Friday, March 31, 2006

i dunno what`s running thru my mind
i want to be alone
dun wanna talk

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:53


Thursday, March 30, 2006

fourth day.
i really dunno what to say.
my heart is really breaking real bad.
i needa good cry
tot i could meet carol and talk things out but apparently she couldnt make it
so nvm la
friday`s the limit ; i swear
went dwn to msh aft mhh
din want to be alone and go home early
so that`s the oni company i thought of
and yes with them ard it was definitely laughters
they told me things that happen`d that night at ktv
but are they really telling the truth!?
oh man! dun even wanna think ; so pai sei la
better to be ignorant

anyway im starting to feel that this r.s has come to an end
but somehow im still hoping to hear my phone ring and hear your voice
everytime i receive a sms ; i hope its your name i see
sad to say. NO! not even once.
if i ever let this r.s go ; we are both hurt equally
maybe you might not even hurt
sighz. hate to think of that

my heart is aching so bad that i can feel no other pain

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:29


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

right. today`s the third day. i really wonder what is going on
could something happen to him?
but well somebody`s last login to friendster was 24hrs ago
and well he can jolly well login to friendster and cant even msg me?
well. being my stubborn self i wun take the initiative to msg him
but when im all alone you are all over my mind
and im so fed up with myself
once i think abt it ; tears are forcing out
how i wish i could have been born wout tear ducts
i guess i really do need a break from this r.s
like what aggy say maybe it will do us all good
at least to me it will ; i could use this time and think carefully abt this r.s
i know we will not end up tgt one day ; but i cant bear to think the fact that you will be holding some other girls hand telling them how much you love them
sighz. i dunno what to do. i really dunno what to do.
im seriously so tired of all this ; so sick of such things too
maybe i shld have put a stop to all this way before i got myself too deeply involve
i hate to think the fact that i`ll be hurting you ; leaving the man who i really love
but i really cant contd to be happy w the way you are treating me
the way you love someone you love aint the way im accepting
i know i know you will say its work again you need to work
you need the money ; but im not asking you to quit your job and be with me whole day
all i ask is just a call ; a msg will be good too
but i guess all this is just too much fer you

i cant stand being alone cause i will just so break down and cry again.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:59


Monday, March 27, 2006

it has been 2 days
and not even a msg from you
is this the way couples should behave?
i know you are working
i know you wun be doing anything behind my back
i know you are tired from working
but all i ask for is just a simple msg
whatever content i dun mind ; just a msg will do
but guess you dun even care at all

fer 13 months and i have tried my v best
maybe it is really my last straw
i talked to you gazillion times
and well i definitely did not see any major changes
im really at a lost ; pls tell me what to do
maybe at the start being tgt was a haste and wrong decision

please show me some directions

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @22:40


last night went fer the birthday party
as usual there was endless amount of alcohol
and yupz ; i got myself all drunk
was so wasted
all that was hidden in me came out
tears flow`d non stop ; words came out all wrong
maybe i shld really reconsider this r.s

i dont know what exactly happen`d
bits and pieces
thanks shermain dear who came all the way dwn and took care of me
andy was also there lookin after me
felt so bad cause it was his bday yet he has to take care of me and couldnt enjoy
whatever i feel couldnt be put into words
shermain told me what you said and i was really touched cause nobody said that to me before
right. i always feel so safe and secure next to you
haas. you have always been like a big brother to me
=) thanks a lot fer taking care of me

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @21:46


Sunday, March 26, 2006

phone rang. private number calling.
tot it was babear who is calling up to say she is free to meet
pick up call ; different voice over the line
it was really all smiles.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @16:58


sighz. i hate it when i do something to make someone angry and upset
i know i deserve it
but im really sorry.
i swear i will be there fer your bday party tml
i will buy you something ya

i promise i will be back at work soon
lunch at humble house
roadshows at msh
i know myself that i do not have the drive fer such work anymore
maybe im just plain lazy.
i mean its wearing me out.
i promise i will be back at work next thurs k
i know saying all this here wun work
i shall tell ya tml

aiights. gotta go slp soon

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @04:40


beep. one message received
your name appears and i just smile.


sweet intoxication

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @04:25


Saturday, March 25, 2006

sweet sensations ; i like
sinful sweet sensations ; should i like?

my boyfriend`s dead. hate it when he start working like nuts
hate it hate it hate it hate it

lonliness is a rather strong force
you can be doing certain things due to lonliness
watever ; random thoughts

sweet sensations ; such sinful sweet sensations =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @03:12


finally home ; so tired ; but still dun feel like turning in
din slp the whole of last night ; din slp well the night before

wed aftnoon woke up ; packed stuffs ; travelled to sher`s hse
slack`d ; talk`d ; watched our long ago tape`d shows
ate dinner ; wy left abt 10 plus
the rest of us just got ready fer our super cheapo partying night
got chop`d at mos ; went dwn to gotham and drink
ladies night ; free flow maaaaa
yaya say what you want ; this is call makin full use of resources
drank till we got tipsy ; went back to mos
whatever happen`d in the club stays in the club

slept at 7am all the way till 2 pm
packed our stuffs and we are on our way to chalet
went cycling and walked back to our room
all of us were sticky and hungry
bought pizza and ate till we almost died
wash`d up and watch`d dvd
talk`d on the phone and then back to the room
din get to booze much ; shermain freaking down everything
lucky she was quite ok ; no special care needed
and lucky she din drink that much on wed
i will just die >.<
played our fav game whole night long
some left went its almost dawn
left abt 730. bus`d home
my butt almost rot.

slept fer 2 hrs b4 tc call`d me
woke up wash`d up and left to meet ting and tc
was literally a walking zombie
i din make sense most of the time
aft much shopping ; left to meet maneka fer dinner
talk`d ; gossip`d till its so late and my phone died on me
guess im gonna turn in soon.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @03:05


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

time of the month fer me to emo away

at times i really miss mum alot
and i just wish that she doesnt need to work in kl
i know she sure miss us alot too
evident from all the msges and calls i got from her
seeing her 3 days a month aint enough fer me to tell her all that had happen in the rest of the 29 days.
yes ; i sure do complain when she is ard
naggy and controlling and stuff
but when she is not around i miss her walking to my room
giving me hugs ; asking me how is my day
mummy dearest is really the greatest
throughout the years things have really changed
since young i used to tag along w her
teens yrs ; tried so hard to keep her out from my life
loads of quarreling
now we are rather close compared to the previous years
we respect each other much more
and well ; mum accept the fact that im growing up and she gives me tons of space to breathe but still make sure she knows what`s goin on in my life.
she really loves me tons ; every month she`s back
we go shopping or what ; she never fail to get me stuffs i want
she know its not necessary to buy fer me
but she know that by doing that i`ll be happy so she get it fer me
sighs. i`ll nv understand a mother`s love till i become one

he gonna start work tml and all the way till april
without off. ok one day off fer his TP.
sighz. am gonna miss seeing him so much
hopefully the schedule`s not that bad. at least gonna meet fer dinner
man. cant believe today sorta like the last day. keke
watever. sometimes i just feel that he wil just leave one day
i guess its fear from the past
scars and hurt will always remind you of things which you dun wan to rmb
i know i do take him fer granted at times
i know he will always be so patient with me
no matter how irritating i am
he will nv lose his temper at me
13 months has passed and yes i do want more 13 months
and maybe 13 years. =)
i do love him loads no matter how irritating he can get at times.
i dunno what i will do without him.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @04:52


some updates.
on sat met up with mandy and jiam fer dinner
dine`d at spageddies ; not too bad
just some catching up.
gonna meet up soon darlings. =)

sunday went fer interview w yinki.
got the job. but still dunno when gonna start work.
hopefully soon. cash real tight. =/
went romancing w my girl aft that
and yupz. manage to spend within my budget.
high tea and dinner ; $10
went shopping w NO shopping bags home
haas. so proud of myself
-a pat on my back-

now im left with $100 fer 10 days.
right $10 per day.
with chalet and stuff coming up.
how possible? start work soon.

today baby came over w breakfast.
was supposed to get ready and leave soon.
but wasnt feeling well.
rested till 4 then leave ; my poor boy sat infront of the tv fer 6 hours
just to wait fer me. im sorry.
din manage to watch movie. walked ard suntec
went for the food fair
went fer dinner at ms. came home aft that
baby went to play street soccer with his friends.

gonna stay home tml. save cost ; no mood anyway.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:32


Saturday, March 18, 2006

some guys are just plain disgusting.
they talk to you cause they want something from you
they want to know you cause they have their own personal motive
but still act all nice on the outside
when they need something from you they come running to you
when they do not need anything ; you never existed in their lifes
such kinda jerks do not deserve any respect at all.
sometimes it doesnt pay to be nice
people take advantages of you

yes i may be v conservative in my thinking.
hmm. ok fine. my thinking and talking is quite liberal
but that does not means its the way my actions gonna be.
whatever. just some random thoughts.
all the songs playing on me media player makes me wanna shake my booty. keke

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @03:37


right blogger is killing me!
its farking irritating ; its getting on my nerves!
whatever. hope the maintenance shiat will be done soon.

met up with becky darling this afternoon fer lunch.
shopped ard after that. saw her bought the shades
and it reminds me of the white pair of shades i wanna get
im so gonna get it!!!
and im so desperate fer a job now!!!
financial real`s tight. but its hard to cut dwn on my costly lifestyle
L0L. gotta stop going out so often ; spend lesser money
lets see when is that gonna happen.
anyway aft that becks left fer work
and i went to suntec alone to get my baby outta the hospital
i totally miss it can!!!
i was so totally dying wout my phone.

anyway clubbing plans cancelled tonight.
im sorry girls. partially i wasnt really in the mood to club
no money to club and baby`s really not happy that im gg to club
thou he said "go la" can tell he dun really want me to go
and well that idiot ask me not to go
so wanted to meet him fer dinner
guess what? he just disappeared into thin air
phone low batt ; how to contact him
was so farking irritated la
came home wout dinner.
grrr. anywya i gotta lose some fats too. mwahaaahaaa

alvin ting. sorry. we shall go club another time ya.
i promise no pang seh. >.<
anyway hope you had fun. =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @03:03


Friday, March 17, 2006

saw a doc. she said its infection and it aint cut by my lenses
shrugs. whatever
gave my some eyedrop thingy.
cant wear lenses fer slightly more than a week
have to wait till it clears
but. i cant wait. im dying wout my lenses.

anyway went fer wy`s band concert.
it was rather nice. the music and all. =)
but cant really hear wy play cause its a BAND concert.
mwahaaahaa. aiights am being lame here.
had dinner at glutton bay with shermain aft that
we were both hungry woman. l0lx.

am so tired. not gonna play 5 levels of sudoku tonight.
meeting becky darling fer lunch tml
followed by mos in the night.

baby`s nt really happy abt it. but i cant say no to my girls
we planned this from last week. i dun wanna be a wet blanket
i hope you understand. im gonna behave. i promise.
i always behave when i club anyway. =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:32


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

since today its my baby sis birthday
i shall dedicate an entry to her

thank you for being my sis fer the past 6teen years
for me to dote on ; for me to bully
for me to laugh at ; for me to laugh with
for me to share gossips and secrets
for me to run to when im happy or sad

thanks fer always being there fer me
you are the best sis one could ever ask fer
i will always be here fer you just like how you have been there fer me all the time
hoped you had a great dinner and i know you like the present

leeme sing a song fer you

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to mei mei
happy birthday to you

beeg elephant hugs fer you.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @22:23



PRISS threw a coin into the pond @14:02


i miss my 3230 badly.
upgrading software need a week?

not gonna see doc. its not as red anymore.
the clot is spreading. =)
stop wearing lense and see how it goes.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @13:59


blue black toe
scrapped knee
blood clotted eye
what`s next?

ytd i found out a blood clot in my left eye.
and apparently today it got worse.
picture will be posted below ; view it at your own risk.

anyway morning met up with yinki and went fer tanning session.
she did get a tan. and i did a teeny weeny bit.
next week will go fer another round. haas.
im determined to get tan. >.<
anyway after that travel dwn to bugis and did some shopping
met aggy at cine to have dinner and watch movie
i expected to laugh from start till the end
laugh till my sides hurt
apparently nth of such happened
just occasional laughs here and there

life most embarrasing moment happened

beware here comes my EYE
Image hosting by Photobucket

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:41


Monday, March 13, 2006

babear came over my place fer lunch.
and well she din get lost ; so proud of her
her first time coming my place by herself
next year dun need ting bring you over to bai nian alr right!?

after getting ready we left fer town.
oh i need to say something. fer 6 yrs of friendship ; i left my face to the hands of the "blender"
HAAS. whatever
shopp`d ; sales goin EVERYWHERE
how not to buy a thing
in the end came home w 2 tops and a shorts
and the best part ; the topshop salesman is an idiot.
pack`d our tops wrongly. grrr. have to wait till the next time i see her than can change back
dined at fish and co.
and its so goddamnfucking full. haas.

i still haven get my newurbanmale top. cause the design i want is in PINK!
farking disgusting pink! WTF! think i will go back and get the other one ba.
provided i work. haas. anyway that guy who served me is cute. keke.

gotta meet up with babear during her hols fer sakae sushi. =)
ting will be coming along too. hopefully i can make it. =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:13


Sunday, March 12, 2006

went fer movie with dear at ps earlier on
the shaggy dog. quite funny
but not really the kinda movie i will want to spend $9.50 on.
it has been long since we last went out on a saturday. =)
aft movie saw a msg frm aldric asking me to go club at mdm wong`s.
i wanted to go so much cause my mystery guy is goin. haas.
but nahz. no money alr. just club`d last night.
dear said aft he gets his license he will fetch me home aft i club.
whee. =)
told ya ; he`s a sweet lil thing.

fine. should stop saying this kinda thing
cause alvin ting says my blog is so mushy.
bleah. at least better than your blog. >.<

he sent me home and blah blah blah.
now he`s watching soccer at his fren`s place.
hopfully can meet him on monday. he`s not workin.
just wanna spend time with him.
when he starts working at DFS dun even know if he`ll have time fer me.
dun wish to have those nonsensical stuffs goin through my mind again.
its tiring. emotionally ; mentally and at times physically
whatever. just treasure whatever i have now. =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @03:14



afternoon met up with my sis
acc her to NUH fer her medical appointment
and well. it din turn out well
her back is getting worse
and the oni solution is surgery.
omg. you shld have seen her face when she saw the xray
and my heart broke upon seeing those tears that she tried so hard to hold in the room
the moment we step`d out of the room
the tears never stop
i really din know what to do.
my baby sis is crying ; she is scared
and my heart just break and nt do a thing.
it hurts to see her cry like that.
all i can do now is pray

anyway after that she has to go fer tuition
and i have to meet xiao phang and shermain.
met up fer a game of pool before travelling dwn to mos.
shermain got all drunk and its really scary.
cause i dunno how to control her
to let her let loose? its scary ; you nv know what the guys are up to
to keep her away from the dance floor ; she wun enjoy herself
cause we are all slaves to music. haas.
anyway the guys are really scary!!!
need my yinki to keep us away frm them ; but she`s not there
we are left to fend fer ourselves. lol.
oh wells ; i was a lil tad high and taking care of shermain aint really the best thing fer a "drunk" person to do.
haas. there was this point of them where oni me and shermain are at the dancefloor
and i felt like it was more like "mosh-ing" than dancing!
haas. whatever
anyway i din get to talk to my cute guy!!!
his eyes are mesmerizing. omg.
the smile with that eyes are enough to melt me.
left abt 430. when the music starts to get unwelcomed by my ears.
i was so wide awake that i bathe and wash my hair when i reach home
omg. and i waited fer my hair to dry.
first time experience fer that. lol.
more of mos ; less of drunk shermain. haas.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:55


Thursday, March 09, 2006

had steamboat w my class just now.
so much fer class gathering hur.
oni 6 of us went. and 1 show`d face oni
shermain ; felix ; tim ; wei lun ; ivan and me
yinki ps fer the private sales at isetan. thanks alot dear.

omg. we sat there fer almost 3 hours and its non stop eating
omg. can you believe how pig we were.
there was no mummy ; dear ; carol
nobody peel prawn fer me ; so i nv eat.
my favourite yet i nv eat.
tim also another one. spoilt and pampered like me. HAAS.
actually was really surprise to see him there.
lastly we finish`d the food by playing games. haas.
ooh. somebody sat next to me lei ; and he scoop meatball fer me.
but somehow the feeling aint that strong anymore.
told ya ; he`s really just an eye candy.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:47


rigght. can tell im really that bored hur.
what to do. really nth to do

yupz. brought my phone dwn fer servicing today.
that feeling sucks! im back to my 7250i
and its feeling WEIRD. haas.
honey brought me to some place fer the great delicious chicken chop fried rice.
its really nice.
he`s such a darling.
wanted to watch movie ; but no wolf creek
and he dont wanna watch the 7+ shows cause he`s working the next day
aft quite some time we decided to watch underworld
oh wells. it does get you thrill`d at times
but still not that nice compared to the first one.
honey promis`d to watch wolf creek w me next week.

am so bored. gonna get stuck`d infront of my teevee soon
scv really rocks. LOL.

tml gonna go fer steamboat w my class. =)
it has been a week ; but it feels like ages.
just like how i`m missing my gurlos. =/

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:20


- pris
- cai yun
- my lazy nature
- my constant need fer new clothes
- lizards
- thought of losing my love ones
- my phone
- kachinggg
- hoobastank
- goo goo dolls
- shake that
- i think i
- my honey baby
- my mom
- tanning
- reading
- that urbanmale top
- cannon ixus
- event manager
- magazine editor
- NZ and just migrate there
- entire europe fer backpacking
- mummy and sis dearest
- honey baby
- went to ICA
- went chinatown
- mummy dearest
- belle
- indian rojak
- prawn mee at cambridge market
- chinese A
- econs
- how mandy manage to ans ms poh qn despite falling asleep in class
- playing bingo is ava despite chinese O`s being rnd the corner
- mummy dearest
- my grandmaa
- white
- orange

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:06


1.two words to describe urself right now?
__ couch potato (scv keeping me happy. C: )
2. first five words that pops in ur mind now?
__ steamboat ; time ; star movies ; fireworks ; bath
3. name 3 of your crazy friends
__ mandy ; babear ; and my gurlos
4. what's your favorite number/s?
__ 7 ; 12
5.what was the first thing you did after waking up?
__ check the time
6. last number of your phone number?
7. who was the first person that came to your mind as you woke up this morning?
__ my honey baby
8. who was the last person to make you feel like killing?
__ my honey baby. cause he dun wan go eat indian rojak with me.
9. what song is on your mind right now?
__ dodadadeedeedummm
10. what was the last thing you wrote on a straight line?
__ din actually write. i just signed
11. who do you want to call on your cellphone?
__ lyon ; miss that guy
12. Are you in love?
__ yupz.
13. what color/s do you like?
14. last song that you sang:
__ grow old with you
15. do you like to sing?
__ hell yeah!
16. have you ever been to Baguio?
__ nopex.
17. what was the last song that you danced to?
__ red light
18. favorite songs:
20. last person you e-mailed.
__ it has been a while. cant rmb
21. have you worn/are you wearingbraces [teeth]
__ nopex! natural is the best. =)
22. how often do you buy load?
__ now somebody tell me what is load. thank you
23. who's the last person in your phonebook?
__ honey baby
24. if you were given a chance to visit another country what would it be?
__ i wanna go spain. paris will be fine too. =)
25. name the person that you wish to fall for you at this moment:
__ i dun wan anyone but my boyfriend
26. what do you want to happen right now?
__ finish the whole season of amazing race

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:22



How old were you? __ 14
Where did you go to school? __ pierce secondary
Where did you work? __ mediacorp drink stall. haas.
Where did you live? __ blk 195
Who did you hang out with? __ JT ; belle ; lyon..
How was your hair style? __ short hair to shoulder length hair. DISASTER
Did you wear braces? __ nopex.
Did you wear glasses? __ yupz. switch to contact lenses somehow
Who was your best friend? __ tze chi ; belle
Who was your celebrity crush? __ edison chen ; daniel chan
Who was your regular-person crush? __JT
How many piercings did you have? __ 3
How many tattoos did you have? __ nil
What was your favorite music group? __ din really have a fav
What was your worst fear? __ not promoting to sec 3
Had you smoked a cigarette yet? __ nopex
Had you gotten drunk or high yet? __ nopex
Had you driven yet? __ nopex
How old are you? __ 18
Where do you go to school? __ temasek polytechnic
Where do you hang out? __ honey`s place ; town..
How is your hair style? __ longggg
Do you have braces? __ nopex
Do you wear glasses? __ dependant on contact lenses
Who are your best friends? __ i have a handful. you know who you are. =)
Who is your celebrity crush? __ RAIN ; eminem
Who is your regular-person crush? __ my honey baby. MAYBE mystery guy
How many tattoos do you have? __ NONE! i want one
How many piercings do you have? __ 5
Favorite music group? __ those that make great music.
What is your biggest fear? __ losing any of my love one
Have you driven yet? __ NO! better get dwn to driving center soon. haas
Have you smoked a cigarette yet? __ nopex.
Have you gotten drunk or high yet? __ yayayaya

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:37


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

to mandy soh

yes its my holidays. you can ring me up and see when will ALL of us be free.
and i mean ALL.
chin ; jiam ; me and you.

and yes im always talking abt my boyfriend cause he is the one who always has time fer me.
if you have time fer me my entries will be flooded with you.
enjoy singlehood. cause it aint really THAT fun to be single.
find a man mandy. HAAS.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @21:11


what a great monday i have.
what a great kinda start for the week.

met up w baby fer breakfast this morning.
and while walking towards his place aft breakfast
guess what?
yes i did! its those super super pain type.
omg. now i have this BIG patch of bruise
hmm. not really bruise but ya.
will try to take a pic and show ya`ll

oh and guess what!? MY FREAKING PHONE IS DOWN!
wat the fark la.
last night cant receive msges. today it cant on.
im depress. dont talk to me.

anyway i did get to spend some quality time w baby.
thou we din manage to watch underworld.
we`ll watch it some other day. =)
guess have to wait fer quite awhile till we get to spend a day tgt.
he`s working tml ; all the way till thurs.
hope to see him on wed aft his work. =)

have i mentioned im really so in love with him
thou he does make me super mad and upset at times?
being near him is like having the whole world next to you.
i know he wun say it ; or he dont know how
but he does loves me alot. =)

he`s the man who manipulates my mood. =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:47


met up w my lovely babear on sunday.
went fer some makan at this thai restaruant at far east
before the search for bags.
aft walking from far east to taka
we decided to go heeren fer my all time favourite
bomber`s milkshake.
that`s our highSHAKE.
babear came up with that. dun laugh at me. >.<

aft a camwhoring session ; we decided to leave bombers
and make our way to J8 to contd w her bag search
finally did get a bag. =)
all the best fer your attachment babear.
may we meet up fer dinner some time soon. =)

just me and beloved babear. <3

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:37


Sunday, March 05, 2006

mom`s back
spent some time with her today
shopping and walking ard
and obviously the shopping trip is a great harvest.
bought a few stuffs. =)

tml i`ll be out w my babear!
woots. shopping shopping
but i think i have nth to buy alr
LOL. just go fer food. haas.
hopefully get to spend sometime with her before her attacgment starts and get all so busy with life that she has no time fer me.

life`s getting all boring fer me.
one week of hols pass`d. no purpose in life.
gotta start to look fer job ; but im so god damn farkin lazy.

all of a sudden im missing my baby tons.
haas. but will oni see him on monday

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:22


i love everyone who is featured in here.
all of you mean something to me
one way or another.
be grateful that your face is here. =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:06


Friday, March 03, 2006

if u recall
ms tan ying jie was complaining there aint any update abt her
so here it goes
this entry dedicated to her with tons of pics

10 02 2006

she has always been there fer me. =)

happy now girl?! haas. so bored. we 2 better start to look for job and more romancino saturdays.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:58


was feeling so nauseauous this morning
totally had no energy ; practically drag`d myself dwn to meet dear.
was really feeling so unwell till i cant eat my fav prawn mee.
had to eat those soupy soupy mee. yikes.
guess i will cut down on alcohol during free flows night hur.
dear had been so sweet ; taking great care of me.

travel`d dwn to bishan ; walk`d a lil
and went back to his place.
was so tired that we took a nap tgt.
its been long since i had his arms ard me. =)
woke up and left fer dinner. haas.
such a pig routine ; eat - sleep - eat
lolx. watever.

i really love my boyfriend despite all those unhappy moments
he is one person that i never want to lose in my life. =)


PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:03


Thursday, March 02, 2006

the biggest temptation : ladies night with free flow
the biggest mistake : going for it

man.... last nite was rather fun
thou the music suck`d a lil
sher ; yinki and me was high on all those free flow
dancing all night long.
was at momo. wanted to jump over to mos
but all of us cant even walk straight ; how to walk to mos?
okok. that was a lil exaggerating, yinki will say she can walk straight
-roll eyes-

my head weigh a thousand ton ; and i did vomit.
came home was so seh till i cant be bothered to do anything
just went straight to bed. haas.
ya ya. one dirty girl here. i know.
am gonna meet my baby fer lunch!
im so freakin hungry.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @12:52


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

there`s no such thing as a perfect lover
but you do love the imperfect me perfectly.
i hope one day our love will be as deep as the ocean.
and it will not part like the red sea.
OK! i know im corny! but i do love my baby!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:13


bastard tan is history ; but why does it still hurt?
thanks for all the wonderful memories ;
and thanks for all the hurt you inflicted on me
love can go to such great measures

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:11


went tanning in the morning with yinki and sher.
and YES! i did get a lil tanner!
but guess what? wearing that stupid racerback top for breakfast really ruin it!

was supposed to catch 330 rumor has it in cine
guess ALL of us couldnt make it on time
ended up eating lunch ; shopping ard ; slacking ; and eat AGAIN!
anyway finished shopping the entire far east
wanted to get this top ; but in the end dun have the design i want
so i sat outside the shop and wait fer the rest of my gurls to finish their shopping
was watchin jay chou`s mtv. =)
and all of a sudden i saw daniel walking into the area with his gf.
i din know what to do ; what to react
so when he smiled at me i just smiled back
and i really regretted doing that
i should have just ignore his presence
haiz. whatever.
tons of emotions washed over me from the instance i saw him
yes i did get over him ; contd w my life
but somehow this wound could never be healed
memories ; times shared ; all these can never be erased!
somehow i wish i could really erase all these ; no amount of time will take away all these
i guess i really love`d you too much
that explains the hurt

after seeing him ; im really afraid that james will leave me fer another girl
the same thing daniel did to me
actually im really afraid to get into a r.s again
to fall in love again
to get hurt all over again when the wound just heal

seriously despite all the unhappiness i feel at times in this r.s
i never never wanna lose him
yes it did occur to me that getting out of this r.s might be better
but still i really do love him
and i dun wan to lose him ; i cant imagine him holding another girl`s hand
hugging her ; telling her how much he loves her just like the way he did to me.
NO! i cannot imagine that and i dont want that to happen!
well ; guess im really oxymoronic hur. grrr

tons of memories ; emotions are still sweeping over me
was packing my stuffs the other day
and saw things that we did way back then.
to throw away or keep it? shrugs-
oh man! how can i stop myself from thinking abt all this!?
daniel tan ; bastard......................................

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:18


pRyncess pRissy. 071287. emotional stubborn sagittarius. self obsessed.
cant live wout: orange zen neeon ; black3230 ; strawberries chocolates ; tanning ; swimming ; big screen movies ; late nights ; sleepovers ; talking ; a lil booze ; a lil partying ; my gurlos ; my family

for all the joy you brought to my life ; for all those times you stood by me ; you were always there for me ; my world is a better place because of you. i love you guys. <3

can i have it liddat?

*bliss and happiness
*a lil of material needs as well

lemme hear you

my love goes out to

`aggy `alviin `alyy `beckky `carrol `cherryl `chesttine `conniee `glyyn `j0jjo `jonny `joyyce `leann `lizz `05A7cc `pearll `pett `rutthie `shermainn `smm `tinggs `weiwuu `weizz `xinyyu `yinkii `yunn
`y-vonn `zoeyy

myy freeLANcers

.chinny .jiam .xbc

myy past

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