Friday, June 30, 2006

woohoo. ZW`s talking non-stop w nobody paying attention.
i dun even know what the fark she talking abt. and yes. next week im having a test on it. bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
sitting at the back of the lab rocks! eating. and talking. and surfing online aimlessly is great.

last night was a shitty night. this morning i really hate to leave my bed.
but still got up and got ready and went dwn and meet him.
had breakfast over at potong pasir b4 i leave for school.
he was such a sweetheart. acc me all the way to harbourfront and then he had to rush back for his driving at 1230. haha.
hmm. who doesnt like to be escorted? well. definitely nt me.
it was good. seeing you for awhile b4 i leave for school. no more such thing when you start work next week. :(
well well. changes changes. life is filled with changes. '
im gonna deal with more changes when time comes. :(
just have to learn and grow along with it as time pass. im strong. i can deal with it.
im really high on nothing xia. i just wanna laugh at every single thing now. and shout ZW! you suck! hahaha. whatever la.

school`s ending late today. imf talk from 6-7. interview aftwards.
WC is gonna be interesting tonight. argentina vs germany.
YEAH MAN! germany is gonna win it! KLOSE IS MY MAN! hahahahhaha.

right right. i dunno what im talking abt. all random stuffs. pardon me peeps.

any moment spent away from you is too long.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @14:31


nth much. ended school early.
crazy groceries shopping.
1st week of school is coming to an end.

hate this time of the month.
mood swings. super emo. hate it hate it.

long day tml. got the stupid imf thing.
dun even know if i`ll get it. cant be bothered anyway.

dunno what`s running thru my mind also.
i just know that im not happy. i dunno why.
dun ask why. i really dunno. nuff said. nights peeps.
hope that i`ll have a great weekend. im yearning for a great weekend. i really do.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:58


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

i seriously need an alarm clock!
i couldnt wake up in the morning for classes. my hp alarm is useless.
bad. missed marketing. late for accounting.
how bad can the day be.
anyway got back my accounting paper. i passed.
27.5 / 40
not good i know. but still im happy that i pass. haha.

etiquette project was cancelled as both lab were in use and library is full.
went dwn to ps early and waited for him to come.
walked ard and went over to cathay to get tickets.
i was happily waiting for my chance to choose the seats when he told the person he made a booking. i was totally surprised ; shocked ; loss of word ; dunno how to react.
actually i think it was rather sweet. haha. whatever.
went dwn for a smoke and waited for time to pass.
finally time for movie. watched superman. the movie quite long. almost 2.5 hrs.
and the story line not v nice also. its just interesting to see that he is a man of steel. haha.
was kinda disappointed with the movie la. anyway had dinner at carls` jr b4 coming home.
and now im here typing this shit and not wanting to do my concept map.

not gonna be late tml. wanna bet? hahahahaha. its gonna be hard. lolx.
whatever it is. cramps are killing me. and i finally know why im so emo the past few days. hahah.
and im seriously craving for chocolates and ice cream!!!!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:57


back from my daily routine - visit to the playground. C:

now its time for a book review.
i just finish reading A Crack In Forever by Jeannie Brewer.
well. it is something v different from all the other romance i read.
this book there`s no happily live forever ending. death forced this 2 people who are v much in love apart.
eric moro and alexandra taylor met by fate and got tgt by love.
things were going on great until one day eric found out that he is infected with aids.
he know that his future and dream will be gone. but he din bother. what he cared most was alex.
he was infected by his ex gf, tiffany, who used to do drugs and they shared needle. that`s hw he got infected.
alex did not leave him, continue to stay by his side cause she love him.
day by day ; eric got weaker. alex switched jobs to spend more time w him.
their wedding got postponed indefinitely.
alex knew that one day eric gotta go. but she refuse to accept that.
anyway, eric died in the end and alex managed to face death in the face boldly.
the title was explained in a way that brought me to tears. i cant really express it in words like this. if you have the chance. do read it. it will change your life somehow.

i cried buckets. its so awful to see the one you love die b4 you and there`s nth you can do.
and it dawn on me that life is so fragile. anything can happen anytime. and there will always be insufficient time for you to do all you want. insufficient time to spend forever with the one you love. this book made me wanna hug everyone and tell them i love them. i know i often take my family for granted. but they are the most impt ppl in my life. (: im so afraid of losing my love ones after reading the book. and separation from someone you really love. i never want to go thru the pain of losing someone i love like alexandra.
this just got me thinking so much. if im so afraid of losing someone who i really love then maybe i should prevent myself from getting into the pit. so i will not feel the hurt and despair when that happens one day. right?!

if you are reading this. i want you to know that im really scared of losing you ; be separated from you ; to know that one day you will not feel this way abt me anymore.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:17


Tuesday, June 27, 2006

i dunno why im so tired. i still cant believe hols are over.
i want more late and lazy mornings.
went school for 3 hrs of etiquette only.

met that silly boy before coming home. apparently he wants to see how i look like in formal.
now. trying to do something for my spa project.
im having a super bad craving for ice cream!!!!!

its a 10-3 day tml. and im happy. school is ending early for me every wed from now on.
woohooo! no more BOE! so happy la. keke. want date me peeps? on wed ya. LoL.
aiights. gotta work on my spa now.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @21:33


thousand and one thing is going thru my mind.
im going crazy. i need a nice shoulder to lean on.
im sick of being strong. i just wanna be weak now.
i need time off. so that i do not need to worry abt reaching school in time for lesson esp with the post after effect. haiz.

can i not be strong for once?

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:02


yay. first day back at TAS. realise i kinda miss it.
haha. anyway had culi lesson today.
and well. its quite ok. burnt my hand a lil. still ok compared to the burnt i had in the past.
haha. had debrief at 4pm la. and that stupid J.S still say next week onwards wil have this kinda shit. omg. i will end v early next week onwards lor. SUCKER!

came home. rest awhile and changed and went for a swim.
i really love the feeling of being in the water.
went for dinner aft that. my first proper meal of the day.
and well. while eating i saw someone who i din really want to see.
whatever la.

came home. sat at the playground and talk again. its amazing how time could pass by so fast just by talking to you. actually there are just so much to tell you. but sometimes somethings just cant be said out liddat. i also dunno what rubbish i talking now la. BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
pieces here and there. cant organise properly. im so tired. i wish............................. =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:32


Monday, June 26, 2006

goodbye term break.
no more enjoyment for me anymore.
its back to travelling to and fro sentosa 5 days a week.
being late for classes almost every morning
complaining non-stop abt school
not paying full attention in class.
well well. this shows im not a good student.
but then again its all these that makes school life memorable. (:
best part of all. say hello to all my pilling projects with deadlines that love me so much that they keep moving closer to me. sighx.

woke up this morning and went over to granny`s.
long time since i went there. and i felt real bad. i do love my granny loads.
sometimes just get so caught up with life that i neglect spending time w her.
not gg dwn to visit her. gosh. have to start making it a habit alr.
anyway much to do there as usual. so left abt 6plus.
met that silly boy over at farrer park mrt and then we travelled to tpy central.
well well. something confirm happened to my umbrella uncle.
no more chocolate and attapchi ice cream for me.
the ice cream i ate all these years. nothing could replace the $1 joy i have from that ice cream! ):
saw jordan outside the lib. missed working at msh.
those nonsensical stuffs we talked abt. those fun times.
esp working w andy. miss andy ; jashawn ; marco ; jason
the best collegues in the world.
took care of me like a lil sis. (:
had dinner. finally got to satisfy my wanton mee craving. (:
came home. talked plenty. went over to playground again.
time just pass by so fast. i wish that time will stop when im with you.
i really dread packing my bag. cause i will have lesser time to meet you.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:39


Sunday, June 25, 2006

pics from today`s camwhoring session

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
shady loves
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

our super candid pictures. haha.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
take a good look at my beloved babear. she is one of a gem! a friend for lifetime. i can still rmb the first day in peirce you are my first friend. and our friendship has blossomed so much since then. friends for life hur!

good night peeps. im farking retarded. i know. (:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @04:09


yay! finally met up w my sweetheart pomelo.
hahahahhaa. miss her so much la. been at least 2 weeks since i last met her.
she was so late today la. and its v unusual cause most of the time im the one who is late.
hahahahaha. anyway we went to nana thai restaurant for lunch
omg. lucky we din order the medium pineapple rice. or else. we dun need to walk alr.
the pineapple rice was delicious. esp w those prawns. so fresh!
and yupz. my babear shell`d the prawn for me.
how sweet can this sweetheart be. (:
no wonder i love her so much
we ate and we talked and we talked and we talked.
just enjoy talking to that girl. so we left aft much talking and when some of the food start digesting. hahahah.
wanted to buy new nail polish. but there`s no more stock. how cruel can life be!?
when i finally want to spend some money. there isnt anything for me to spend.
grrr. walked over to taka and went to mango since they were having sales. (:
we spent near to 2 hours there. searching. trying. deciding. hahahahahahah.
we each bought 3 tops. (: after shopping. was thirsty. went for milkTEA. not milkshake. haha.
and well that`s where the cam-whoring started.
after finishing our drinks we went upstairs and took more pics.
omg. so pai sei la. we were doing all sort of weird things and there were so many ppl walking ard. omg. lucky nobody i know walk past. or i can just dig a hole and hide my face! LoL.
trained home aft that. i cant believe it. how can time pass by so fast whenever im enjoying myself. sschool is starting soon. and i wish we can really meet up more often. like every wed. we have a secret date on every wed right babear? hahahhahaa.

came back and waited for you at the playground.
told ya. its a daily routine that cant be missed. haha.
just love talking to you. i really do. (:
everything feels so right just having you next to me. (:

monday school`s starting soon. and i totally dread it!
cannot meet you as and when we like. haiz.

you just said something that bring tears to my eyes.
you said you will make sure there aint anymore nightmare.

its a promise that aint easy to make.
thanks for saying that. (:

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:24


Saturday, June 24, 2006

managed to catch the 1230 RV at balestier.
the show`s funny. but not as funny as i expected.
saw the upcoming adam sandler trailer- click.
OMG! im so gonna watch it. my quirky funny adam sandler!
after the movie walked over to novena for chicky rice.
it has been long since i last ate that.

anyway macs happy meal are giving away snoopy again
i was just complaining the other day why they stopped producing snoopy stuffs. haha.
am so gonna eat happy meal to collect all 8
i alr had my v 1st one.
im definitely a happy girl. (:

came home and chatted at the void deck b4 time`s up.
well well. its amazing how time pass by so fast whenever im with you.
esp when we are talking. i have never enjoyed talking so much to someone i like b4.
the feeling is amazing.
you`re now over at chalet. and it feels weird not chatting w you online.
im missing you. (:

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @04:04


Thursday, June 22, 2006

finally get to eat my hotcakes with sausage and ice milo.
woke up real early for that. came home an hour later and catch up with my sleep.
was super reluctant to wake up and meet my girls.
in the end im late. i mean what`s new right?
hahaha. but there is a even more tardy queen compared to me.
yes darling. im talking abt you.
you know who you are. hahahahhahha.

enjoyed my 5 hours of singing with the girls at cine frezzing kbox.
it has been super long since we went singing tgt.
wan yi ; sher ; yinki and me
felt great. super fun. me and wan yi shared my rather useless shawl.
hahaha. and we kept refiling tidbits till the waiter and waitress know who are we lor.
so pai sei la. wahahahahahaha.

was lazy to pick up my winnings. gonna do that tml.
talked at the playground b4 coming up.
it has kinda become a routine. meeting at the playground and talk.
tonight`s topic aint exactly something that i will really want to talk abt.
i gotta be strong for me and for you
take one step at a time and everything will work out.

movie tml? sounds good. C:

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:03


staying awake for the 3am match. i think its gonna be EXCITING!
thou watching it alone abit lonely. but its ok. C:

went back to school today for CRSPA. did alil.
forget to bring thumbdrive. clever me.
so stayed in school till almost 5 plus.
reached home after 6. waited for you to come by.
walked ard and just talk.
these kinda lil moments we share are so precious.

came home for dinner. yipee! daddy cooked!
miss home cook food.
watched the portugal vs mexico match.
my heart was really racing with each seconds that ticked past.

mac breakfast tml? hopefully it will be a successful one.
HAAS. aiights. wish me luck!
im gonna root for holland!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:29


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

was supposed to wake up early for breakfast.
but then me being me. overslept again.
and yes. im the one who caused the disappointment in not eating the breakfast.
GRRRRRRRR. but but we were there at 11am sharp!
and they say no more. :(
this manager not nice. the other time i only wanted hashbrown.
the manager is willing to fry ONE for me.
SEE! im really super duper upset.
whatever. ended up eating brunch at MOS burger. keke.

came home ; bathe and got ready to go out.
wanted to catch a movie. but then the timing sucks.
so ended up just roaming ard and eating.
enjoyed myself. :)
but each time i see you take your wallet ; stupid things are running thru my mind again.
met up with mandy and jiam for dinners.
its dinner like this that makes me feel jolly. cause i miss them.
and those days in NY. lovesss sweethearts.

back to school for SPA tml. SUCKS!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:47


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

supposed to go for some treetop walk at macritchie.
but sad to say. its closed on monday.
so ended up wandering aimlessly with nature.
went to prata house for dinner. man. i miss that place.
i was so full. cant even eat indian rojak. cant even eat ice cream.
ice kimo was so near yet so far.
haas. it has been long since i ate ice cream.
but come to think of it. i had one last night. but not the creamy type i want. HAAS.

project cancelled tml. so mac breakfast shall be it.
hopefully i can wake up for it tml.
super looking forward to it.
meeting jiam and mandy for dinner as well.
yay. miss those 2 crazy woman.
we are gonna eat ban mian! woo hoo! HAAS.
tml will be a better day.

my thougths send me on a carousel
i hope i can stop thinking abt all these.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:49


Sunday, June 18, 2006

right. liquid was... alright.
the music so-so. the crowd weird. and i was super not high la.
everything i rmb so clearly. so the not high part made the night kinda not that fun.
but then again. clubbing w my girls ; enjoying with them is the best part.

cabbed home w yinki and halin.
that silly boy was feeling stress and confuse and whatever.
ended up talking to him b4 gg up.
and yupx. kinda worried. hope everything is well ya.

anyway slept abt 5. woke up at 10 plus this morning.
woke up and started preparing daddy`s lunch.
thou its not VERY nice like restaurant standard.
but still he liked it. :)
soup ; main course ; drink and dessert.

the not so appetising main course.

but it was depleted quickly. and i heard a few satisfying burps. :)

so bored now. gotta start rotting soon.
1 more week of hols. and seems like its project everyday.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @13:15


Saturday, June 17, 2006

planned a nice lunch for daddy tml.
its father`s day. :)
hope everything turned out fine. a 4 course meal

a bored saturday. did nth much. just lazing ard.
bought ingredients for tml`s lunch.
had dinner at crystal jade.
and now its time to get ready to liquidfy with my girls.
no more heels. at least for tonight.
hope it will be fun.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @20:29


just finished talking w carol.
im super duper angry la. you are one such bastard.
dun want to say alr la.
if you are ever reading this.
YOU SUCK! and im glad that everything is over!

last night was great. stayin at ecp. doing nth much but talk.
well. the booze does help a lil. talking nonsensical stuffs.
my eyes were so dry. dint bother to wake up for sunrise.
dint want to wake up for breakfast too. hahah.
in the end we got caught in the rain for almost 2hours.
cold and tired and hungry. omg.
thank god im not sick now. haas.

liquid tml night. hmm. sounds great. :)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:07


Thursday, June 15, 2006

now im in school waiting for them to finish marketing so we can start on CRSPA.
im feeling ok. no hangovers. hahaha.
just that my legs are like going to give way anytime.
head is a lil spinning. and my ears are ringing.

last night our usual gotham was having some weird event gg on and there`s no freeflow. so went over to momo for drinks. cabbed back to mos abt 12 plus.
audrey was damn funny la. i cannot stop laughing at that. hahahhahah.
the crowd was bad. they were squeezing here and step.
keep stepping on my toes. URGH!
there was seriously insufficient space.
and well. last night the music was.... weird.
hahahahaha. other than that im hapy with it. hahahah.

audrey and yinki left early. leaving me ; aggy and shermain in the club.
there was this bastardized bastard who really needs a slap.
he`s dancing with his girlfriend ; and behind his back he was trying to hold shermain`s hand. wtf la. and yay! there was no despo guys last nights. but those who tried to dance with shermain was FUNNY! mwahahahahahha.
next week. more of such fun girls! haha.

gonna stay out tonight. not going home. tml`s mac breakfast. something im looking forward to. :)
whole night staying up late. and just talk. :) kinda looking forward to it too.
now. i think im gonna eat b4 they start on spa. im hungry. hahah.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @15:34


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

went to ubin this afternoon.
the sun was real bad at first. but dark clouds covered it up for us aft awhile.
aggy was the kind soul who double biked me. :)
that place is really bumpy and rocky.
no point holding the map also. cause reading it doesnt help.
halfway ; wei hua`s bike chain came off. aggy and rachel went to help.
and they used up 2 pkts of tissues to clean their hands.
after sitting at some shop for drinks we were really lazy to cycle somemore.
thou i would want to contd cycling to the quarry and the temple.
hahahha. but guess everybody`s tired.

ubin`s green everywhere. and i dun like green.
its disgusting. if we really wanna build a resort.
there is alot of freaking shit to do! yikes.

am so tired. came back and went dwn to discuss abt tml`s ecp trip.
hahahhaa. daddy walked past la. so funny.
luckily we were just sitting and talking. hahaha.
now. i gotta go bathe and get ready to party with my girls!
clubbing as a single. :)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @21:03


was late for marketing`s meeting this morning.
supposed to meet at 11. i woke up almost 11.
i know. im such a crap. i just felt like killing myself.
reached there and everything ended by 1230.
haiz. i better buck up. or else. its really bad peer appraisal.

right now. tryin to do some some for CRSPA.
at least its getting somewhere
tml`s ubin day. meeting 1230 at changi.
dun want to be late. dun want to be burnt.
dun want to be sting by mosquitoes. dun want to fall into a puddle of mudd.
right. aggy ask me to bring brolly.
yikes. i dun want to be caught in the rain.
wet and cold and away from mainland! YIKES!

tml night is finally party night. but its also
SPAIN`s first appearance in world cup. cant believe im gonna missed it la.
but its ok. SCV. i love. there are gonna be repeats. woots!
im so gonna enjoy myself. it has been long

anyway today met up w carol aft my project.
after roaming aimlessly in town we went over and look for helen.
and somehow sitting dwn there brought back tonnes of memories.
how i used to enjoy working over there.
with all the girls. it was super noisy and happening.
and definitely it was the place that i met him.
and well. somehow it just bring back memories of us working tgt.
going to eat tgt. me waiting for him to end work.
he coming over to pick me up from work.
suddenly im missing him so much.
but what can i do!? i chose this route alr.
was reading the storybook earlier on and there`s this part there says
"i do love you, you`re a great man, ..... but just not for me"

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:26


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

finally out to breathe in fresh air!
was out to watch cars. haas. yes cartoon.
weird that its guys these days who wanna watch cartoon instead of girls.
it was not bad thou. storyline. teaching the kids that winning isnt everything.
educational. at times it also serves as a reminder for the adults too.
time to reflect peeps!

its back to tp tml for marketing project.
and i`ve yet to start on my part. gonna start soon. hahaha.
no aggy ; no rachel ; no wei hua.
tml will be a sad day.
lunching w myself.

anyway i had a bad dream last night.
bad dream. sometimes i wonder how strong a friendship can be?

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:41


Monday, June 12, 2006

so sick of staying at home.
been home for more than 48 hours. somebody just save me.
finally fever went down. i can feel my energy building up once again.
hopefully im goin out tml. :)
tml night still gotta do marketing. sucks la.
i have no clue abt what to do. totally no clue.
ZERO! lets see what kinda shit i can squeeze out.

next week kinda planned out alr. yupz. a rather busy woman.
but mostly its projects! how wonderful can my holidays be.
but its ok. wed night will be the time to destress. haas.
yupz. waiting for it for soooo long. right girls?

been a tv junkie today. watched 2 nice movies.
cheaper by the dozen and soul plane.
man. both definitely cracked me up! its super funny can!!
haas. managed to spend sometime w myself too.
been thinking some stuffs. nopex. not abt him.
i`ve manage to take a chance ; make a risk and breakaway from the vicious cycle that i`d been for so long. i do not regret anything. im glad things are the way they are now.
i`ve moved on. C:

monday`s blues are here again. sucks la.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:05


Sunday, June 11, 2006

yay. im running a temperature again.
dunno what`s wrong with me.
i feel cold but yet my body is hot like dunno what.
haiz. hate getting sick. cause its a sucky feeling.
feeling dizzy too. :(
sorry my dear girls. i couldnt make it to liquid.
i was really looking forward to it.
stayed home the whole day. had been slping most of the time.
hopefully by tml will be ok alr.
din even finish my dinner. my one and only meal of the day.
sighz. weekends. my hols. cant even enjoy. sucks la.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:57


Friday, June 09, 2006

was in town this afternoon.
went over to cineleisure to watch benchwarmers.
not bad. quite nice. quite funny.

movie ended abt 530. so early lor.
walked ard and then went home. so no life right.
how much life can i have when mum`s around.
haiz. dunno la.
somehow told her that me and james are no longer tgt.
and she asked me to take dwn our pics on the wall.
somehow those pics just remind me of those good days.
i do miss it. but somehow im angry at myself for thinking so.
over means over alr. no point. face life pris!

yupz. im so fed up with my thoughts of you and your memories.
liquid tml. kinda excited. =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @22:32


right. blogger is farked up
came home after project ; had dinner and went kboxing with mum and sis.
been long since i sang. haas. had quite a nice time there too.
somehow my voice not suitable to sing today.

did my etiquette alr. haas. so difficult to find certain things la.
keep asking me to buy book. i want to eat them up la.
so irritating leiiiiii

anyway tanning session tml is cancelled.
yinki has to do project last min.
so gonna be out with whoever that dates me out.
haas. mum`s only leaving on sat. feelings got cheated la.
supposedly thurs ; then fri ; then now sat.
omg. haiz. somethings are just so hard to tell her.
she still asks me abt james. if he`s working? why he nv ask me out.
what am i suppose to say. its so difficult to tell her that we are no longer tgt.
haiz. next month. next month i will tell her. =/

im so fed up with my thoughts of you.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:31


Thursday, June 08, 2006

it was raining this morning. couldnt make it to ubin.
maybe its a sign that we are not suppose to go.
haha. now in school. doing project.
so boreddddd.

last night was too tired to blog.
woke up and shopped with mum.
surprisingly there aint much thing fer me to buy.
so yay. no shopping done. hahah.
we were over at J8 and all of a sudden i looked up at action city
and yupz. he was working there.
my heart raced. din know what to do.
told mum there`s nth to shop up there we shld leave.
so yupz. went dwn to swensens fer ice cream.
man. i dunno what i`ll do when i see him.
i also dunno how to react.
i haven even tell mum. grrrrr.

had dinner over at MS carls` junior.
super full. walked over to esplanade.
enjoy the night with a lil sea breeze.
it was simply perfect. except that the sky was rather cloudy.
not much stars to be seen. =(

missed mos last night. tonight also giving it a miss.
man. i really wanna club.
this sat girls. and the next wed and the following wed ya.
ladies nights are made for us. hahaha.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @14:37


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

accounting paper is over!
careless mistakes here and there ; ignorant of what to do as well
hope i will pass. just a pass is good enough to keep me happy

had lunch at norgan vazz with tim ; felix ; rachel ; aggy ; sher ; yinki
that smelly place i miss.
thou its smelly but i love the baked pasta.
trained dwn to town after that.
caught the 250 da vinci code with yinki darling.
yes i know we are super slow. but then again i watched it.
so who cares. >.<

alot ppl gave comments on the show. its boring ; not nice
negative comments more than positive ones
was kinda skeptical whether shld i watch it.
anyway the movie was NICE!
4.5 / 5 popcorns.
haha. actually i think it depends on individual.
and yupz. the movie i know its fiction.
so not gonna really believe in jesus and mary magdalene is tgt or what.
but well the movie did made me think that
"could all that i believed all along be a lie?"
there are so much to ask.

whatever. mum sis and granny were over at ps
such a coincidence ; we walked over to meet them
went dwn to bugis to shop ard and had dinner.
haha. guess yinki and my mum had a nice talk.
LoL. yupz. those talkative and expressive genes were inherited from my mum.
and im proud of it. cause im proud of my mum.
thou she`s not perfect ; but to me she is
of course there are flaws in her ; but still she`s my mum.
my mummy dearest.
when i saw what work did to her thumb. it broke my heart.
it really does. it cuts my heart to know that she`s suffering.
sometimes i just wish i can faster graduate and work
and support my parents. so they do not have to work anymore.
seeing them working so hard just to let me and my sis have a comfortable life sure breaks my heart. no matter how much they are going thru in work ; they still grit their teeth and make do with it.
so often in life ; we take simple things like this for granted. things that are right before me and yet i dunno how to appreciate. my parents they are the greatest regardless of what others think. i love my mummy and daddy. =)

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:41


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

met up fer lunch at design.
ate cutlet instead of chop. REGRET!!!

went over to library to study with my girls.
just the 5 of us. good old times. i really miss the get together.
studied quite abit. and yes. alot of doubts are so much clearer now.
hopefully tml im able to do the 3 qns wout much difficulties.
i seriously dun want to fail and look dumb.

mum`s back. mos w aggy on wed?
I WANT! but dunno what will she say. see how la. tml then ask her la.
i seriously itching to club la. but i dun want to upset her.
so i shall see how la. BAHHHHHHHHH.
maybe i shall just wait till sat. liquid liquid liquid.

paper tml.god bless.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:23


Monday, June 05, 2006

had a super tiring day.
woke up at 10 ; prepare for breakfast w jon and tc.
it was great time spent with those 2 frens.
they did made my life in PSS more bearable
i will look forward to our next milkshake date ya!

jon left aft that to meet slackaroo.
me and tc went to LJS and studied. only managed to study abit.
heart abit not there ar.
anyway saw my cute lil mole over at LJS. haha.
how small can spore be man. miss that girl so much. =)
anyway freeze till 530 liddat then went over to swim. woohoo!
from 6 all the way to 8 and then it was dinner.

felt glad when i received your call and sms. =)
and well did meet up awhile b4 i went home.
feels so nice to see you around. =)

and well its back to tp tml. ACCOUNTINGS!!!!!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @03:03


Sunday, June 04, 2006

ignore my previous post.
my mind is actually still whirling around.
i dunno what is truly going on in there.

i need a good cry. i really need it.
i need to let it all out.
but how am i suppose to do so?
i think after the cry im able to settle down and move on

james if you are ever reading this.
you are such a special person in my life.
you sure were. and you will always be in my heart.
i know you love me alot. and you shld know i sure did.
in fact you are the one i love most in my entire life
more than daniel. im sure of that.
but somehow we are just not suitable fer each other
and to prevent more damage done to either of us
i have to grit my teeth ; pluck up all my courage and bid you goodbye
i know you do not deserve this.
i din want things to end like this too. im really sorry.
im sick of the way being treated by you.
im sick of being contented with what you can give me
im sick of lying to myself
im sick of suppressing all the feelings i feel.
dear. if you could still allow me to call you that one last time.
i really do love you but i have no choice but to say goodbye.
yes i do miss you. i miss not having you around at times.
but come to think of it ; you were never really around.
those happy times will always be a part of me.
be strong k.
i know this sound cliche ; but we could always be friends.
if we are really meant to be ; we will be in the end

under the smile ; its actually sadness
its hurting inside ; im crying but not on the outside anymore

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:31


met up with carol and jin hai today.
well. it indeed made me feel better.
at least im not as depress as last night.

finally the ringing has stop. and i do not know whether am i happy or sad.
but somehow i know i wanna move on with my life.
being single and carefree.
free to meet all my friends
free to go out with whichever guy i want.
free to go clubbing and not be guilty of anything.
free to go after my own happiness
free to enjoy the attention i get from him.

now the second phase of my current situation is actually facing myself.
and im afraid of doing so. im afraid of knowing what i truly want.
right. running away has always been my forte.
but i dunno if i shld do so anymore.
but im just afraid to face it. whatever.
i can take all my time. cause i know you will give it to me.
in the meantime, enjoy singlehood.

i want you to know that thou i miss holding hands with you
miss walking back home with you
miss meeting you at the interchange
miss having dinner at central with my fav ice cream aft that
time will never turn back
we gotta look forward and move on with life
thanks for all those memories
it will be safely kept in my heart
goodbye and take care

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:23


Friday, June 02, 2006

these are my confessions

[ ] I'm afraid of silence.
[ ] I Talk A LOT when I get really nervous.
[ ] I am really ticklish.
[x] I'm afraid of the dark.
[x] I'm afraid of facing my back to open doors atnight.
[x] I can't sleep in a room if the door is open
[ ] I can't sleep in a room if the door is closed
[ ] I am afraid of gay or lesbian people.
[x] I believe in true love.
[ ] I've run away from home
[ ] I listen to political music
[ ] I collect comic books
[x] I shut others out when I'm sad.
[x] I've stayed out all night.
[x] I open up to others easily.
[ ] I am keeping a secret from the world.
[ ] I watch the news
[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs.
[ ] I love Disney movies.
[ ] I am a sucker for green eyes.
[ ] I am a sucker for brown eyes.
[x] I am a sucker for blue eyes
[ ] I dont kill bugs
[ ] I have an "x" in my screen name.
[x] I've slipped and fell in public.
[x] I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation
[ ]I love Spam....
[ ] I bake well
[ ] I have worn pajamas to class.
[x] I have owned something from Abercrombie.
[ ] I want a better job
[ ] Talked on a phone for 6+ hours.
[ ] I love Dr. Phil.
[ ] I like multiple people
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
[X] I am self-conscious.
[x] I love to laugh.
[ ] I have smoked a pack in one day.
[ ] I loved Lord of the Flies.
[ ] I have cough drops when I'm not sick.
[ ] I can't swallow pills.
[x] I have a lot of scars.
[ ] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.
[x] I love chocolate.
[ ] I bite my nails.
[ ] I am not comfortable with being me.
[ ] I play computer games when I'm bored.
[x] Gotten lost in the city.
[x] Thought of suicide before.
[x] Seen a shooting star.
[ ] Had a menage a trois.
[x] Gone out in public in my pajamas
[x] Have kissed someone really strange....
[x] Hugged a stranger.
[ ] Been in a bloody fist fight with someone of adiff. sex.
[ ] Been in a fist fight
[ ] Been arrested.
[x] Laughed and had some type of beverage comeout of my nose.
[x] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
[x] made out in an elevator.
[ ] Swore at Liberace.
[] Kicked a guy where it hurts on purpose
[ ] Been skydiving.
[x] Been bungee jumping.
[ ] Gotten stitches.
[ ] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour
[x] Bitten someone
[ ] Been to Niagara Falls.
[x] Gotten the chicken pox.
[ ] Crashed into a car...
[ ] been to Japan.
[x] Ridden in a taxi.
[x] shoplifted
[ ] Been fired.
[x] Had feelings for someone who didn't have themback.
[x] Stole something from your job.
[x] Gone on a blind date.
[x] Had a crush on a teacher/coach.
[ ]Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[ ] Been to Europe.
[ ] Slept with a co-worker, and/or employee.
[ ] been to New York
[ ] Been married
[ ] Gotten divorced
[x] Saw someone/something dying.
[ ] Have a list of people you want to kill.
[ ] Driven over 400 miles in one day.
[ ] Been to Canada.
[x] Been on a Plane.
[ ] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[x] Thrown up in a bar or club
[x] Eaten sushi.
[x] Been snowboarding.
[x] Continued to care for someone sooo much even though you know you can't have them
[x] taken a picture just for the sole purpose ofputting it on myspace/friendster..
[x] Been ice skating
[x] Cried in public.
[ ] Walked purposely into trafficwith your eyes closed.
[ ] been at a party and instead of giving out yourphone number you give them your mypsace nameand say look me up
[x] liked someone even though you knew you shouldn't have.
[x] Thought of someone a lot lately.
[ ] Hate the world.
[x] Love someone who doesnt realize it
[x] have your cell phone permanently attached toyour hand/hip
[ ] cried over a guy/girl you didnt even go out with

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @15:41


i dunno what`s wrong with me.
i just want to be alone. im gg swimming alone later.
it has been long since i did that.
i just wanna spend sometime with myself and sort out some thoughts.

guess coming home early on a friday aint doing me any good.
life sucks. period.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @15:29


finally done with my marketing.
entre mr lee say still has some problem. but im too tired to care abt it.
shld be can pass one la. im gonna ignore whatever he said and just submit.
haha. what`s the point of asking him then right? i also dunno. LOL.

my brain is totally dead now. cant think of anything alr.
thank god. there`s no test tml. if not i can jolly well bang the wall.
anyway our dear ZW is so sweet. make me go school fer 2 hours earlier! when i can slp fer another 2 hours comfortably in my bed. grrr.decided not to go fer it.
but then come to think of it. i need to hand in my projects as well. might as well go fer it.
just slack and stone in her class lor. attendance will be taken. not so early take my annual leave. wahahahahhaha.

anyway had a great dinner just now. was over at changi v.
sitting by the beach ; looking at the wonderful night
sky planted with stars. omg.
it has been super long since i had looked at such a beautiful starlit night.
shooting stars saw a few. so excited can! hahahahahahahahahaha.
felt so silly when i was making a wish. =)

aiights. gotta go pack my bag alr. if not. tml no need see ZW alr.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @03:37


Thursday, June 01, 2006

right now in the lab waiting fer test to start.
totally has no mood to study fer it just now la.
dunno why all of a sudden i think abt you.

felt that im being unfair to you.
all of a sudden everything came crashing dwn to you.

msg`d carol. she said its not being fair to who or unfair to who.
but its being fair to my own feelings.
i have to let go somehow. if not i will nv let it go.
its true. but its so difficult to let go.
im not gonna run back to you. i made the decision and im gonna stick to it.
this im very sure.
somehow everytime you call my thoughts get all jumbled up.
stop doing this to me. will you?
if you want back your stuffs you can just send me a msg and i`ll see what we can do.

am i really that soft hearted? is that really my weakness?
i dunno. after all it has been more than a year. its not easy.
i hate to think of you. tears well up in my eyes.
i want to move on with my life. but somehow something is holding me back.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @14:06


pRyncess pRissy. 071287. emotional stubborn sagittarius. self obsessed.
cant live wout: orange zen neeon ; black3230 ; strawberries chocolates ; tanning ; swimming ; big screen movies ; late nights ; sleepovers ; talking ; a lil booze ; a lil partying ; my gurlos ; my family

for all the joy you brought to my life ; for all those times you stood by me ; you were always there for me ; my world is a better place because of you. i love you guys. <3

can i have it liddat?

*bliss and happiness
*a lil of material needs as well

lemme hear you

my love goes out to

`aggy `alviin `alyy `beckky `carrol `cherryl `chesttine `conniee `glyyn `j0jjo `jonny `joyyce `leann `lizz `05A7cc `pearll `pett `rutthie `shermainn `smm `tinggs `weiwuu `weizz `xinyyu `yinkii `yunn
`y-vonn `zoeyy

myy freeLANcers

.chinny .jiam .xbc

myy past

[July 2004] [August 2004] [September 2004] [October 2004] [November 2004] [December 2004] [January 2005] [February 2005] [March 2005] [April 2005] [May 2005] [June 2005] [July 2005] [August 2005] [September 2005] [October 2005] [November 2005] [December 2005] [January 2006] [February 2006] [March 2006] [April 2006] [May 2006] [June 2006] [July 2006] [August 2006] [February 2010]