Wednesday, May 31, 2006

am so freaking tired. after class waited fer yinki
so did some marketing. now i think i still have half undone.
im really super tired. gonna slp early today.
had a super full dinner. came home bathed and went dwn to study.
managed to finish reading thru all 5 weeks lectures.
how much my brain can absorb is another matter.

had a nice surprise while studying. =)

im half dead. those dark eye rings are really killing me.
5 more days to freedom! woo hoo!!!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:52


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

despite having morning call from my DEAR wanyi.
i still slept thru the entire morning.
only willing to wake up at 11 and get ready fer school.
late fer AR. din really care. signed attendance anyway. so who cares.
LoL. AR is really becoming me and shermain`s fav lesson.
listening to all the rnb i can find in my zen neon. LoL.

everybody din want to go fer etiquette. but we still went.
haha. nobody paid attention to a single shit she was blabbering abt.
came home aft that. actually im quite a homely girl. i love to come home st8 after school. haha.

i realised ytd i din blog abt culi lesson. it was the first day of operation
and well ; i plucked herbs ; marinated chicken ; made pasta

i really pluck alot of herbs till when i was at the playground talking
those tiny little trees look like those herbs and i have the urge to pluck them

anyway this morning when i wake up i saw our pictures on my wall.
it used to feel so nice to be greeted by that when i open my eyes.
but tday it somehow feels sad to look at that. those good times which we had will only be memories to me.
good times we sure had. but we also have a fair share of bad times.
its those times that makes me feel like a piece of shit to you. haiz.


marketing project due on friday! and woohoo! i haven really do it yet.
im so so so so so so dead. im seriously stuck. any kind soul? =)
haha. my dear boy dropped his phone into the water while catching crab.
haha. and it has to take him 1.5 months to finish servicing his phone.
wahahahahahahahhaha. its just so funny la. i know i shldnt be laughing. but i cannot control. hahahahahhahahahaha. lucky you got a spare phone. imagine being phoneless fer 1.5 months. omg. i can not stop laughing. hahahahhahahhahaha.

things to be done tml.
-study fer CRSPA on thurs
-contd to work hard fer marketing.

im still waiting fer a call. :)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @22:58


Monday, May 29, 2006

if you are reading this please read carefully.
there isnt any other guy who affects my decision to break up with you.
and im not breaking up with you bcuz you have no time to accompany me only.
please get this 2 facts into your mind k.
cause no matter how i tried to tell you in the past. you still think that cause you have no time fer me that`s why im kicking such a fuss.
please! its not!
right. i say you were nv by my side when i needed you.
it does not mean that you have no time fer me.
times when i needed you. like when my grandma was hospitalised ; i was so afraid
i just wanted a comforting hug. but you were no where to be found. you were sleeping. who do i turn to!? my friends!
when i lost my atm card i was feeling bad enough alr
and instead of comforting me you scolded me fer being careless!
that`s not being there fer me.
being in a r.s is not only 2 person in love with each other. there are other factors as well.

i would really want to be strong and get over this.
thou its what i really want ; but im hurting inside as well
there wun be anymore us ; we ; our
there will oni be yours ; mine

if you want to blame me ; hate me
i cant do anything. im really sorry.

thanks pals fer all your concern. =)
hope that i will be well fer all the upcoming tests. =/

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:52


decision had been made. im sorry.
our story has come to an end. i`ve decided to let go.
i din mean to hurt you. but if i stayed on it will oni hurt both of us even more.
feelings has faded. and yes i guess its hard to find it back anymore.
no point staying. honestly i tried so much to think of the happy times to bring back the feelings. but all that came up in my mind are the times when you broke my heart. one time after another. my heart cannot break any further ; its numb alr.
this is how badly hurt i am.

i`ve given you too much chances within this one yr plus.
and yes. i`ve tolerated so much.
when my mum ask me how are we?
why do i feel so wrong to tell her that we`re ok and that im happy?
i feel like im lying to her.
now. when she comes back next month. hw am i suppose to tell her?
tell her that all along i`ve been lying to her ; lying to myself that im happy?
all this while ; i put a smile on my face
tell the whole world that im happy ; but in my heart im not.
do you understand?
simple things i asked ; the reply i get oni breaks my heart.
you wanna know what?
fine i let you know.

things i asked such like if i met with an accident what will you do?
you tell me you have to see if they will allow you to take off.
my gosh. work is more impt than me even when im dying?
you ever wondered how i felt? is this how you will treat the one you love?

another example would be the 2 weeks break we had.
i hoped that you will use the time to reflect on the r.s
why things have to turn out this way.
why am i doing all this. what im feeling.
when i ask you ; you told me you were busy working.
dun even have time to think.
you know how i feel?

enough is enough. you never made me feel special.
my last straw has finally broken.
this aint all. i could just go on and on and on.
how i always wanted to go to the zoo with you. but you never once said lets go.
fer 15 mths. and we cant even go to the zoo once!
fine. one yr anni. and you did nth to make me feel special.
other than the first month and my bday.
what other things you did to make me feel special?
haiz. whatever la.
im too tired to think anymore.
my mind is whirling ard now.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:42


met jt fer lunch just now.
felt so good to hang out with good old friend.
like what he said ; he watched me grow up
haas. you are such an old man!
and like always ; you nv stop disturbing me.
6 yrs ago also same thing!
im no longer the lil girl you used to know ok!

had a great time thou. hope to hang out more often ya.


PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:01


Sunday, May 28, 2006

just came back from dinner. had a rather full dinner.
im getting fatter and fatter. any quick way to lose weight?

anyway john tan called and asked fer help!
JOHN TAN LEI!!!! can you believe it?!
haha. it has been gazillion years.
just talking to him brings me back to those days.
where i was so in love with him like what belle will say
and where he bullied me non-stop
treated me like a lil sis. man. those were the days.
somehow when he just left church feel weird nt seeing him ard on sundays.
feel weird that nobody disturb me during service.
LoL. those were the days. haha.

gonna meet him tml. =)
it has been long. =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:16


Saturday, May 27, 2006

aft aggy left ; wy and i just walked ard
was eating candy floss and resting when you reach`d tp
walk`d thru the other schools which i haven see their stalls
got tickets for spore idol from alvin.
wanyi has 2
i oni have 4 more extras. my girls you wanna come?
8 june 2006. 645 pm.

waited fer 518 and went dwn to town.
walked ard till its time fer me to meet brandon fer my 3rd xmen of the week.
im seriously xmen overdosed.
cabbed home after that.

time pass day by day
its taking a toll on me. i do not know how to tell you.
i dun wan to drop a bomb on you.
but cant you feel the changes?
i really dunno how to say it.
yes. thou i will be the one initiating the break up
but my heart aches as well.

i know you are one nice guy. but we are just not suitable fer each other.
i have really given all to make this r.s work
after all i did ; no desirable results i got.
that`s when my heart was numb and dead to you.
im sorry. i din want things to end this way.
but i can no longer hang on.
i just want to be happier even if it means im gonna be alone

i hope that you will read this. so that it will ease my load of breaking the news to you.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @15:29


Friday, May 26, 2006

back in tp!!!
ate at design. practically alot of TAS students are back to eat as well.
just finished learning log. thanks buddy fer reminding me. haha.
slacking in lab. CCN not that interesting compared to last year.
now waiting fer someone to come and find me.
haas. im rotting in tp la.

memories of doing projects in comp lab.
with all the mamee and pocky. omg.
miss these days so god damn much!

im gonna watch xmen tonight again!
fish and co fer dinner most prob. =)

hope to meet you on saturday. =/

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @15:14


heavy eyelids. kinda tired. dunno why.

missed lectures this morning. cldnt wake up on time.
late fer tutorial too. ya la. im tardy queen la. >.<
aft school finished up with AR and CRSPA.
rushed off to meet belle.
had dinner and yes. we watched xmen. hahaha
wolverine. something i can never get enough. =)
and yes. angel`s body was so hot la.
thou i dun really like him ; but his six pack and everything.
omg. if oni i could have a bf with his body.

aft that met carol fer some coffee session.
just sit there and talk. haha. just enjoy talking to that woman. keke.

am getting irritated by your msg`s as day pass. dunno why.
why couldnt you be like the past? not msging me at all?

mensa or design? hmmmmmmm..
gonna be doing project and visit my lovely 08s. =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:46


Thursday, May 25, 2006

oh my god! xmen just blew my mind away.
i really want to watch it again and again.

i just cant get my eyes away from wolverine.
this time the show is being more than obsess over him
cause the show is really nice and funny at times
OMG!! i still cant believe after 2 years this is what i`ve waited for.
totally worth it!
and i really hope it will still have part 4.
OH MAN! 2 more years? i can wait. haha.

lets go watch xmen again. great date i had.
one that i will nv forget! could you believed it i actually walked home frm ps?
haha. ya i did. time spent are so precious. =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @11:12


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

gotta start on my marketing soon. i dun wish to be killed by my grp mates tml.

anyway tday`s lessons were such a bore.
cldnt make it fer acctg AGAIN.
waited fer the rest and went seah im fer lunch.
feels great to eat with old friends. haha.

first time din fall alsp during AR.
listened alil to ZW. was stoning most of the time.
listening to my mp3 w sher. who will actually pay 100% attention to AR!?

etiquette was way worst. she was just talking non-stop.
we took turns to fill up rachel`s notes. haha.
i was so bored that i wrote that piece of shit.
on a happier note! im watching xmen tml. i still cant get over the excitement!

standing at the crossroad of my life
wishing i do not have to make a choice
which way should i go?
after all this time
if i want to let go , is it a crime?
all the love and happiness i desire
you gave none and put out my heart`s fire
tears and heartached i felt
will always be a mystery to you
now im standing at this crossroad
should i stay? should i go?

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @21:22


yupz. once again due to my lazy bones i couldnt make it in time fer acct.
so here i am bloggin in TAS comp lab. how cool can this be.
not many of you can blog is TAS k. haha. whatever.

great. now that i`ve missed one more lesson fer accts. i dun think i will ever catch up and understand a shit during tutorial. CELEBRATE!
bah. im so lazy la! i cannt afford to be! this sem im gonna give it all!
yupz. prissy is gonna study hard. haha. lets see how long this determination can last la.
haha. im really damn bored and hungry. waiting fer aggy to finish her lect so we can go eat tgt!!

anyway one more day closer to my wolverine!
im watching it tml. whee!!! so happy! damn happy.
after 2 long years of waiting finally im gonna watch it!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @10:57


Monday, May 22, 2006

back from culi. seriously i dun mind waking up at 5 plus and get ready fer culi when i`ll be home by 2. haha.
yupz. reached home rather early. and yes. its super boring!!!
nobody online fer to talk. nth much to do online. BAHHH
msgin you makes me happy. =)

did nth much fer culi tday except fer salad.
not too bad i say. cause we learn how to make different salad dressing.
how interesting la. =)
and yupz. my salad tasted not bad. save`d money fer lunch. hahahha.
it looks damn nice too. refer to pic below. hahahah.

next week we`ll be preparing fer operation alr. dunno how it will be like.
gosh. so nervous. hopefully things will turn out well. =)
anyway. i sliced my own thumb. how clever can i get hur?
yes i know. last yr working in polar everybody warned me not to wash the knives the way i always do it. they say accidents bound to happen. got scolded and stuff. din believe.
now. yay! finally lesson learnt hur! haha. now i have a super retarded thumb.

cant believe. im actually happy and chirpy on a monday!
the thought abt wed`s xmen just get me oh-so-excited.
i can not stop talking abt it la!!! OMG!!!
and part of it ; its the company that im looking forward too.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @15:45


woots. im so happy can!!!
im like so totally have dates fer my beloved xmen 3.
WOOHOO! and daddy said we are gonna watch it too.
woots. i guess i can nv get enough of wolverine hur.
man!!! im so excited la!! its like in 3 days time!!!

all my monday blues gone! thanks to all my sweethearts!!

anyway belle came online just now. i was practically dancing ard.
i was super happy can. so long nv see her. nv talk to her.
was abt to send out the mail alr lor!!!
omg!! we are meeting on thurs. so happy can!!!
aiights. gotta be sleeping soon. culi lesson at 8am tml.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:14


Sunday, May 21, 2006

am so tired. was abt to close this page. and then i realise i took a pic earlier on.
well well. i want to blog abt this couple. super irritating!!!
was over at carls junior fer dinner. the ms outlet.
it was super crowded. no place to sit. so was waiting fer an empty table.
there was this couple who apparently finished eating and was just occupying 4 seats. they aint eating. was just talking. and munching off crumbs.
so tot they are abt to leave soon. went to order food first. came back. waited fer food.
and they are still there. happily sitting. was super pissed la.
our table oni has 1 seat. or else we wld have settled dwn.
so the family behind us was kind enough to offer us their seats as they have alr finished their meals. finally we got to sit dwn and eat properly. finished our meal and the couple are still there sitting dwn and talking. they refilled their drinks a few times la.
i was so pissed!!! they are really inconsiderate!!!
they were totally oblivious to those ard them who really needed their table fer a comfortable meal. i was really irritated. those who were with me too.

thou the pic aint really clear. but well. they are super irritating!!!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:26


Saturday, May 20, 2006

Your Love Life Secrets Are
Looking back on your life, you will have a few true loves.

You've been deeply wounded in the past, and you're still recovering from that hurt.

You prefer a quirky, unique person to be your lover. You're easy going about who you're with, as long as they love you back.

In fights, you speak your mind and don't hold back. You know you're right, and you can get quite angry about it.

Break-ups can be painful for you, but you never show it. You hold your head high.
Your Love Life Secrets, Revealed

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @16:04


was over at carol`s aft dinner.
yeah. saw my baby sweets. omg. he so god damn freaking cute la!
yupz. gonna go up more often alr. haha.

anyway met her and did talk a lil.
well well. reality. it hurts and it sucks.
just take one step at a time. things will work out just fine.
i believe so.

my cough`s back. its super irritaing can.
i seriously hate coughing la. is really super irritating.
i hate to be sick. when can i get well!?

weekend! no dates yet. SADDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:00


Friday, May 19, 2006

guilt overwhelmed me. just bcuz of my own laziness and slpiness.
forget to give someone morning call.
he cannot ord as soon. kena another extra 7.
im such a pig. im such an idiot.
im sorry.

school`s at 1pm. :)
but still i gotta bathe and everything fast fast. cause i think im gonna be super hungry later during lesson.
and woo hoo! its ZW! so excited to listen to her xia.
i had sufficient slp. but if i still fall aslp later.
something is very wrong with her! LoL.

hopefully i`ll get to meet carol later. so much i want to say.
if you are reading this. dun ps me k. :)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @11:17


Thursday, May 18, 2006

forgot to add.
im so god damn freaking excited!!!
cant wait fer it to start screening!!!
WOLVERINE!!! omg. omG. oMG. OMG!!!
and well. pyro`s not bad too!!!

quick quick. 25 may!!! i`ve been waiting fer 2 yrs!!!
ask me to go watch with you! i will gladly do so!!!
unless i watch it fer like 10days in a row then i will turn dwn the sweet offer.
but if you treat me to such a great movie... i dun see why not.
HAAS. imagine i watch it 10 times. the cheapest also will be $70.
omg!!! but fer WOLVERINE!!! hmmmm.

my latest wallpaper!

whee. im counting down to 25 may 2006!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:54


went fer movie w ying and audrey. her bf and fren joined us as well.
poseidon. not too bad. gets me all uptight and emotional.
but i dun understand why shermain cried till so jia lat.
ok what. we all never cry lei. hahaha.

whatever. came home. and woohoo! fever`s back.
how happening can this be la. its super irritating.
irritating the shit out of me! the entire day im feeling perfectly fine lor.
i want go school tml. i dun wan to be sick anymore!!!
its irritataing!!!

came home. took a bath. saw one window blinking non-stop.
and well. it did made my heart skipped a beat. hahahahaha.
whatever. am so tired. gonna sleep real soon!
cause im gonna be a good girl and go fer lecture tml.
not like aggy or rachel. HAAS.

weekend`s coming. and he will be working. anybody wanna date me out?!
im so freaking free. but low budget date k. im close to penniless. =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:49


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

msg`s came. din felt like replying.
even when i reply it was just fer the sake of replying.
mi gosh. priscilla. what is happening to you?
you loved this man so much that you are willing to do anything just to be with him.
now?! you cant even feel a single shit when you see his changes.
why things become this way!? i guess i oni have myself to blame.
i guess i was never a good gf to start with.
demanding your time and attention. throw tantrums at you.
now i can oni break thoses promises i made to you.

i hate ppl who break promises. yet this time round im the one who is doing it.
i really dunno what is happening to me. i just wanna runaway.
run to somewhere where i can be alone and cry my heart out.
no matter how i tried to stop it. it still flowed out.
tears i`ve shed fer him ; fer this r.s he will nv know.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:27


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

din go school today ; been sleeping alot at home.
took medicine. felt better. world`s not spining as much.
not so jelly like. shld be able to pay attention in class tml.

so much running thru my mind these days.
i dunno what to think abt. i dunno what to feel as well.
has the feelings faded? or im just too numb to feel?
i dunno how to keep the r.s alive. i really dun.
yes. i do love you. and i do believe you love me.
but somehow im starting to think that you are not the ONE for me.
im sorry if i`ve hurt you by thinking this way.
but thats how im truly feeling.
i tried so hard to make it work. i tried so hard to make myself feel happy and loved when im with you. well its really tiring. and i dunno how long more i can take.
yes im happy. but oni at certain time. not everytime. fer the past 15 months i think i felt more hurt and disappointment than love.
yes. i hope you can truly touch your heart and answer me that in the past 15 months have you really given me the love and happiness that i truly deserve?
i dun wish to hang onto something that is never gonna come.
i dunno what im thinking. i dunno what to do.
crossroad of life. i`ve reached it.
which way to go!?
can someone please guide me.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:43


Sunday, May 14, 2006

back from dinner with dear.
am feeling so sick.
dun think i gg fer culi tml. really cannot make it.
din even have the energy to walk ard with dear.
just wanna come home and rest.

head is throbbing. head is spinning.
gotta go rest soon.

i miss you. come back soon.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @22:12


im addicted to lin jun jie latest song.
it keeps playing itself over and over in my head.

click view-encoding-unicode to read.


灯光下拖着自己的 影子
音乐重复我们共同 的忧伤
就可以淡忘 明天没有你
In my heart we’ll never be apart
在数位相机里 留下的承诺
每一封简讯 传出的思念
sarang hae yo means I love you
代表着我 离不开你
每分每秒 每一个声音
只有你撒娇 会让我微笑
sarang hae yo 只对你说
I will love you and forever more
我答应 baby you will see
Oh baby I will love you because

a different face came up when i listen to this song. is it a sign!?

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @15:11


babear. if you are reading this
i want you to know that you are truly one fren that i dun want to lose.
you are always there fer me. hearing me out.
whether it makes sense to you or not.
whether its just nonsensical ramblings or things that are affecting me
i know i can always run to you.

thank you for listening to me during the breakfast time.
and yes. i know i can confide everything in you without hiding a single shit.
i know you have the best interest fer mi in your heart and yes you will be there no matter what decision i made in the end.
right babear? (you better be!)

pls do not be stress out by your schoolwork k.
DRINK PLENTY OF WATER! and get plenty or sleep.
its your key to flawless skin. wahahaha.
lets meet up againnnnn!!!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @14:57


met up with ting and chi today. woohoo.
it has been long. haha.
well. did made it fer breakfast w chi at bk despite being late.
what more can you expect by a tardy queen. keke.

walked ard far east. stayed there till 1 plus cause it was raining.
went over to wisma and ting joined us.

just shopped ard. nth really caught my eye.
ting and chi disagreed with the m)phosis bag.
so din get it. =(
anyway had dinner at taka`s B2 ambush.
it`s really a bad place. wasted my money.
never goin back there again.

train`d dwn to bugis. contd shopping.
and woohoo! bought something!
so happy can!!!
got my bag and a pair of berms fer school.
saw this skirt that i really liked.
but din get it cause due to insufficient funds.
will go back there and get it. cause i really like it alot
those long flowy skirts. woo hoo.
yay. im more into the demure look now.

fever`s back. head throbbing.
gonna get some rest b4 i faint on my comp.

no matter how rarely we meet up or talk. you will always have a special place in my heart. <3

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:28


Friday, May 12, 2006

fever gone down a lil.
tim and the rest are gg to mos to celebrate felix`s bday.
no mood to club ; gonna give it a miss

sometimes life is so complicated that you dunno what to do with it.
time time time. time will tell everything.
no point rushing. take your time to know all you need to.
that`s what im gonna do.

its such a boring day. but i had a nice time.
waking up late on a lazy afternoon.
the weather is just so nice can!
aiights. gonna meet him fer dinner alr.

i cant get you out of my mind. i cant forget the way you smell.
i rmb the way you hold me. i rmb the way you look at me.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @18:45


my one long entry just VANISH`D INTO THIN AIR!
im pissed. seriously pissed!

was so excited abt ytd eventful day la!
yes im typing this fer the 2nd time.
after classes aggy came over my place
change`d and well rush`d to RP to meet my girls
we are finally gg fer our long awaited sakae buffet.
well. wei lun and ivan joined us as well. =)
i was so freaking full from my subway lunch la
i oni ate 9 plates. break record alr lor.
eat so little. im damn sad la.
anyway din really get to talk much with my girls.
cause the seating arrangement at sakae sucks like hell!

puked 3 times today.
my stomach was really irritating.
i alr have nth to puke alr.
but the feeling is just so sick.
forced it out. no choice.
luckily head`s not spinning so bad. haha.
anyway yes i was a good gir
lcause i went to school. =)
and yes. i din even finish my dinner.
it was simply too upsetting for my stomach.
grrrr. whatever.

anyway yay! im having fever.
what a great way to welcome the LONG weekend.
right. gonna enjoy my weekend with a TEMPERATURE!
hahaha. sick fark!
aiights. gonna prepare myself fer amazing race ltr. =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:01


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

today is tired tuesday.
im so tired ; overslept
missed culi lecture. by the time i reach school
late fer acct lect. so decided not to go.
instead i went to the lab to print notes.

hmm. still got more notes not printed yet.
will print it soon. hahahahahahha.
shiseido workshop tday.
quite interesting. din know abt so many stuffs.
hahaha. but im still lazy to do all to take care of my skin
well. im super worried abt wrinkles.
so no more tanning fer me. even if tan.
sunblock please. hahahaha.

whatever la. entre is killing my brain cells.
can oni think abt one type of business.
mambo tml night. =)

gotta finish up with entre and slp
im so god damn freaking tired!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:43


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

monday has come to an end.
and well. culi was fun. but super tiring.
maybe due to my lack of sleep?
and well. i wasnt late. was on the dot.
next week. i gotta leave my house earlier.

came home and put my things before heading to hv fer dinner with jiam and mandy
oh wells. nth much. just crapped and everything.
im so full la. from the swensen`s pasta and UNLIMITED SCOOPS OF ICE CREAM.
omg. chocolate freckles. my new found love.

am so tired. gonna pack my bag and sleep and prepare fer school tml.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:33


Monday, May 08, 2006

tml is monday. and i totally hate mondays!
so many things to pack and prepare fer tml class.
it simply sucks like hell la.
my nails are so farking short now.
and yes. the hair net is big enough fer my bundled hair and not my head.
GRRR. dunno how to die tml.
and yes. my tragus stud couldnt be taken out.
im seriously pissed. super super pissed.
my knive set cant even fit into my puma bag. man.
and the safety boots weigh a million tonnes

GOSH! no make up.
how am i gg to meet LANcers aft that?
with so many bags and NO MAKE UP!

i seriously hate mondays!!!
could i just have more labour days!?

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:14


Sunday, May 07, 2006

hmm. weekend has come to an end.
school tml. SUCKS.

he came over during the afternoon to pass mummy her gift
and we went dating. haha. simply love to go on dates.
watched MI3.
nothing special happened.
simple sunday ; simple date ; simple bliss.
yes darling. i like it when you make plans like this.

sighz. gotta wait till next weekend till we next meet.
gonna miss him so. and yes. the both of us super dread fer the day to end.
cause it means i gotta wake up early fer school
and he gotta wake up early fer work.

gotta pack my stuffs fer tml`s culi class.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:21


"if you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don`t speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. it can be anything you want, either good or bad. i promise not to go after you with a parang or whatsoever."
its always a fun to know what other remember about me. esp those close to my heart. =)
thank you.
much love,

ripped from em`s blog

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:57


dunno wazzup with me.

the entire day im super pissed.
piss with every single living thing
piss with every lil thing
piss with mum ; piss with him
so piss till i went shopping with mum and got nothing
that`s how piss i am

after being online fer awhile ; things are ok alr.
now im smiling and laughing
cause i have a babear that loves me so much that she is changing my taggy
so she can tag. =)
well. peeps out there thank my babear.
you guys can tag normally and i can be free from anymore taggy complains.

yinki your blog is seriously cracking me up!
really. really. what kick the box session
i really miss you loads. wout all your nonsense daily.
life is such a bore. =(

i really dun like the way you are spending your sat night.
2 nights in a row. i really dun like. im piss!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:41


Saturday, May 06, 2006

aiights. after a torturous week. i finally went to the doc
and yes my cough is getting better

just need a few more dosage of medicine and rest.

mum`s back last night. hopefully get to spend sometime b4 she leaves this weekend.
man. the few days never seems enough fer us to spend it with her.
im so drowsy from the last dosage of medicine.

let me smile widely and welcome the coming weekend.
hopefully get to spend it with him as well. it has been days
keke. aiights. im really super tired.
gotta sleep.

im so jealous can! aggy and sher are like enjoying their night away.
i wanna go also!!! i seriously have the urge to club.
but there`s my cough and mum factor.
GIRLS! next wed pls. do not disappoint me will ya!?
HAAS. whatever.

update again. =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:47


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

if coughing my lungs out is not bad enough
i now have stupid red eye.
its not itchy or pain ; its just red
irritating lei!
woke up with swollen eye. which was super red.
at first couldnt even open my eye.

school was bad. the oni best part was lunch when me and my girls went to subway.
thou wy was not there. it was still fun.
seriously i dun mind gg subway to eat every single day
if the "fare and square" is gonna greet me with those kinda food.
and straight aft my happy lunch gotta see zhang wei.
omg. she totally brought me to lala land.
yes. pannie aggy and me were sitting right infront and sleeping. wahahah.
was so excited to print notes when i was in the lab fer less than 15 mins
the warning came up. so irritated can!
came home with home cooked food. i love it.
been long since i eat at home.
somemore daddy made my fav chicken.

finish`d acct tut. so proud of myself.
gonna pack bag soon and sleep.
meeting my baby tml aft school. woohoo. so happy!!!


PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:02


Monday, May 01, 2006

there`s school fer the next 4 days.
and im so not looking forward to it.

anyway dine`d at pizza hut just now.
finally i got to fulfil my craving fer pizza this few days.
haha. was so full can!
im still so full. hopefully can sleep soon on a not so full stomach.

anyway the weekends are over so soon.
how i wish time will just stop when i have him by my side
but now i gotta prepare myself fer school.
mentally ; emotionally ; physically

guess what? i keep thinking abt the beancurd at chomp chomp.
i so wanna go back and try all the flavours. =)

well. talk`d to dear abt some stuffs.
and yupz. we are gonna save up fer a trip this yr end.
yeah! im so happy! i will look forward to it.

yay. gotta go pack bag and sleep.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:57


woohoo. it has been real long since i went dating w my bf on saturday

ytd was like the best day in months. haha.
met him over at potong pasir mrt.
went over to ps and bought tickets fer 2110 movie at marina square
yes yes. we watched cartoon. the wild.
haha. aiights. aft we got the tix we shopped ard ps ; taka ; wisma
was so tired of walking so we went over to ms.
aft dinner went fer movie
home`d aft that.
thou its just a simple saturday. but im enjoyed myself.
and i want more of such saturdays. =)
just having you by my side. holding my hand as we walked dwn the streets
telling me "that skirt so short. the top so low."
haha. =)

din really shopped or buy anything yet.
cause my source of income is not here yet.
maybe tml i might get my m)phosis bag.
i cant wait to buy it bring to school. haha
my puma bag is way too big. others are mainly sling bags
so. i kinda need that bag. anyway i dun buy bags fer school that often.
=) and this is cheaper than my puma one. so i think its worth it.
and yes i freaking need a new jacket. waiting fer mummy to be back to go shopping with her

so bored. staying over at dear`s aunt hse.
she went fer a short trip. so we are here taking care of the dogs.
he is such a responsible man. lookin at him doing all the housework kinda let me see what kinda man he will be when he has a family.
and yes we are gonna have a dog tgt. =)
oh man. im thinking too much. i dun mind thinking nonsense.
i dun wanna think abt tuesday when i have to go all the way to TAS fer lesson.


PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:43


pRyncess pRissy. 071287. emotional stubborn sagittarius. self obsessed.
cant live wout: orange zen neeon ; black3230 ; strawberries chocolates ; tanning ; swimming ; big screen movies ; late nights ; sleepovers ; talking ; a lil booze ; a lil partying ; my gurlos ; my family

for all the joy you brought to my life ; for all those times you stood by me ; you were always there for me ; my world is a better place because of you. i love you guys. <3

can i have it liddat?

*bliss and happiness
*a lil of material needs as well

lemme hear you

my love goes out to

`aggy `alviin `alyy `beckky `carrol `cherryl `chesttine `conniee `glyyn `j0jjo `jonny `joyyce `leann `lizz `05A7cc `pearll `pett `rutthie `shermainn `smm `tinggs `weiwuu `weizz `xinyyu `yinkii `yunn
`y-vonn `zoeyy

myy freeLANcers

.chinny .jiam .xbc

myy past

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