Saturday, April 29, 2006

ytd went back to TP!!!
woots. so happy can. ate at mensa.
i tell you the chicken chop is really like heaven compared to TAS`s canteen
anyway was busy printing notes.
b4 we cld finish priniting ; off we went fer SL`s briefing

HTM orentation.
it was rather fun. but i was super tired to be really enthu.
lolx. anyway my dear H08 came.
super happy to see them can. =)
haha. and they said they love their SLs!!!
aggy. are you touched? cause i am. haha.
the whole thing ended almost 11.
reached home just in time to catch survivor
thank god din miss alot. =)
so there i was all sticky and smelly refusing to bathe till the end of survivior

someone told me that he dun dare talk to me cause i look v fierce
that`s like so funny can. im the friendliest person on earth.
do i really look v fierce?!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @13:43


Friday, April 28, 2006

went fer lecture this morning.
headed dwn to expo fer FHA

WOOHOO! the food there looks delicious
taste delicious too.
i wun wanna go fer food fair anymore
cause its nothing like this

i ate 3 scoops of ice cream.
ate till my stomach is so bloated.
so many other nice stuffs too.
man. the waffles are still lingering
i really wanna get it. he says spore sells it.
im gonna hunt it dwn.

had this totally pure chocolate drink
woohoo. my taste bud really went to heaven.

gonna post some pics soon.

im so happy can. mensa`s salad bar awaits me.
gonna print notes too.
HTM orentation aft that. hope it will be fun
with my still swollen ankle and irritate throat.

anyway im missing my baby.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @03:59


Thursday, April 27, 2006

happily skipped school today.
it was raining this lovely morning
it makes sleeping in such a luxury

pick`d sis frm bus-stop
came home slack`d ard and bathe and got out to meet him
hmm. had dinner over at bugis
walk`d to suntec
resisted the temptation fer b&js
was at the arcade
OMG. the mickey is so freaking cute can
yes yes. he tried to catch it fer me
but well. he fail`d
its ok thou. cause i din really expect him to do it fer me
the thought of it was super sweet.
i was really all smiles when he stood b4 the machine measuring
L0L. so cute can.

train`d back to tpy. bought hotfudge sundae
and well. its school early in the morning again.
sighz. guess i will oni meet him during weekends.
im so gonna miss him

anyway i just gotta complain. i really super hate to take trains!!!
man. if it wasnt bcuz of sentosa i wun have bought the train concession
if i do take train to sch. which is super dumb.
i will take 1hr instead of my lovely 20 mins
guess i just have to fully utilise my $45 train concession fer the upcoming year
cant wait fer march 2007 to come!!!
and i can wave goodbye to TAS.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:54


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

finally blogger is like working.

school has started and i seriously dread gg to school
especially the travelling to and fro sentosa
and well. the food really SUCKS!
it seriously sucks big time.
best part of all?
only 1 hour break a day
where got time to go elsewhere to eat
cant even eat subway

class is pretty ok with aggy next to me
imagine wout her. i will really die in class.
lessons are freaking cold. guess i need a new jacket soon.
a thicker one ; one that will keep me warm in class
no tut yet. so dun really know my classmates yet.
praying hard project mates are good. =)

tml got no school. REJOICE!
actually got 1hr of entreprenuership thing
but. its just one hour.
super lazy to travel to school.
somemore not feeling well ; my stomach is like killing me

anyway i think im super not used to waking up early fer school.
i get so lethargic when im in class
tryin so hard to pay attention. =)
ytd went over to dear`s hse ; wanted to slack ard and wait fer him to go fer dinner and he can go fer his night classes while i go home
but guess i was so tired that i just fell asleep.
in the end i was sleeping in his room. haas.
his lesson cancelled
so woke up abt 8 ; went fer dinner then back home
tday met him aft sch. bought stationery
needa get ready fer school. =)
came back my place fer dinner
watched vcd ; i was so tired and not feeling well
that i fell asleep again
L0L. poor dear. watch`d the entire show by himself
anyway woke up abt 7 plus. felt so much better.
so we contd to slack in front of the tv.
he also helped me rub my swollen ankle.
so sweet can.
finally the time came fer him to go.
i really dun wan him to go.
call me clingly ; call me needy
whatever it is. i love this man and i just wanna spend all my time with him

hope to see him aft his work tml.

i still need to get a few more stuffs to be fully prepared fer school
wahahaha. aggy help`d me bought a water bottle alr.
so i just need that m)phosis bag ; a jacket ; a pair of havannas
and some shorts that`s suitable fer school.
L0L. may may may may. faster come. im super broke now.
mummy coming back soon. =)
mwahaahaaahaaa. evil laughters. i know my mummy loves me.
so no choice. but im not gonna be a spoilt kid.
thinking where to bring mummy fer dinner on mothers` day.
im a filial daughter after all. WOOHOO. so proud of myself.

aiights. gotta contd to slack fer awhile b4 sleeping.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:45


Sunday, April 23, 2006


hoped you like the gift and enjoyed the dinner
well i know you did.

right. last night he got so drunk.
his friends are really evil
you shld have see what they forced him to drink

guiness stout with chivas with RAW EGG
mi gosh.
i can never drink that down.
3 cups of that and he was really wasted.
so poor thing.
took him home soon after that.

this morning he woke up to a super wonderful hangover.
let him rest till everything`s ok dan we left the house.
well well. rub`d my leg.
now it stinks and itchy
HAAS. luckily tml can take out alr.
aft much discussion
went to cartel fer dinner
WOAH! we order`d quite abit.
we came close to finishing.
HAAS. my stomach is so bloated now.
cant slp.


tml school`s starting ; 8 am lesson all the way to 6 pm
thanks man. what a great way to start school
timetable`s ok other then the fact that i have ZHANG WEI!!!!!
i want to just faint and die
lolx. i dread school to start.
im gonna miss my girls.
seriously. other than aggy. the rest all diff class.
MAN! classes will be super boring.

pannie ; limmie ; yinki ; aggy
we shall all make an effort to let this friendship stay alive.
you girls will always be someone special to me.
love you guys loads!!!
i know you guy will read this. =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:52


Saturday, April 22, 2006

finally can do some updating at yinki place
im here to bake cake fer tml`s bday boy

it looks rather good. and yinki says we are drinking meiji choc milk right now.
anyway on wed. me and my girls went fer ladies nite.
usual routine. gotham-mos
mwahaahaa. guess i was really upset.
i drank abt 6-7 glasses of whiskey coke
hahahahaha. was real high when im back to mos.
tim ; felix and the rest were high too

well. can say i did enjoy the night. =)

cab`d to aggy place and all of us took turn to bathe
and off we`re off to school fer orentation
guess the lack of sleep makes me rather enthu
hahaha. my class not bad. 2 peirceans were under me

mass dance and all was great.
reached home bathe. wanted to watch amazing race.
in the end. oni 5 mins watched and slept till 4 plus.
rested fer another 1 hr. got up and ready to go sch.
was totally a walking zombie can. SUPER TIRED
rest of the day was rather bad.
half my class left aft getting timetable.
olympiad was rather fun. cheering and getting all excited at the games they play

so i shall type for her from here onwards.
then she sprained her ankle and wanted to go jam & hop!
REALLY jam & hop can!!!

reached home bathe and slp.
keep trying not to exert too much force on my sprained ankle

met yinki just now and now we`re baking.
later gonna go meet dear and then go fer his bday celebration w his frens
at some ktv pub thing. which i dunno where.
staying at his place tonight.
he gonna bring me to chinatown fer my ankle.
SAD. ITS GONNA HURT! and im gona hear 'klak' sound.
LOL. dinne will be at somewhere nice. =)

GOTTA GO CHECK ON MY CAKE. may it be a successful one. haha.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @19:56


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

cracking my head fer places fer buffet dinner
and my eyes are hurting and tired
cant contd to find

type`d birthday meals on yahoo sg
and what came up!?
macdonald`s party
i wanted to faint can.

nice places fer buffet dinner pls let me know
preferrably by fri
bet anyone will actually reads it. whatever.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:57


tears flowing
mind spinning


PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:33


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

woke up ard 7 but slack`d till 730
reached school damn late
it was retarded to be in school
anyway after lunch
aggy ; yinki and me got out
acc aggy to polyclinic to check her swollen eyes
tm`d ; marina sq`d ; candy empire`d ; suntec`d
was so tired.

tml still gotta go fer stupid class.
sucks man!
hate waking up early.

anyway finally responded to his msg
most prob meeting him on wed to talk things out
i seriously hope that he had a good time reflecting in the 2 weeks
cause i really cant do anything more if everything`s the same

everything`s messy now. im tired. blogging rubbish.
tml gonna work. SUCKS MAN! seriously dun feel like working.
but when i think about the $24.
man. i just gotta grit my teeth.
its just 4 hrs. busy then time pass by super fast.
wed gt $$ to spend. WAHAAHAAA.

aiigths. hitting my sack.
sweet dreams peeps. sweet dream priss.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:40


Monday, April 17, 2006

met up with yinki tday
acc her to pierce her tongue
aft witnessing aggy and yinki piercing their tongues
maybe ; maybe not

i guess i wun be goin any other piercing cause they`ll be rejected when new skin grows

anyway check`d out the keychain thing alr
rather happy w it. now i have to search fer the correct picture
guess will do it on wed. if not it will be on sat.
cause im not free any other day.
bought a new top.
rather please with myself cause i wanted to get something tday
not gonna buy new stuffs till end of the month
needa pay fer my papillio and im eyeing on the m)phosis bag.
so much fer not buying stuffs hur

sighz. i told myself and ying that im gonna pick up his call
if he calls tday
but well ; tonnes of missed calls again
i guess i cant bring myself to hear his voice
and i cant think of anything to say to him
sighx. the next call he gonna make
i will answer it with a msg
sighz. i really miss him loads.
miss gg serangoon ; miss slacking infront of his tv
miss walking home with him

sighx. anyway i gotta turn in soon
im goin sch tml.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:03


Saturday, April 15, 2006

guess what?
i stayed home the entire day
and now im starting to get headaches cause i`ve been using the comp fer so long
gonna hand it over to my sis soon

ytd met up with carol ; talked alil
and yupz she got me thinking abt how to celebrate his bday
i know we are still not talking ; but that doesnt mean i dun wanna celebrate his bday
hmm. after the entire night i sorta had some idea of what to do
im gonna bake his bday cake fer him
surprise him at his void deck
the next day either we just go abt town watch movie ; eat marche
or go cycling ; maybe we can go zoo
i dunno.
anyway his bday pressie will be either a personalise keychain or mug
i guess most prob will go with the keychain
cause he wanted to get a keychain since who knows when
gonna be in town tml ; can check it out

had a total of 8 missed calls. and yupz i din pick up any
even if i pick up i also dunno what to say
man. this is rather bad.

tml gonna meet up with yinki.
miss her so much. it has been a week.
im missing all of my girls!
aggy ; wanyi ; shermain
we are gonna meet next week.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:21


Friday, April 14, 2006

my body is starting to feel the ache
right. i went gym-ing w becks earlier on in the day
woo hoo
not really that fruitful ; but at least its a good start
more of such sessions to come i hope
cause we are gonna lose weight tgt

my shoulders and abdominal are starting to ache
woo hoo

went kbox w mei aft dinner
bcuz tml`s a PH they charge according to PH price
watever la
anyway its once in a while ; so just enjoy lor
money can be earned back

i guess i had a wonderful day tday
and yupx ; im meeting carol tml
woo hoo!

mon / tues is nearing. one day less to go
man.. this is stressful....

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:57


Thursday, April 13, 2006

i am wrestling with myself again
should i let go or hold on?

i guess im repeating myself most of the time
but still i wanna say

i really do miss you. alot.
but i am doing rather well without you by my side
maybe i will be happier alone

from the sms ; i can sense that you want another chance
but should i give you another chance?
what if you really goin to change yet i robbed away the chance fer you to prove it to me?
it has been more than a week ; and i hope that you had some reflection done
and that its worth it to give you another chance fer me to see your changes.
maybe we could try to work this out one last time

i really dunno how.
some told me that we shld be tgt
cause its not easy to find someone you love and the person actually loves you back
i know its true.
but still ; if you`re not happy why force
right? -shrugs-

judging my softhearted nature
i will most prob give this r.s one more try
but who knows. i might change my mind when the time comes.
mon or tues shall be the day. stay tuned.
i wanna celebrate his bday w him ; but i have no idea how
i haven even think of what to get fer his bday
whatever. maybe he alr has plans. plans wout me.
it has always been the case. whatever.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @04:19


back from chalet ; it was fun
first day was totally boring
nobody there ; went shopping w jason to get all the stuffs
at night when ppl came ; they drank like hell
2 cartons of carlsberg gone in just 3-4 hrs
wei guo cycled me to and from the arcade
and thanks fer breaking my nail
was resting after desperate housewives
and there came the 4 guys ; 1 irritated the shit out of me
andy came to my rescue
he dragged me out of the bed ; and they bitch abt him outside
it was super funny thou.
slept abt 3 plus ; was tired and there was nth to do

after much noise pollution ; i woke up and bathe
after breakfast ; went to jason`s house and help him bring food back to chalet
jashawn came ; was so happy to see him =)
bbq`d. and i actually peel`d prawns fer the guys
cant believe it
anyway aft that went to arcade again
came back watch csi-miami
played with them aft that
was feeling super emo ; talk`d to carol abt it
anyway they made that irritating guy drunk
haha. it was super funny
he actually slept in the toilet
hmm. played till abt 5 some guys left fer home
the rest stayed on and play`d stupid games ; ghost stories
abt 6 went and rest fer awhile b4 waking up at 10 plus to pack bag and leave

was glad that i din get drunk
i totally cut down on alcohol ; think oni drank less then 5 cans in 2 days
whole time was thinking abt him ; din really get to enjoy myself
he msg`d he call`d ; i din ans or reply
spolit my fun. BAH!!!!

came home and sleep fer 7 hours str8.
anyway gonna meet becks fer workout tml.

i dun like it when i see selina at your side most of the time
dun ask me why. i really dunno.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @03:39


Monday, April 10, 2006

am in the office now.
so bored. boooooooo
gonna wait fer jason to go marketing tgt and then off we go fer the chalet

fun fun fun awaits me.
gonna be happy fer the next 3 days.

what to do next in my life?
we shall see ; i dun wanna think abt it
i hope that one day when i wake up from my sleep
all the answers will just lay before my eyes
so i do not need to go through those tortourous process of making decisions
i hate making decisions ; im afraid i will regret
but if i make a wrong choice ; i only have myself to blame

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @14:41


3 days 2 nights chalet next
hope it will be totally fun
needa enjoy to the max b4 school starts
one last week

from the msg you sent last night ; can sense your desperation from getting a reply from me
hun, be a lil more patient and i hope there will be a happy ending

it hurt me to rad msg`s and not reply
to have my phone ringing and not answer

i really need to talk.

off to pack my bag

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:57


Sunday, April 09, 2006

i no longer know what to write.
my mind is all in a mess
at least one more week to go fer me to sort out my thoughts
please do not give up ; i dun want to let go


i just wanna blabber non-stop
anyone willing to listen?!

im loving my asymetric fringe

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:26


being in lt doin nothing is boring. look at my bored face and how yinki can fall aslp.
aggy and sher are the only awake ones cause their eyes are peeled to him. L0L
morning outdoor breakfast.
look at how everybody is doing something
and im doing something too. cam-whoring
discussion of flag design
and when everything settled ; draft is out
now`s the real thing! every member of the group playing a part.
and yes i did played my part too. taking pics!
fine! now i shall proudly present to you our FLAG!


p.s : i know this update is a lil too long. but you know what. i dun care. haha

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:17


Friday, April 07, 2006

it`s almost a week and yes you do msg me everyday wout fail
i know my heart is softening day by day
but the thing is is my love fer you as strong?!
i dunno
i keep thinking abt me in your shoes
how i will msg you everyday wout getting a reply
man. it feels bad. REAL BAD.
but im sorry this`s the way things turn out to be
i guess this is the last resort fer me
i do hope that thru this our r.s will take on a turning point
a turning point fer the better

was packing my stuffs just now ; and i came across the card you wrote to me on our first month
yes ; it was super super sweet
but that was one year ago
are you feeling the same way you did 12 months ago?
still feel that nothing beats the feeling of having me by your side?
you also said that you will do your best to be good to me
look at our r.s now and reflect all that you`ve done
is it the best you could do?
i hope the answer is no
cause i really dun wan to let this love go

this is the oni way that i`ll be communicating with you
if you do come here ; good fer you
but if you dont ; i dun see a point fer you to have my blog add anymore

deep in my heart i do hope that you will contd to msg me everyday
cause i want to know that you do care abt the r.s ; care abt me
i want to know that the r.s and me mean something to you

i am missing you real badly
miss msgin you ; miss talking to you
miss shopping with you ; miss having meals with you
miss holding hands with you ; miss you pinching me
miss walking home with you ; miss you carrying stuffs fer me
i really do miss you

all this will mean nothing if you dun try and give your last shot

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:53


Thursday, April 06, 2006

back from the 3 days 2 nights SL camp
severely deprived of sleep
camp itself was bad ; company`s GREAT!

me and my girls were so late and we requested to be in the same group
i know we are jian ; but we are just 4 shy ppl
we are afraid of meeting new ppl. LOL
ice breaker was bad and i was super glad that my girls are there w me
or else i will just die with the group
but that was just the begining and i was so wrong abt the grp
thru all the games and shermain`s enthusiam
our grp bonded real fast
i really enjoyed myself entirely in this camp with them
the games ; talking ; slacking

enjoys those crazy stuff we do when its close to pitch dark in the hall
everybody will be sleeping
but my group will stay up and tell ghost stories ; play games ; EAT
yupz. apparently the camp food really suck to the core
that we are so hungry in the middle of the night
we have no choice but to order macs
thou its just a few days ; time spent ; memories shared will never be forgotten
it was endless of fun
guess we are the only team that can just slack at one corner and talk cock while the rest are playing the SO FUN treasure hunt

RAPTORS you will always be the no. one in my eyes.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:47


Sunday, April 02, 2006

tons of perserverance ; determination ; self discipline needed
i dunno why you could treat it as nth happen
cause i could never
our r.s is undergoing a test
what will the outcome be? we shall see

SL camp fer the next 3 days
initially din want to go ; no mood to go have fun
but now sorta looking forward to it
meet new ppl ; build new friendships
hope to see familiar freshies faces

all things aside ; the month has just started
no point wasting 30 days thinking abt the same whole thing
whatever has to happen will happen
if this love is meant to be ; it will be in the end

i really want to know that you care
i really want to know that i am someone impt to you
pls prove to me that you deserve one more chance
show me that you cherish me and this r.s

you only have one last shot ; if you missed it
you only have yourself to blame

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @21:27


Saturday, April 01, 2006

if you know what happen then good fer you
if you dunno then too bad

wanting to smile is like a chore now
a smile truly weighs a thousand ton

am i feeling alright or am i just lying to myself?

a new month has started ; i gotta enjoy myself

peeps ; if free pls do ask me out
i dun wanna be alone
i will be lonely
HAAS. crap. whatever

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:51


pRyncess pRissy. 071287. emotional stubborn sagittarius. self obsessed.
cant live wout: orange zen neeon ; black3230 ; strawberries chocolates ; tanning ; swimming ; big screen movies ; late nights ; sleepovers ; talking ; a lil booze ; a lil partying ; my gurlos ; my family

for all the joy you brought to my life ; for all those times you stood by me ; you were always there for me ; my world is a better place because of you. i love you guys. <3

can i have it liddat?

*bliss and happiness
*a lil of material needs as well

lemme hear you

my love goes out to

`aggy `alviin `alyy `beckky `carrol `cherryl `chesttine `conniee `glyyn `j0jjo `jonny `joyyce `leann `lizz `05A7cc `pearll `pett `rutthie `shermainn `smm `tinggs `weiwuu `weizz `xinyyu `yinkii `yunn
`y-vonn `zoeyy

myy freeLANcers

.chinny .jiam .xbc

myy past

[July 2004] [August 2004] [September 2004] [October 2004] [November 2004] [December 2004] [January 2005] [February 2005] [March 2005] [April 2005] [May 2005] [June 2005] [July 2005] [August 2005] [September 2005] [October 2005] [November 2005] [December 2005] [January 2006] [February 2006] [March 2006] [April 2006] [May 2006] [June 2006] [July 2006] [August 2006] [February 2010]