Saturday, July 15, 2006

this place holds too much memories.
some too painful to look at.
just wanna look forward and move on.

i am moving on fine with my life. (:
i will be strong and be happy. no more tears!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:16


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

its a wednesday. and im home. gosh.
so bored la. school ended so early. slacked ard and went home w yinki.
both of us were like. so early. really must go home?
lolx. not really used to being home early.

this is what i`ll do to curb my boredness.

Do you prefer to sleep or talk to a friend when it gets boring in class?
Do you wave hi with a smile or a serious face?
` obviously with a smile. who in the world says hi with a serious face?
One thing that you like about your house?
`my wall of fame.
If you were left with five months to live, what would you do?
`spend time with all the love ones in my life
What is your favourite brand of shoes?
`mphosis and urs.
The last time you cried because of someone?
`i think i cried bcuz of me
Chocolate ice cream or chocolate bar?
`greedy me says both. (:
Rudest thing you have done to your teacher?
`i have always been a good student. haha
What's the good thing about schooling?
`i get to see my friends at least 5 days a week
The first thought when going to tampines mall?
`i miss that place. cruising thru the shops aft school
The last song you downloaded?
`sweet home alablama
Which part of your body is itchy and aching now?
`my shoulders and neck are aching. my eyes are itchy
Worms or cockroaches?
Punk rock or slow rock?
`slow rock please
Yawn with your eyes open or closed?
If you can have a choice, would you prefer to be friends or attached with someone you love now?
`i wanna be with the person i love. (:

aiights. gotta change and get ready for joggin! yay!
imma healthy girl. LOL!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @18:25


i agree with yi wei. this year is a bad year for the 87s love life.
saw quite a few examples myself. went through it too.

my dear friend. if you are reading. i want you to know that im always here for you.
im glad that you said by talking to me i helped you a lil.
its a nice feeling to know that im helping someone.
but that`s the least i can do for a friend.
im in no position to make a decision for you. the final decision lies with you.
i can only guide you ; give you advice
since you have alr made the decision ; i`ll stand next to you
to support you ; to help you make through it
its not gonna be easy. esp when you guys have been tgt for quite awhile.
the emotional attachment. that`s the hardest.
for a moment in your life you will feel so lonely and lost.
and wonder is this the right decision.
dun fret. you have me and all your other friends.
when time comes ; you might be happier

be who you used to be. and be happy. (:

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:53


accts paper sucks like hell.
i know i can balance it. but i dunno what was my mind thinking.
other than balance sheet. the rest was really crap.
how would i know why spore uses specific provision?!
its rubbish!!! whatever la. cant be bothered much also.

after the paper went dwn to meet mandy and jiam.
it has been quite awhile since we last met.
had dinner at manhattan. hmm. the ambience was really nice.
the food not too bad as well. but then again.
the calamaris were too much. not gonna touch that in a month or so.
guess all 3 of us were really terrified of calamaris after that meal.
it has been so nice. eating. talking. laughing. taking pics.
just enjoy meeting them. catching up over a simple dinner. (:

came home ; walked past the playground.
and i realised it has been long.
missed sitting ard the playground. :/

this friendship is here to last. (:

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:42


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

no lect tml. whee.
can study for acctgs alr. but doubt i can do it.
whatever la.

meeting jiam and mandy for dinner tml.
at glasshouse. (:
been long since i had a nice and luxurious meal.
haha. thank god mum`s back. got a lil extra.

am so happy now. am a happy lil girl.
bliss and happy in my own world.

gotta slp alr. nights world.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:15


Monday, July 10, 2006

back from world cup finals.
and boo. lost money. but the match was real exciting.
it was really weird seeing zidane got red card. his head was really made of steel.
hahahahaha. it was funny and disappointed at the same time.

din had a good sleep. now back at home.
so worn out. gonna get a nice nap and wake up and study for acctg.
woohoo! a test that im bound to fail! woo hoo!

whole body aching. esp my neck and shoulders. and i dunno why.
i really need a massage. any volunteer? haha.
whatever. gotta slp. too tired alr.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @14:36


Sunday, July 09, 2006

right. some thick skin guy came over and talk to me when its 0104 on a sunday morning.
which means its 090706.
and that is jonathan lai jun yi`s 19th birthday!


this is for you only ok.
4 years in peirce. ever since sec 1 ; days were so enjoyable with you ard.
from the vanhalen days with pure entertainment and shit.
it was crappy and funny. you did changed alot jon.
you grew to be more mature and more handsome.
AYE! dun be too proud ok!
but somewhere you are still the crappy funny jon i knew.
hmm. when we went to sec 3. we kinda drifted apart. you had emil.
and i had a new group of friends. with ting ting and all.
but somehow our friendship is able to withstand such circumstances.
6 years had passed. we are now leading our own lifes.
dun get to meet often or talk often but i know that you are always there for me.
thou you never said it. i knew it. right? you better be. haha.
and yes im always here for you.
there will be many more years to come for us to contd celebrating this friendship.
you still owe me and tc a date dwn to billy`s.
we can always meet up for breakfast during the weekends.
this friendship is a part of me. you are a friend i din regret knowing and i never will.
i treasure this friendship. (:
i love you jon ; friends for life yea!
and once again


PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:48


germany vs portugal later on. trying to keep myself awake.
gonna watch that. im betting that`s why. haha.
thou germany`s my fav but im betting on portugal.
dun ask me why. its just my gut feelings.

anyway mum`s back! yay! haha.
last month i was searching high and low for loose powder and tada!
this month she came back with christian dior`s.
i was surprised. cause i din expect such good quality one.
i told her no need buy so ex and she said it`s things you are putting on your face! so nvm. haha.
whatever la.

today i practically rotted the whole day at home la.
how sad right! its a saturday with no date.
but me myself and CRSPA. finally after so much editing and justification im finally done!
can take a breather for a couple of days. finally.

finals tml. so excited. cant wait for it.
cant wait for the company too. it will be great and fun.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:21


Friday, July 07, 2006

im totally worn out. tired. stress. body aching all over.
woke up early this morning for bk breakfast.
must faster use the coupon b4 it expires. haha.
after breakfast walk`d ard ; went to tpy park and rest
b4 i leave for school.

had SPSS test. and well it was really shit. guess the whole cohort had no idea what that thing was talking abt and nobody feel confident abt it. whatever. its over alr. no point mulling over it. just pray and hope for the best. (:

went for marketing lecture. thou im like super tired i managed to stay awake and pay attention to her. not bad hur. guess marketing is the only lecture that i enjoy attending. LoL.

travelled dwn to hougang and meet yinki sweetheart.
we had a date. a date w the gym as well. haha.
thou its not really fruitful but then again its a good start.
once every week. slowly the frequencies will increase.
spent 2 hours there and now im aching all over.
i just wanna go for a full body massage. gosh. how heavenly that will be.
acc her to clinic b4 gg home.
feels so nice to come out from the bath. hahahahahaa.
now im super not motivated to do CRSPA. im so tired.

wait for hair to dry and i`ll hibernate with my bed.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @23:30


im stress up by whatever shit that i gotta do.
im so grumpy in school today.
i just feel pissed at every single thing.
lucky im able to contol it ; or else i will snap at every single thing.

CRSPA is finally somewhere near done.
just gotta let my buddy see and if its ok. TADA! one load off!
hmm. AR objective is nowhere to be seen.
tml`s SPSS test is unprepared. dunno hw am i gonna die!

anyway im so wide awake now. with a nap earlier on and a stupid mms sent by JT.
i really cant slp!
i totally want to kill him la. that idiot v clever lor. send alr dun want answer my call.
i was so scared la. im alone in my room ; late at night ; stress.
that idiot! i really want to kill him la!

fine fine. gotta go. if not i will never get to wake up tml!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:03


Thursday, July 06, 2006

hurt and damaged done.
im such an idiot!

put on a smile ; be strong ; and be the priscilla everybody know.
tml will be a better day.

not gonna go for lectures.
firstly. dun think im gonna make it.
secondly. think my eyes will be too puffed up.

CRSPA tml. din do shit today.
match in 15 mins.
portugal my fav. but feelings say france will make it.
lets see hur.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:46


1. Do the following WITHOUT complaints
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours
3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged
4. Start your post with "I have been tagged!" then do this.


favourite colour: white ; orange ; purple
favourite food: prawn mee
favourite song: so sick-neyo
favourite day of the week: friday. can slp late the next morning
favourite season: autumn

current mood: exhausted ; happy ; tied down
current taste: nothing
current clothes: tank top and shorts
current desktop: wolverine from xmen 3
current toenail: colourless :(
current time: 1249am
current surroundings: my room. cosy.
current annoyances: projects. and my "fav" girl
current thoughts: monday`s morning WC final

first best friend(s): wileen
first crush: ong jun han
first movie: i cant rememeber!

last cigarette: thy shalt not smoke
last drink: ice lemon tea
last movie: superman returns
last phone call: mummy dearest

have you ever dated your best friend: nopex.
have you ever broken the law: yes.
have you ever been arrested: nopex.
have you ever skinny-dipped: nopex.
have you ever been on tv: yupz.

5 things you are wearing: tank top ; shorts ; undies ; specs ; ear studs
4 things you done today: went to school ; went to ikea ; meet him ; talk
3 things you can hear right now: run it ; msn ; keyboard
2 things you are going to do: get a drink and contd w CRSPA
1 thing you do when you are bored: amuse myself and ppl ard me

tag? Aggy ; Babear ; Ting Ting ; Yi Wei ; Alvin

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @00:57


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

just finished talking w mum.
she`s definitely a hip one. cause she`s mine.
haha. which mum will call you up and say she wanna bet w you on the match later on?
haha. i love my mum.

anyway. she called up again aft our bets.
and she talked to me abt stuffs. like my love life. lolx.
she is really concern over the fact that me and james are no longer tgt.
she told me she msg`d him and ask him how is he.
well. and he answered saying that he feel that its unfair to him cause he has to work and cant acc me and i want to break up bcuz of that.
up till now he still dun get it. its not bcuz of that.
and yes, mum asked if he still got contact me and stuff.
i told her no. and she told me that if he really cherish this r.s he wun let go so easily.
i agree. judging the response i get aft the breakup ; its quite saddening and heartbreaking.
but still its ok. i`ve moved on. i gotta be strong.
mummy told me quite alot of things and well i agree.

isnt it irritating. when i have finally decided to let go and move on.
something just come and refresh your memory. tear open your wound which is healing.
is this fair to me? no it isnt!
i stepped out of my shadow and walk in the light.
now all of a sudden im in the shadow again. this feeling sucks totally.
its hurting so bad. tears are flowing again.
think im just too weak to be strong.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @22:56


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

BESE presentation is screwed. hope i dun get the entire grp in trouble.
haiz. dunno what`s wrong with me la. suddenly so nervous.
guess too long nv present alr. whatever la.
its over and im screwed. period.

met yinki for dinner. walked ard to get some essentials and back home.
short catch up like tis is treasured.
we are all busy with our own projects since we`re no longer in the same class and in the same grp for projects.
time spent are really the minimal. everybody making an effort to catch up is appreciated.
really. (:
had a great time talking. talking abt all things. sometimes i wished the train journey could be longer. cause it seems like i always do not have sufficient time talking to her. haha.
its ok. we got friday. (:

anyway here i am. back at home. trying to work some stuffs out for tml`s marketing PBL sharing. and its really bad. cant believe im in such a grp. lucky is just one project w them. if not. my complaints will never end. hahah.
friendster daily horoscope says : Your energy won't be consistent, but you'll still be able to get a lot done now.
true. im so tired now. but i still have to get EVERYTHING done!
still got CRSPA Learning issues ; AR objectives ; AR test to study.
but aft tml. can slack abit la. yay!

to end on a happier note ; we still have one more week to go b4 you start work.
yay! can watch finals tgt alr! yay!

germany wins tonight and i will win $10 from my mum. haha.
my mum was really hip! msg`d me ytd to make a bet w me. she is like all the way in KL! haha.
i love my mummy!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @21:48


finally done with the BESE speech.
i din even have time to do my marketing. im dead shit tml!
i totally forgot that i need a freakin speech till wei lun used my comp and print his speech in the lab this afternoon. grrr. whatever la.

culi today was rather fun. working at petit is so much more relax than rits.
maybe cause we were use to the high pressure in rits hence compared to petit its nth.
we were all "kop-ing" food whenever possible. all the food staring at you. how to resist such temptations. omg. the onion rings!! haha. gonna eat at petit tml. LoL.
anyway was late for class today. late by 30 mins. and its totally not my fault!
cause its freaking youth day and the entire spore students who have holiday decided to enjoy in SENTOSA! of all place sentosa!!! i was really boiling la! GRRRRRRRRRR!
KIDS!!! GROW UP MAN! there are places like east coast ; west coast ; pasir ris beach. LEAVE SENTOSA ALONE! okok. whatever. its over alr.

bought muffins back for sis ; granny and definitely not forgetting that silly boy. (:
came home for dinner and left for ice cream soon.
again, we`ve failed to eat B&J`s. you better hurry up. or else.........
-evil laughters-
whatever la. so tired. gonna slp soon.
tml 1130. cannot late!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @02:30


Monday, July 03, 2006

culinary quiz
BESE powerpoint

CRSPA learning issues
Marketing report
AR test

gosh. there are just so much on my to do list.
sometimes i wish that i could have more than 24hrs a day.
well. actually it all boils down to time management and discipline.
ya la. im someone who is super bad in time management and my discipline aint that good as well. >.<
but currently im still ok with it. haha.

grr. marketing. grrr. i dunno what`s my group doing la.
stupid mr ram! if it wasnt for him.
i would be with my girls doin marketing.

school`s at 11 tml. totally have no idea what`s in store for us.
at least get to wake up later. and when i think abt the fact that there`s debrief.
it aint that bad to get the later shift. haha.

its a new week. and this week aint gonna be the same.
at least from mid-week onwards. hope things will still turn out alright.
i want more of dutch lady choc milk. it`s been awhile since i last drank cups of that.
and yes. somebody still owe me B&J`s dublin mudslide.
please own up before punishment is imposed on you. haha.

When I think of you I get this feeling that I want to see you. I miss you.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:21


Sunday, July 02, 2006

met up with zhen you last night just for catching up.
been missing out loads on each other lifes.
great time spent. talking and laughing.
always there to cheer me up when im down.
always there for me. (:
such a great brother!

he slacked ard with me while waiting for the late guy.
haha. said to meet at 930. only leave his hse at 930.
after that i went over to clarke quay`s china one and watched the england vs portugal match.
me for portugal and him for england.
man. first half was really a bore! second half not too bad.
i simply love watching penalty kicks!
WOAH! ricardo was the man last night!!
he saved lampard`s and gerrard`s goals!
gerrard smug face before his try was irritating! and that look aft ricardo dived was priceless!
haha. whatever.
anyway yes. i was simple elated that portugal got in! and they are gonna be against france next!
portugal can do it. finals pls let me see germany vs portugal!

after the game. walked dwn to esplanade. slacked for awhile b4 coming home.
was super tired. my eyes hurt like mad.
woke up to wei hua`s msg. grrr. project project project.
whatever. sunday and im home. bahhhhhhhhhhh!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @16:26


Saturday, July 01, 2006

i was practically skipping ard the entire house when i saw Lehmann saved the second goal.
nono. no shit abt germany being the host country and whatever ok.
the penalty kicks are no lies. the entire world saw it with their own eyes.
all thanks to KLOSE for the equaliser so that i could enjoy the breathtaking ; heartstopping penalty kick! hahahahhaha.

GERMANY! im gonna see you in the finals!!!
hmm. i miss oliver khan. hope to see him in action soon. lolx.
madness me!

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @03:19


woots. its time to welcome a new month!
haha. month of july! few birthdays to keep in mind.
9 july : jonathan lai.
15 july: chrystabel
19 july: mummy
21 july: shu fen

well well. at least this 4 are the ones worth mentioning.
im sorry if you`re not listed here. gotta let me know when`s your birthday ya. haha.

waiting patiently for the result from today`s match.
i want germany to get in!

hmm. still feeling superbly emo. i dunno why.
came back from playground ; super reluctant to go home knowing that i wun be meeting you tml.
i wished that time could stop.
i just want one more min. one more hug. one more kiss.
checked up some stuffs on italy. did the math and woah. i really gotta start saving now. or else i can say goodbye to my trip there next year. sighz. we shall see how la.
i can be all weak and vulnerable now.
but when time comes. when i turn 19.
i gotta be strong. gotta be so strong that i can just amaze myself!
i know my friends will be there for me. (:
right right. i cant take it anymore. back to the match peeps.

PRISS threw a coin into the pond @01:25


pRyncess pRissy. 071287. emotional stubborn sagittarius. self obsessed.
cant live wout: orange zen neeon ; black3230 ; strawberries chocolates ; tanning ; swimming ; big screen movies ; late nights ; sleepovers ; talking ; a lil booze ; a lil partying ; my gurlos ; my family

for all the joy you brought to my life ; for all those times you stood by me ; you were always there for me ; my world is a better place because of you. i love you guys. <3

can i have it liddat?

*bliss and happiness
*a lil of material needs as well

lemme hear you

my love goes out to

`aggy `alviin `alyy `beckky `carrol `cherryl `chesttine `conniee `glyyn `j0jjo `jonny `joyyce `leann `lizz `05A7cc `pearll `pett `rutthie `shermainn `smm `tinggs `weiwuu `weizz `xinyyu `yinkii `yunn
`y-vonn `zoeyy

myy freeLANcers

.chinny .jiam .xbc

myy past

[July 2004] [August 2004] [September 2004] [October 2004] [November 2004] [December 2004] [January 2005] [February 2005] [March 2005] [April 2005] [May 2005] [June 2005] [July 2005] [August 2005] [September 2005] [October 2005] [November 2005] [December 2005] [January 2006] [February 2006] [March 2006] [April 2006] [May 2006] [June 2006] [July 2006] [August 2006] [February 2010]