younger ; u are attached ; he is juz doin his job.
haiz. why muz hester tell me dat?! it makes me hope.
grrr. talkin w him on the phone was fun.
everything is fun w him.
whether is it workin ; talkin ; jokin ; yada yada
maybe its juz dat im lookin fer someone to fill da empty void which dear had never done so.
maybe maybe. everything's a maybe!! i swear i will never hurt u dear.
by sayin da word dear. it reminds me of him. he always say im such a dear.
fark!!! im so messed up now. who can i talk to!? everybody will say dat im in da wrong.
grrr. i dunno la. everyday i go to work ; juz hope to work w him.

haas. watever. need to slp. visitin baby jayden tml! love dat lil bundle of joy!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:18


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

hmm. here to update a lil.
am super bored.
i jzu cant seem to get to slp.
never had a good night slp fer days.
always wakin up halfway and i'll take a long time to get back to slp
sucks la!
i wanna slp well la!
i can feel all da bags formin!
its so tired to carry 3 bag to work everyday!
lolx. ok fine. im lame k.
anyway sunday's work was super tiring la!
i really almost died and my feet is suffering frm blisters!
worked under da hot sun!
perspire like hell!
worked out all my muscles!
dealt w disgusting crap!
tink i will never be a waitress ever again.
like wat adrian always say.
never say never ; but maybe not.
lolx. he's such a piece of crap as well.
anyway sun's work is an experience.
im so tired la. reached home abt 1230 aft work.
bathe and slp. best part ; cant slp.
wat the fark.
watever la. anyway today went dwn to work.
well no sales.
me and andy were too tired to work.
monday blues? maybe.
haas. we were at my most dreaded place la.
somerset ; town!!! omg
really no sales la.
except fer 1.
haiz. today juz went there and slack.
we2 juz keep talkin cock.
lolx. its fun. but its a total different kinda fun wen workin w jordan.
lolx. andy actually's a nice guy la. got to know him better somehow.
watever la huh.
anyway yinki and sher comin fer interview tml.
there's gd and bad.
gd cuz gt company ; bad cuz gt competition
lolx. anyway bought dat pair of shoes le.
went a lil shopping w mei tis aftnoon b4 gg to work.
im juz so bored w life la.
sunday's comin ; somehow not lookin forward to it. dun ask why.
lazy. yesh yesh! it all boils dwn to LAZY.
yes la. priss is a lazy bum la!
i dunno when will i have time to finish up watever i wanna do fer my precious lor.
lolx. see how la. kinda miss him!
oh on sun mornin he actually wake up and went breakfast w me.
i was surprised wen he replied my msg.
anyway he was late. and i din really enjoy cold hotcakes.
watever. i gotta go now.
my head is hurtin.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:29


Sunday, October 02, 2005

hmm. finally i got my hands and brain moving to blog.
been feelin so lazy the past few days.
dunno why. haha.
hmm. first day at work was w andy.
so we were at orchard and one sale.
was happy ; wan yi was not.
adt one day at work she decided not to come anymore.
saddd. leave me alone.
it was quite fun wat ; dunno why
haas. so i stayed on and work.
actually wan yi not workin i abit xianz.
also dun feel like workin
but cuz gt da sales and everything need to call up and stuff
i dunno do wat ma. so went dwn to office 2nd day and dan work lor.
2nd day was at pasir ris with another senior.
it was so much better dan orchard.
ppl do stop and hear u out.
duno wats up w orchard.
haha. anyway alot of ppl took brochures but no sales.
saddd. anywya aft dat went dwn to airport and picked mummy.
yada yada yada.
so on fri ; mum is rather busy
went dwn to work since wun be able to spend anytime w her.
so aft a haircut at lakeside i rushed my way dwn to bugis.
and guess wat!?
upon reachin bugis ; my assigned place is YEW TEE!
like wat da fark la
juz travelled dwn frm there and im gg back there again
lolx. yupz so i worked w jordan and hester.
it was FUN! haha. i gt one sale!!!
im like happy. abt 10 we left. business was bad.
kinda. jordan stayed to contd workin till abt 11.
and tada he made 2 sales.
reached home rather tired.
settled some plans w darlin.

now lets talk abt today.
hmm was super late! haha.
went dwn to office. settled some stuffs.
went fer lunch w da guys.
jordan was so sweet. he paid fer my meal.
dan went back to office. he settled some stuffs and finally at 4 we are ready to go!
anyway a note to make from today onwards da entire office know my disgustin nick.
al bcuz wanyi said it and dat stupid andy heard it and he said it so loud fer everyone to hear
i wanted to skin him alive la.
jordan also another one. if he din say anyting nth wld have happen!!
watever. anyway was at pp.
sales there quite good la.
had 2 sales!! woohoo!!!
so freakin happy!!! was over da moon!!!
anyway hester left earlier. so me and jordan contd to stay and do lor.
din meet dear fer da movie in da end.
cuz i really quite lazy to go dwn and meet him la.
all da way at bishan lei.
so din meet him lor. haiz. felt so bad.
miss him really alot. hopefully we are able to wake up fer mac breakfast tml.
BAH!!!!!!!! bored.
i kind alike this job. dunno why.
its fun! come to tink of it money quite good la.
hmm. tml they doin canvassing la!!! i so wanna do canvassing la!!!
but tml i workin else where. GRRRRR!!! so angry!!!
watever. hope next week gt chance to do canvassin w jordan ba.
can i tell u a secret? i enjoy workin w jordan. dunno why.
kk. i gotta pack my stuffs fer tml le. will update again ya..

ooh! juz sth to add. my baby darlin precious god-son is called jayden.
how nice rite. lolx. im so in love w him la.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:39


pRyncess pRissy. 071287. emotional stubborn sagittarius. self obsessed.
cant live wout: orange zen neeon ; black3230 ; strawberries chocolates ; tanning ; swimming ; big screen movies ; late nights ; sleepovers ; talking ; a lil booze ; a lil partying ; my gurlos ; my family

for all the joy you brought to my life ; for all those times you stood by me ; you were always there for me ; my world is a better place because of you. i love you guys. <3

can i have it liddat?

*bliss and happiness
*a lil of material needs as well

lemme hear you

my love goes out to

`aggy `alviin `alyy `beckky `carrol `cherryl `chesttine `conniee `glyyn `j0jjo `jonny `joyyce `leann `lizz `05A7cc `pearll `pett `rutthie `shermainn `smm `tinggs `weiwuu `weizz `xinyyu `yinkii `yunn
`y-vonn `zoeyy

myy freeLANcers

.chinny .jiam .xbc

myy past

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