Thursday, November 24, 2005

ooh. forgot to add something. haas.
last wed. 16102005.
aft sch i went dwn to bugis and meet my precious lil thing.
haas. yess. i brought him to billy bombers and eat.
and yes he's addicted to the vanilla milkshake. mwahaahaa
yes yes. it was a great meal. i was BLOATED after dat.
was kinda mad at him cuz i wanted to take pics.
but ; see him alr no mood. haas.
its ok. wait till next mth ba. or maybe 13 days later.
we shall see how. am so bored.
anyway bought a white skirt!!! =) now.
i gotta search fer a nice denim one. current one is wearin off.
haas. watever. yes yes. im a ger. so im ALLOWED to buy new stuffs.
mwahaahaa. =)
yes yes. i wanna buy more and more. need another wardrobe. haas.
wanna take some time and revamp my whole room. mwahaahaa.
yes. dats all i wanna say abt our lovely date.
im juz so in love w him.
aft 9 mths ; we are still ever in love. =)
my chocolate milkshake and his vanilla milkshake. wat a perfect match made in heaven. haha.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @12:23


i miss lab lessons!!! havin 4 hrs break. so now im here bloggin in lab.
haas. rmb those days wen ms aw is teachin and we were all busy surfin friendster and all other crap. bah. watever.

anyway it has been long since i blogged. gettin more and more lazy. haas.
but who cares. no life these days wat. gg sch and home. occasional outings.
dats wat life is all about.

hmm. last week was depressing. i dun really have mood fer sch.
dunno why. on thurs was kinda pissed w da idiot la.
always have so much programmes on SAT!!!
i mean its SAT!!! grrr. he got frens chalet to go.
im was so freakin pissed la. anyway on fri i was so pissed dat i din even bother pickin up his calls and reply his msg. i was really pissed lor. why muz i always get angry at tis area?! i dunno.
i mean its a sat! and he rather go meet his fren dan me. wat the fark la. by the time he end work we will meet abt 3 and go out fer a movie or wat dan he has to go le. wats da farkin point of meetin dan!? RIGHT!?
anyway on sat was preparing fer work. and my phone rang non stop.
finally i gave in and ans. and he say he want to meet me.
still. im not gg to meet him la. im gg to work. yes i know i can call up and say i do not wan to go fer it. but still he is gg fer da chalet in da night. so no point. im still angry anyway. and he makes it worse la. bastard!!!
anyway mom came back. so went to pick her up. =)
sun had some family time. =) walked ard. eat. talked. great time. juz miss those times. =)
last time used to go fer mac breakfast every sun mornin. really missed those times. =/
anyway on monday skipped lec and went fer dat meeting.
it was so freakin boring but at least the promo is so much clearer now.
prays hard dat my commission will go up up up up up up up up.
mwahaahaa. if not no money fer dec. =/
anyway was surprised wen he called and say wanna meet. =)
too late. was in the meeting and m gg to meet mum fer harry potter. so.
ya. said maybe meet him tml. since he will be goin fer medical checkup and get mc.
anyway on tues aft classes ; went over to his place. waited fer dat pig to get ready.
and tada we went to j8 and catch a movie. it was great movie!!!
=) zathura. pls gp watch ppl. i enjoyed every single bit of it!!!
danny is so damn freakin cute. haas.
went home aft dat.
on wed aft sch meet him fer awhile. walked ard tpy.
was havin cramps so bad dat he had to buy painkillers and pass it to me. if nto i would have gotten home and sleep. severe lack of sleep.
anyway did some grocery shoppin!! whee. i love doin dat.
cant wait fer da day wen we both do grocery shoppin fer our homes.
tink i will be the one buyin every thing i like.
and he will be the one puttin everything out.
mwahaahaa. dat will be so fun!!!
watever it is. im loving him more and more each day!! woohoo!!
it has been a wonderful 9 months. more to come. =)

anyway ppl. 13 more days to come. it will be the most impt day of ur life. mwahaahaa.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @12:00


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

i feel so used!!!
hate it!!!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:01


Sunday, November 13, 2005

am gettin more more and lazy to blog.
am online everyday ; but nth to blog.
day in day out ; life is juz da same.
go sch come home. nth interesting.
oh wells. on thurs. something embarassing happened!
was rushing to psy tut.
all of a sudden i heard a super loud "PRISCILLA"
so i turned and saw martin. said hi and waved.
and guess who i saw next!?
i saw mr xiang standing next to him!!!
and i know dats da end of me!!!
i know i will never have the courage to hold my head and walk in sch whenever his presence is there.
shit dat stupid martin la!!!
put dat aside. psy was actually fun!!!
cant wait fer next thurss to come. =)
anyway on friday. it was super GAY!!!
guess wat!? i woke up super early juz to go sch fer 1hr USELESS lecture!!!
i wanna die alr!!! nvm. aft sch went fer a popular spree!!!
and aft dat came home rest fer awhile and dan out to meet my gurls fer dinner.
dined at HANS. great meal! =)
all bcuz of dat stupid shermain la. wat stupid 2nd bday. haas.
anyway had quite a show at esplanade rooftop.
there was this couple who was kissing ALL the way.
infront of EVERYYBODY in view.
how gross can dat be.
if they really wanna kiss. at least go to a secluded corner la.
so was there fer at least one hr. and yes they kissed fer 1 entire hour.
b4 we went they were there. wen we leave. they were still there.
oh man. they can go join marathon alr.
anyway dats my friday.
on sat juz slacked at work place.
din even have da heart to mood.
and dat stupid jashawn hurt me la!!!
stupid idiot!!!

today went fer church svc in the aftnoon aft dat went to meet jonny baby fer dinner.
yupz. met him at TP and we had BK. haas. his treat!! =)
we juz talked cock all the way!!! and aft da long meal we walked to icekimo and ate icecream.
so tis time round ; my treat. =)
the ice cream was NICEEE!!!
and yes. we talked somemore. mwahaaha.
spending time w some good old pals is juz nice. promise to meet again. =)
and aft dat juz walked ard and went home.
we have sch tml. saddd.
hate life..hate sch life. hate getting early and hate tuts. lolx..
juz miss my dear badly. tis entire weekend din get to see him AT ALL!!!
haiz. dunno la. juz dun wish things to be baddd..
pray hard lor. =/

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:53


Thursday, November 10, 2005

hates early lessons.
i gotta wake up 630 tml.
anyway sch has been good so far.
seeing my gurlos and crap with them.
miss sch food too.
the cheap and complainable yet enjoyable food.
so far there isnt any interesting subjects.
all lectures i attend seems to bore me to the core.
im havin psy tut tml.
pray hard dat it will perks me up.
hopefully cute guys in my class.

anyway today din had to go sch.
so met dear fer mac breakfast.
and its him who suggessted it.
=) how sweet can dat be.
hmm. dan aft breakfast came back home and slp.
haas. woke up in the aftnoon got ready fer work.
wells. had 2 sales. but its fer dec. sucks la.
anyway i hope to get my pay tml!
im so farkin broke! and yes i bought tat puma bag alr.
am loving it. haas.
and so im so damn farkin broke.
and guess wat. im goin to exchange my adidas shoe fer a pair of shoe and a pair of heels from URS.
cuz i cant farkin find the adidas shoe. its juz left w black and white.
i dun like ; i want the red and white!!!
BAHH!!!!! and so im gonna do some shoppin wen i get my pay.
hate it hate it hate it.
sighz. mandy's celebration is somehow cancelled.
they will go lunch wout me.
i have lessons ; and they have papers on friday.
cant let them wait fer me ; they have to study.
will meet up with them soon ; aft A`s which is on 16.
actually kinda glad. cuz i can save some money.
im really broke.
friday gg drinkin ; sat too.
where gt money.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:41


Sunday, November 06, 2005

woo hoo!!! sch's starting tml!!!
excited? perhaps.
finally there is a purpose in life. haas.
go sch and learn new things ; spot more eye-candies.

timetable is better than last sem ; or so i tot.
at least on ave i end sch at 4. =)
can still make it to work. haas. i need money
need money to buy that puma bag. =)
hmm. glad that there isnt much changes w da class.
at least i will still have my gurlos w me. =)
thou cds will seperate us ; its oni temporary.
im praying hard now. i hope that watever project group im in.
i wun have da same old ppl. ok at least not those 4 ppl.
yikes. gonna treat them invisible if possible.
haas. watever.

hmm. last week b4 sch start is indeed an enjoyable one.
meet up with precious almost every other day.
on monday i meet up w belle!!
its like after so long ; finally can meet up w her.
was late.couldnt hear my alarm. haas.
watever. so we walked ard spotlight.
helped her out with some stuffs.
after that we went dwn to bugis fer lunch.
i was STARVING!! haas. so we had pastamania fer lunch.
was craving fer cheese. lol.
anyway after dat we walked ard and took neoprints.
will put it up someday. im lazy to on my scanner now.
haas >.<
went dwn to bugis street and bought 2 belts. =)
wanted to buy more. but cannot afford.
muz wait fer pay to buy more clothes. =)
anyway my precious called up aft his work.
he sounded like he wanted to meet.
wen he knows im out with my fren ; he's real nice.
he let me be and said we will meet tml. =)

on tues i went back to office to hand in invoice.
sit there slack awhile. waited fer dear to get ready too.
as usual he is late ; reached ps first.
so i bought tixs first. we watched transporter 2.
hmm. ok la. not too bad. but its very predictable.
haas. alot of actions too. watever.
anyway aft movie we went dwn to cineleisure fer dinner
and his friends came over fer awhile.
so aft dinner we went home since he has to work da next day.

on wed went back to office fer some meeting.
retarded meeting. haas. was talkin to dear b4 i went fer meeting. =)
so aft meeting hang ard and dan went dwn to bishan and meet my BABEAR.
haas. like aft so long finally see her.
dats why i love holidays. its fer me to catch up w peeps.
anyway we dined in cartel and we almost died.
it was so filling! dunno why go where eat w her also so filling de.
haas. shared ice cream too. really can die!
lolx. aft dat we walked ard j8 lor. =)
wanted to meet dear to get my strawberry roll and coffee peanut.
but abit lazy since im gonna see him tml.
haas. so reached home and slack.

on thurs. woke up to his msg.
he woke up early. askin if we wanna meet.
so bathe and got ready dan im set up to meet him.
yes. i was late. haas. walked over to cine and gt the tixs fer movie.
dan walked over to taka. was dying of thirst.
so got a drink and for the first time my precious wanted to shop
haas. so yes we went dwn to taka square
they were havin some sales. so yupz.
aft much time spent and much lookin ard.
he bought a pair of pants and a shirt.
yada yada. met quite a few ppl in town today.
i miss you becky dear.
and im glad sch's starting soon cuz i can see wanyi almost everyday le.
anyway had a super rush dinner and went up fer movie.
aft movie he went to look fer his frens.
played cs fer awhile b4 he sent me home.

on fri it was a totally bored day. wanted to go work.
but computer repair man coming so no choice had to stay home.
came and everything done! yay!
i almost died! one week without my precious com!
anyway my dear wanted to meet me to pass me stuff.
i was kinda lazy to meet. and by the time he reach hm he also lazy.
so din meet in the end. and that's how boring my friday was.

on sat waited fer dat idiot to end work.
finally a call. and aft some time we finally met.
went dwn to MS. loads of new shops. everywhere is having sales.
do you know how hard it is to control. almost bought bags that i wun reaylly use.
lucky dint! haas. anyway went dwn to carl's jr fer dinner.
i almost died. died with my stomach burst open with intestines all out
and burger remains on the floor.
i was so freakin full!!! but it was sweet of my dear to get onions rings fer me.
haas. =)
bump into a couple of ppl too. =)
anyway we aft dinner we walked ard. walked till abt 10 plus
dan went to esplanade fer a short while b4 gg back.
yupz. stayed over at his place. =)
its juz so great to slp in his arms.

today slack at his hse the whole afternoon.
aft our late lunch dan came home. he sent me home.
hmm. its juz so nice to wake up to see the one u love.
things are so well between us now.
for the first time in 8mths i truly felt happy in this r/s.
no words can describe how i feel. im really in love.
haiz. sch's startin hope things will nt take on a drastic change.
wheeeee. im so in love.
i dunno wats love. it can juz make u fall in love with the same person over and over again.
its really something i can never understand.

grrrr. sch's startin tml.i need more clothes!!!
i need new bag. i need new shoes! bah!!!!!!!!!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @21:38


pRyncess pRissy. 071287. emotional stubborn sagittarius. self obsessed.
cant live wout: orange zen neeon ; black3230 ; strawberries chocolates ; tanning ; swimming ; big screen movies ; late nights ; sleepovers ; talking ; a lil booze ; a lil partying ; my gurlos ; my family

for all the joy you brought to my life ; for all those times you stood by me ; you were always there for me ; my world is a better place because of you. i love you guys. <3

can i have it liddat?

*bliss and happiness
*a lil of material needs as well

lemme hear you

my love goes out to

`aggy `alviin `alyy `beckky `carrol `cherryl `chesttine `conniee `glyyn `j0jjo `jonny `joyyce `leann `lizz `05A7cc `pearll `pett `rutthie `shermainn `smm `tinggs `weiwuu `weizz `xinyyu `yinkii `yunn
`y-vonn `zoeyy

myy freeLANcers

.chinny .jiam .xbc

myy past

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